Transit Research Update

Contents- May 2009

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Transit Research Analysis Committee Letter Report: May 26, 2009

2009 Mobility Planning Services Institutes - Brochure


Center for Advanced Transportation Initiatives

Travel Management Coordination Center

Wireless Communications with Passengers in Subterranean Environment


FTA Strategic Plan Workshop

GOROO - Multimodal Door-to-Door Trip Planner System

Site Visit to Camden County Workforce Investment Board (CCWIB)

Draft Report to Congress: Transit Green Building Action Plan

State of the Art of Personal Rapid Transit (PRT)


Will Stimulus Funds Put Transit-Oriented Development Back on the Fast Track?


Transportation, Technology, and Environmental Challenges Explored at ITS America’s 2009 Annual Meeting and Exposition


49 CFR Part 40 - Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug And Alcohol Testing Programs

Feasibility Study on the Use of Personal GPS Devices in Paratransit

FTA Low-Speed Urban Maglev Research Program – Lessons Learned

A Guidebook for the Evaluation of Project Delivery Methods

Motor Carrier Efficiency Study 2007 Annual Report to Congress

Preparing Coordinated Transportation Plans: A Guidebook for State Departments of Transportation, NCHRP Research Results Digest 331

Profiles of 511 Traveler Information Services Update 2009

Progress and Challenges in Implementing and Evaluating the Job Access and Reverse Commute Program

Special Report: Transparent Government Solutions

Wireless Passenger Communication System


International Transportation Learning Center

New Zealand Transport Agency: Pathways Newsletter - April 2009

Report: Rail Could Replace Domestic U.K. Flights

RESEARCH NEWS & RESOURCES – Transparency & Open Government

Fast Lane

D.C. Metro’s Catoe Named Top Public Transportation Manager

DC Metro Re-launching Next Bus in July

FHWA's "Successes in Stewardship" Newsletter

FHWA Research &Technology Now - May 2009

New federal CTO Chopra reveals early plans

New York MTA Approves Fare Increase

Proposal for a High Level ULTra PRT Circulator at the Perimeter Center, located in Suburban Atlanta, Georgia

Transportation as a Fulcrum of Change: Project for Public Spaces Congratulates New Jersey Transit on ITE Best Project Award

Transportation, Technology, and Environmental Challenges Explored at ITS America’s 2009 Annual Meeting and Exposition


Transit Research Analysis Committee Letter Report: May 26, 2009
The Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Transit Research Analysis Committee (TRAC) has delivered its letter report to the Associate Administrator for Research, Demonstration, and Innovation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA). This May 26, 2009 letter report is the sixth such report since the committee was established in 2004 to advise the FTA on the federal role in transit research and development (R&D) and on processes to promote this role. The committee’s membership includes managers of urban and rural transit properties, as well as U.S. and international experts in transit research, management, and technology drawn from academia and the private and nonprofit sectors. [More Online]]

2009 Mobility Planning Services Institutes - Brochure

Easter Seals has announced the expansion of the popular training program formerly known as Easter Seals Project ACTION Mobility Planning Services Institute (MPS). The new Mobility Planning Services Institutes now has two separate 2009 training opportunities: 1) Accessible Community Transportation Institute, and 2) Senior Transportation Institute. MPS institutes are where disability, senior services, and transportation leaders meet to forge strong community partnerships. Community leaders willing to work together to tackle local transportation issues, remove barriers, and find solutions are encouraged to enroll in one of the Mobility Planning Institutes. Note: Easter Seals Project Action is funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and administered by Easter Seals, Inc. The National Center on Senior Transportation is funded through a cooperative agreement with the FTA and administered by Easter Seals, Inc. in partnership with the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. More Online [ Download the 2009 MPSI brochure in PDF format |


Center for Advanced Transportation Initiatives

Project NJ-26-7001-02

Funding: $525,150.00 Schedule: February 2009 - August 2010

Performer: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Administrative Services Building, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903

