Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting
April 17, 2012
8:30 am – 10:00 am
CU Denver Building Room 299
Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, John Lanning, Dave Thomas, Michel Dahlin, Meg Brown-Sica, Daniel Parks, Jeff Franklin, Sam Ortiz, Martina Juarez-Lopez, Linda Brooker, Joann Brennan, Kelly Hupfeld, John Wyckoff, Regina Kilkenny, Rick Chaney, Cindy Melvin, Jozianne Mestas, Ingrid Eschholz, Danielle Zieg, Joann Wambeke, Cliff Young, Christine Stroup-Benham, Kim Clark, Raul Cardenas, Peggy Lore, Ellen Stevens, Martina Juarez-Lopez
Guest: Jenny Parker, Karen Klimczak, Rachael Thompson and Zahra Khorasani.
Minutes: The 4/17/12 minutes were approved.
· Research and Creative Activities Day, 4/27/12 at AMC
· Commencement: Saturday, May 12; 9 a.m., Auraria Field; just east of the Tivoli
Please register even if you have your own regalia.
If needed, you can request regalia online at http://www.regonline.com/register/checkin.aspx?eventid=1046885
· Tune UP CU Online Spring Symposium, May 17, 2012, Tivoli, 8am-3:30pm
· CU Denver Reporting Brown Bag Lunch, April 18 (Anschutz Medical Campus) and April 20 (Denver Campus)
Standing Items:
Recruitment and Retention: No update.
Discussion Items:
1. New Undergraduate Enrollment Campaign: Karen discussed the newly launched 10 week campaign, targeted at high school and community college students. The ThinkTank campaign (www.CUDenverThinkTank.com) grew out of the SEM report. It is aimed at raising awareness, increasing engagement and driving inquiries. The campaign also includes the use of Twitter, Facebook, student videos, and media placements such as print and outdoor ads, online banners, radio ads, and information in cinema and area high school buildings. The CU Denver homepage provides a link through the “Future Students” tab.
Next Steps:
· Faculty and staff interviews will be added soon.
· Suggestions and comments about the campaign should be sent to Karen.
2. Academic Integrity (attachments): John and Sam discussed the draft policy that is being vetted with various groups. It covers undergraduate students on the Denver Campus only. John indicated that there are two guiding principles: the policy is designed to resolve academic violations at the faculty/department level first, and it is framed to stress the academic component of ethical issues. The group asked that the policy be sensitive to cultural interpretations of plagiarism as well as outlining clear procedural guidelines for appeals.
Next Steps:
· The Dean of Students will meet with the schools and colleges to discuss the draft.
· Please send comments and suggestions to Sam by April 30th. Sam and John will report back at a future AD/ASG meeting.
1. Faculty Report of Professional Activities (FRPA) Questions: Christine’s office is developing an electronic version of the FRPA, to be beta-tested in 2012 for use during fiscal year 2013. All faculty, excluding lecturers, will complete the FRPA electronically and information will go into a searchable database. Christine needs to know who signs the form; she will poll the deans to get this information. The electronic form will be available at IR and Faculty Affairs web sites by Dec 1, 2012.
2. Revised Draft Policy - Posting, Announcement and Sign Procedures: (attachment): Michel discussed the revised draft policy that applies to the Denver Campus, specifically the three buildings on the east side of Speer. This version does not have content changes, only organizational changes.
Next Steps: Michel asked for comments by April 30th. If they are minor, she will then present the draft to the CU Denver Deans for approval.
Information Items: No information items were presented.