Registration Form – St. Joseph Church Religious Education
*Father’s Name / *Envelope # / *Mother’s Name / Maiden Name:Home Phone: / *Cell Phone: / Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Work Phone: / Religion: / Work Phone: / Religion:
*Email Address: / *Email Address:
Student’s Address: / Apt. # / City: / State: / ZIP:
If registering more than three children, please attach an additional form.
Student Name: / Date of Birth: / Registration Fee :$50.00 for one child
$75.00 per family
/ $
School Attending: / Grade in School: / Rel. Ed. Grade Last Completed: / Rel. Ed. grade this year:
Baptism Date: / Church of Baptism, City, State: / Sacramental Fee
First Eucharist ------$40.00
Confirmation ------$60. 00
Additional fee covers cost of retreat and other activities during the sacramental year (religious education grades 2 and 9). / $
1st Eucharist Date: / Church of 1st Eucharist, City, State:
Student Name: / Date of Birth: / . / $
School Attending: / Grade in School: / Rel. Ed. Grade Last Completed: / Rel. Ed. grade this year:
Baptism Date: / Church of Baptism, City, State: / $
1st Eucharist Date: / Church of 1st Eucharist, City, State:
Student Name: / Date of Birth: / $
School Attending: / Grade in School: / Rel. Ed. Grade Last Completed: / Rel. Ed. grade this year:
Baptism Date: / Church of Baptism, City, State: / $
1st Eucharist Date: / Church of 1st Eucharist, City, State:
I have read and understood the principles stated on the reverse side of this form.
Parent Signature Date / TOTAL: $
If the cost of registration presents a hardship, please call
the religious education office to discuss alternatives.
St Joseph Catholic Church • Office of Religious Education
Youth Faith Formation (CCD)
11007 Montgomery Road • Beltsville, MD 20705
Rev. Msgr. Karl A. Chimiak, Pastor
Laurel Montoya, DRE
Recognizing all that the Lord has done for us, we commit ourselves to help further the mission and ministry of the Church at St. Joseph Parish.
We realize as parents, we are the primary teachers of our children, particularly in the ways of faith. We promise to teach our children to practice this faith by attending Mass each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation, as mandated by the laws of God and His Church, by preparing them for the faithful reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, and by seeing to it that they receive these Sacraments regularly. We will continue with the Youth Faith Formation program (CCD) concluding with the Sacrament of Confirmation in 9th grade.
We accept responsibility of maintaining our registration in the parish and to contribute to the Offertory collection of the parish each week by using our envelopes and so establishing a record of our attendance. (For attendance purposes, it is important that you drop your envelope in the basket each week, even if you are not enclosing a contribution. Envelopes received through the mail or dropped off at the rectory are not evidence of Mass attendance). We accept responsibility of involving ourselves in the mission, ministries, and activities of the parish to the best of our abilities.
We understand that we must sign this covenant in the space provided on the reverse side of this document in order to register our child(ren) in the Religious Education Program indicating your understanding of these principles.
Classes start Sunday October 15 at 9am
2017 – 2018 School Year