Contact: Paul J. LarroussePhone: (732) 932-1700 Fax: (732) 932-1707

FTA Project Monitor: Terrell Williams, TRI Fax: 202.366.3765

Email: [

Description. This cooperative agreement supports Rutgers University’s transportation research, education, and workforce training programs. Under this effort, the Center for Advanced Transportation Initiatives will advance four objectives: 1) Further expand and enhance the university’s transportation-related research and educational portfolio; 2) Advance regional awareness of transportation issues and opportunities; 3) Address local and regional transportation challenges that are in line with the federal government’s priorities; and 4) Address high-risk/high reward type projects of interest to FTA. Online at [

Travel Management Coordination Center

Project NJ-26-7068

Funding: $700,063.00 Schedule: January 2009 - September 2010

Performer: Camden County Workforce Investment Board

420 Benigno Boulevard, Suite B

Bellmawr, New Jersey 08031

Contact: Leona Tanker Phone: (856) 931-9999 Fax: (856) 931-6565

FTA Project Monitor: Aletha GoodineTRI Fax: 202.366.3765

Email: [

Description. The objective of this project is to support the efforts of Camden County Workforce Investment Board (Board) to develop a replicable and scalable Travel Management Coordination Center (TMCC), as part of the United We Ride and Mobility Services for All Americans (MSAA) Initiative---Phase II. With its background in human service outreach, strong stakeholder involvement, and utilizing intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies, the Board will develop a more fully coordinated system of transportation that would create efficiencies for both riders and providers—the TMCC. Thus, the TMCC will increase access for all transportation disadvantaged customers to all local and regional modes of transportation, ranging from State transit agency (NJ Transit) to community and faith-based organizations, and local municipal and county operators. Online [

Wireless Communications with Passengers in Subterranean Environment

Project PA-26- 7009

Funding: $200,000Schedule: April 2009 - June 2010

Performer: Drakontas LLC

115 East Glenside Avenue, Suite 1

Glenside, Pennsylvania 19038-4618

Contact: Alan KaplanPhone: (215) 887-5570 Fax: (215) 887-0390

FTA Project Monitor: Terrell Williams, TRI Fax: 202.366.3765

Email: [

Description. Communications in subterranean environments represent a severe challenge for transit agencies around the globe. This project supports the efforts of Drakontas LLC, the Port Authority Transit Corporation (PATCO), and Drexel University to develop and deploy a wireless communications system for passengers in subterranean environments. Passengers stuck on trains in transit tunnels face uncertain issues when attempting to evacuate during emergency situations. The primary objective of this project is to evaluate various wireless technologies to assess their support of establishing real-time data communications among a transit agency’s control center, a train operator, and train passengers, such that passengers receive timely and accurate information during transit events. The research will identify and evaluate potential solutions to improve wireless data communications in subterranean locations, leveraging previous work conducted by the team in this area, as well as knowledge of other best practices in transportation systems worldwide. The project will also demonstrate working prototypes of an enhanced passenger communications system guided by the results of the evaluation


FTA Strategic Plan Workshop

A Workshop to solicit industry feedback to the TRI-led development of a strategic plan to help guide future research and development efforts in the transit intelligent transportation systems (ITS) area was held in Seattle, Washington on May 6. The workshop, which was held in conjunction with APTA’s Bus and Paratransit Conference, enabled a discussion on the vision and direction for proposed transit ITS research and development over the next 5 years and attracted over 40 participants, including professionals from transit authorities, academia, non-profit organizations, and consulting firms. Bruce Robinson and Walt Kulyk made presentations and helped lead the discussion with assistance from staff from the Volpe Center.

