August 24,2018
Members Present:Jordan Buckley, Kate Clayton, Marissa Fehler,Jeanne Garthwaite, Karen Muñoz, Deana Piñales, Mark Rockeymoore
Guests: Dan Gibson
I.Chalice Lighting and Opening Words – Mark
From A Chosen Faith – on religious experience as UUs
II.Attendance and Roll Call
Attendance was taken and Marissa certified that a quorum was met.
Approval of Minutes – July 22, 2018
Karen moved to approve the minutes. Jordan seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
III.Recognition of Guests
IV.Treasurer Report – No information was presented.
V.Old Business/Announcements:
Minister Selection Recap – The floor was opened for discussion. Contracts for one month of August, and seven months from December-June, have been signed and will be added to the Drive. Privacy between candidates is suggested in the future.
Border Action Recap – Jordan reported that the trip went well. He felt that people got joy out of participation, and the group received good media attention. The group may follow up with a reflection service to recap the experience.
Ozona Bank Signature list – All signatures were completed except for Mark. Mark is to meet with Jeff Rasco to
Finance Investment Committee update and other committee taskings– Mark noted the committee did research, looking at other finance teams at other congregations, to define their mission and terms. They will have a Chair serving for two years, a Secretary serving for two years, and remaining 5 members at large serving three years. The team will call special meetings as needed and work to follow Robert’s Rules. The committee will focus on investments, containers, and other financial instruments while the building process is on hold. The team will research ways to bring grants and other money in in different ways, and ways to cultivate younger members as they can. The committee right now consists of members who’ve served the team for some time, and will inform the congregation as they are looking new members. Mark is to communicate with the team is to provide their processes to be added to the Drive. Mark and Marissa are to work together to get in contact with committee leads, and individual committee members are to remind their teams of the process.
Biographies and New member outreach – The board would like to ask Krista (once she returns in December) to assist with streamlining the membership committee’s work on welcoming and communicating with visitors and new members. Marissa spoke with Jan Burks about better communication between the membership team and the administrative team managing the lists. The Membership and Caring team took a break for the summer, but will regroup next month and will discuss this process. Jordan wondered how we’ve communicated with the campus for outreach. Mark noted this as an area Krista would like to develop further. Karen suggested we connect with campus activities to see how we can connect better with the university.
VI.New Business:
Safety Team update– The team met at the end of July. They identified exits in the building. The team will ask the worship associate to note the proper exits during service. Exit maps will be redone for better visibility. Texas State recommended that we call 911 in case of emergency. The safety team will work with the hospitality team to assist with safety duties. The safety team is to check doors upon arrival. The team worked with the children’s RE teachers on exits and planning safety drills. The safety team is to create a list of recommendations for safety to present to the congregation.
Facilities and Grounds/Building Committee update – Dan and team met with a few focus areas. The minister will share the office with the boardroom, and some rearranging of books and desks needs to be done. A bookcase is needed, and Marissa will reach out to the congregation via the Friday Flash. The Sewing Guild is to make curtains. The Facilities team is to take down the sign on the SMUUF Craddock property and wait until further notice to replace it. The team is maintaining the three medians on Craddock, and will manage keeping it clean.
Dan noted that a new plan has been developed to offer Mr. Schiwitz, and will need to be presented to the board.
Mark noted that Minister Krista wants a summary of our building options for the future, due in December when she returns. Kate and Deana looked at Price Center and Centro Cultural as options. Jordan has information from First Christian Church on the way to Wimberley as a possible option. Jeanne added planning for a capital campaign before moving forward on any option. Marissa will review the minutes for related items.
Jordan and Kate are to meet with First Christian Church to discuss options further.
VII.Other Business
No other business was presented.
VIII.Executive Session
No further executive session was needed.
IX.Next Meeting Date
The next meeting will be on Sunday, September 23. We will continue with a start time of 12:30, ending at 2:15, for a maximum meeting time of 1.5 hours. Members are to send in any reports to Mark before meeting. Agenda will be sent early in the week. Minutes are due by Wednesday.
Deana move to adjourn. Jeanne seconded.
The meeting was adjourned.