Curriculum vita of Babak Davami,MD,Assistant professor of plastic surgery,Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

July 2011


1.Personal Information:

Name: Babak Davami

Date of birth:21 August 1970

Place of birth: Isfahan

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Married

Address: Plastic surgical unit ,Sina hospital,Azadi street,P.O.Box

1548,Tabriz 5163639888,Iran

Tel number:00989133683940



2.Educational Records:

Degree Institution Field Date


General Medicine Isfahan university Medicine 1367-75

Residency of surgery Iran university surgery 1376-80

Residency of plastic

Surgery Shahid Beheshti

University Plastic surgery 1381-84

Fellowship Yale university Aesthetics& 1386-87

U.S.A craniofacial

2.Appointments &Positions:

1.General Physician in Abarkoh emergency department ,Yazd,Iran.1375

2.Assistant professor of general surgery in Zahedan Medical University of Sciences.1380-81.

3.Assistant professor of plastic surgery in plastic surgical department of sina hospital,Tabriz ,Iran.From 1384 till now.

4.Plastic surgical expert in Nezam Pezeshki Organization in Tabriz.From 1384 till now.

3.Certification &Licensure:

1.General Physician certificate .1385


2.General Surgery Board Certificate 1380.5th rank in surgery board.

3.Plastic Surgery Board Certificate .(subspecialty)1384. First rank in plastic surgery board.

4.Aesthetic & craniofacial surgery fellowship.1387 iAt Yale university USA.

4.Memberships in Professional and Scientific Societies

1.Member of General Surgery Society.1380

2.Member of Plastic Surgery Society.From1384 till now.

3.Member of Hand Surgery Society.From 1384 till now.


1.Transscalp dermoid cyst excision and immediate muscle graft:A new

technique.PRS Sep 2005;vol 116,no 3,pp.86063.

2.No need for Preoperative antiseptics in elective plastic surgical

operations.PRS August 2005;vol 116,no 2,pp 529-31.

3.Eyebrow reconstruction following burn injury.Burns 2005;vol.31,pp.495-


4.Trapezius musculocutaneous flap in severe shoulder and neck burn.Burns


5.Reconstruction of nose and lips with tubed cervical flap in electrical

injury: a case report.Burns 2005 Jun;31(4):510-3.Epub 2005 Apr21.

6. Historical methods of facelift .Shahid Beheshti plastic surgery journal.

7.V-M plasty and double z-plasty :two versatile flaps for treatment of

postburn syndactyly.Tech Hand Surg.2010.

8.Treatment of postburn clawhand.Tech Hand Surg.2011.

9.Versatility of local fasciocutaneous flaps in reconstruction of upper

extremity defects.Indian journal of plastic surgery.2011.

6.Invited presentations:

1.Davami Babak, MD.Breast reconstruction after MRM.Tabriz medical



2.Davami Babak,MD.Breast reconstruction after MRM .Tabriz medical



3.Davami Babak ,MD.Breast reconstruction after MRM. Tabriz medical


4.Davami Babak,MD.V-M plasty &double z-plasty :two versatile flaps for

treatment of postburn syndactyly.presentation in annual Iranian surgical


5.Davami Babak,MD.Postburn breast &chest wall reconstruction with

latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap.presentation in annual Iranian surgical


6.Davami Babak,MD.Treatment of Craniosynostosis at Yale

university.presentation in annual Iranian surgical congress.1388.2.22.

7.Davami Babak,MD.Preoperative measurements in

genioplasty.presentation in annual Iranian surgical congress.1389.2.1.

8.Comparison of breast prosthesis with TRAM in breast reconstruction after

MRM.presentation in annual Iranian surgical congress. 1390.2.18.

6.Surgical Thesis Supervisor:

1.Sara Norouzi.A descriptive study of patients who have been operated for


rhinoplasty and their postoperative complications in Sina hospital 2005-

2009.Nov 2010.

2.Jafar Mohammadshahi.Comparison of nephrotoxicity of amikacin with

gentamicin in postburn patients.2009.


1.Original(Mehvari) educational workshop.89.7.19—89.9.29.

2.English for academic purposes:writing,presenting research papers