GOROO - Multimodal Door-to-Door Trip Planner System

The Chicago RTA officially launched a multimodal door-to-door trip planner system, called GOROO, on May 15. This system was developed under a cooperative agreement between the FTA and Chicago RTA. Charlene Wilder managed the agreement and provided useful technical advice during the development effort. The GOROO system is web-based and provides both cost-saving benefits and side-by-side comparisons of trip itineraries, using transit, driving, or any combination of non-motorized modes, such as biking and walking.

Site visit to Camden County Workforce Investment Board (CCWIB)

Aletha Goodine, TRI-10 conducted a site visit to the Camden County Workforce Investment Board (CCWIB) in New Jersey. The CCWIB is participating in a Mobility Services for All Americans (MSAA) Phase 2 project. Discussions in the meeting with CCWIB and its stakeholders indicated that the State of New Jersey is beginning to phase-in brokers to provide paratransit services to Medicaid and other human service clients. This State decision will impact coordination efforts underway with the project by the current providers. Contact; [

Draft Report to Congress: Transit Green Building Action Plan

The Office of Technology Green Team delivered the “Report to Congress: Transit Green Building Action Plan” to the FTA Policy Office for review and concurrence by the FTA Policy Council and Executive Management Team. As the Green Team leader, Terrell Williams is responsible for preparing the draft and final Action Plan. Henry Nejako provided final edits and formatting while other members of the Green Team provided comments to strengthen the Action Plan. The report requires OST and OMB clearance prior to transmittal to Congress. Contact: [

State of the Art of Personal Rapid Transit (PRT)

TRI-20 Staff -Michael Baltes, Henry Nejako, and Patrick Centolanzi-- joined several TRI staff members to discuss the state of the art of personal rapid transit (PRT), such as the Pod Cars now in use at Heathrow airport in the UK. The group addressed opportunities for cost-effective application of PRT systems technology in urban areas and FTA’s responsibility for ensuring that at least one engineer in TRI is fully aware of current PRT system performance and deployments worldwide.


Will Stimulus Funds Put Transit-Oriented Development Back on the Fast Track?

May 20, 2009. Money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is beginning to trickle into state and local agencies for transit projects around the nation. With more than $50 billion earmarked for transportation and infrastructure, that's in turn stimulating the debate about transit-oriented development (TOD)—viewed by many urban planners as a crucial component of sustainable cities along with clean-energy job creation and green buildings. Transit-oriented developments are typically mixed-use projects involving high-density residential with some combination of retail, entertainment and/or office buildings clustered near light-rail or bus stations to cut traffic trips and curb vehicle emissions. More Online [


Transportation, Technology, and Environmental Challenges Explored at ITS America’s 2009 Annual Meeting and Exposition

WASHINGTON, June 1, 2009 – Aneesh Chopra, U.S. Chief Technology Officer; and other top officials from the U.S. Department of Transportation, and Environmental Protection Agency joined more than 1,000 public sector, private industry and academic leaders at the Intelligent Transportation Society of America’s (ITS America) 2009 Annual Meeting & Exposition at the Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. With the theme of “Moving America Forward,” the conference’s sessions explore ways in which intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and “smart” technologies can help solve our nation’s transportation, economic and environmental challenges. More [


49 CFR Part 40 - Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug And Alcohol Testing Programs

The U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that the mandatory Direct Observation (DO) requirement for DOT return-to-duty and follow-up testing is constitutional.

Under Department of Transportation regulations, employees in the aviation, rail, motor carrier, mass transit, maritime and pipeline industries who either fail or refuse to take a drug test must successfully complete a drug treatment program and pass a series of urine

tests as a condition of performing any safety-sensitive duties. To prevent cheating, the Department modified its regulations in 2008 to require that such tests be conducted under direct observation. Petitioners, a railway company and several transportation unions, challenged the revised regulation, arguing that it violates both the Administrative Procedure Act and the Fourth Amendment. More Online


