PAC Minutes for December 2015
Kindergarten –
Issue was raised about eliminating technology usage in before / after care as students are allowed to use electronic devices prior to 8:30am and after
3:30pm. Mr. Mollica stated that before / after care rules are uniform among the four elementary school and that eliminating technology completely would be very unlikely.
First Grade –
A parent expressed concern about clarification concerning the new food policy. As it currently stands, the teachers should send an email long before a party occurs, stating exactly what foods will be served. It was also clarified that fruits / vegetables are ALLOWABLE even if they are not provided in individually sealed packaging; however, it is imperative that the preparing parent ensure that every measure to prevent cross contamination has been taken.
Second Grade –
A concern was raised that the district has too many half days, which present a burden to working parents. Parent inquired if activities such as Bingo or movies could take place during those days. Unfortunately, coordination of such activities would be too large an undertaking those days, and would conflict with the Book Fair during the conference half days.
Third Grade –
A parent inquired as to why third graders are not given letter grades. This is a district based issue that would fall under the realm of Brian Heineman.Thus far the district has adopted the education philosophy of a Standard Based Reporting System. It was discussed that parents should have a detailed understanding of their child’s progress based on conferences and the report cards details. Also, third graders are subject to the PARCC testing which should provide an indication of how the student is doing among their peers.The possibility of a spelling bee was raised. Spelling bees are not done in our district was it is the district philosophy to provide activities that utilize and encourage critical reasoning skills (ie. Science Fair / Destination Imagination etc.)
Fourth Grade –
A parent inquired about the lunch menu. It seems it is difficult to obtain the menu at the beginning of each month. Mr. Mollica is working withfrom Aramark in order to ensure the menu is distributed in a timely manner.
Fifth Grade –
Follow-up to last months issue concerning the health / Weller presentation. Mr. Mollica met with the fifth grade teachers and the teachers were all in agreement that they would prefer to keep their classes together. During the Weller presentation girls will sit on one side of the cafeteria and boys on the other.The playground issue was also revisited. It may be customary in the future for parents to sign a waiver that their children are allowed to participate in recess activities such as the monkey bars.