Feasibility Study on the Use of Personal GPS Devices in Paratransit

This Federal Transit Administration (FTA) sponsored research explores the feasibility of using personal mobile global positioning system (GPS) devices to help develop efficient paratransit services. The research evaluated personal mobile global positioning system (GPS) devices and analyzed their ability to function within a computer application. A prototype application was developed and tested with two of the GPS devices. Results indicated that a majority of transit agencies showed interest in adopting GPS devices to improve paratransit services. More Online [

FTA Low-Speed Urban Maglev Research Program – Lessons Learned

In 1999, the Federal Transit Administration initiated the Low-Speed Urban Magnetic Levitation (UML) Program to develop magnetic levitation technology that offers a cost effective, reliable, and environmentally sound transit option for urban mass transportation in the United States. This UML program is nearing completion and government program executives and managers desire a program review with an emphasis on lessons learned. Lessons learned in this report have been captured through a multi-faceted assessment of general project impressions, project execution, project conclusions and deliverables, project team performance, stakeholder participation, risk management, and project communications. The assessments are drawn from project documentation, discussions with the performing teams, and direct experience with the five UML projects. Maglev is an innovative approach for transportation in which trains are supported by magnetic forces without any wheels contacting the rail surfaces. Maglev promises several attractive benefits including the ability to operate in challenging terrain with steep grades, tight turns, all weather operation, low maintenance, rapid acceleration, quiet operation, and superior ride quality, among others. Scroll down to Maglev, Online at []; NTIS order no. PB2009-110482

A Guidebook for the Evaluation of Project Delivery Methods

TCRP Report 131: A Guidebook for the Evaluation of Project Delivery Methods describes various project delivery methods for major transit capital projects. Guidebook includes an evaluation of the impacts, advantages, and disadvantages of including operations and maintenance as a component of a contract for a project delivery method. The project delivery methods discussed are design-bid-build (DBB), construction manager at risk (CMR), design-build (DB), and design-build-operate-maintain (DBOM). The guidebook offers a three-tiered project delivery selection framework that may be used by owners of transit projects to evaluate the pros and cons of each delivery method and select the most appropriate method for their projects. This guidebook will be helpful to transit general managers, policy makers, procurement officers, planners, and consultants in evaluating and selecting the appropriate project delivery method for major transit capital projects. The objective of this guidebook is to assist transit agencies in evaluating and selecting the most appropriate project delivery method for their projects and documenting this decision in a Project Delivery Decision Report. Online [

Motor Carrier Efficiency Study 2007 Annual Report to Congress
The U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has released a report that explores a program aimed to identify, evaluate, and demonstrate wireless technologies to improve the safety and efficiency of trucking operations in the United States. The intent is to enter into a partnership with the motor carrier and wireless technology industries to cooperatively identify and test promising applications and devices in a “real-world” environment, and to promote the adoption and use of successful solutions by a broad array of motor carriers. More Online

Preparing Coordinated Transportation Plans: A Guidebook for State Departments of Transportation, NCHRP Research Results Digest 331

TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Research Results Digest 331 explores existing coordinated planning processes within state departments of transportation (DOTs) that meet the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA’s) requirements. The report also examines aspects of those processes that will be useful to other state DOTs and their planning partners as they develop or revise their own planning processes. Online [ ]

Profiles of 511 Traveler Information Services Update 2009

Profiles of 511 Traveler Information Services Update 2009 was prepared by the FTA Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation (TRI). This fourth edition is designed to increase public awareness, access, and knowledge not only of the transit content within existing 511 traveler information services, but also of the adoption of advanced technologies and the innovative services that are making the service accessible via telephone and other personal communication devices nationwide. Descriptive profiles are provided of the 43 traveler information services in operation within the United States. Twenty-four of the 43 operating systems provide public transit information. All 43 U.S. systems have co-branded websites. SAFETEA-LU requires the Secretary to ensure that a national interoperable 511 system be fully implemented for use by travelers throughout the U.S. by 2010. 511 traveler information service is an easy way to obtain travel information anywhere in the country; it helps traveler make better decision on travel routes and modes. Available Online at []