UK 1881 Census List
Abbreviation Definition
ABro Adopted Brother
AdopChl Adopted Child
ADaD Adopted Daughter's Daughter
ADaS Adopted Daughter's Son
Adau Adopted Daughter
AFat Adopted Father
AGDa Adopted Granddaughter
ANep Adopted Nephew
ANie Adopted Niece
AntA Aunt of my Aunt
Appr Apprentice
ASnD Adopted Son's Daughter
ASnW Adopted Son's Wife
ASon Adopted Son
Asst Assistant
AstN Assistant's Niece
Aund Aunt's Daughter
AunL Aunt-in-law
AunS Aunt's Son
Aunt Aunt
BaiD Bailiff's Daughter
Bail Bailiff
BaiS Bailiff's Son
BBoy Boarder's Boy
BDau Boarder's Daughter
BFat Boarder's Father
BGDa Boarder's Granddaughter
BMot Boarder's Mother
BorB Boarder's Brother
BorC Boarder's Child
Bord Border
BorD Border's Daughter
BorG Border's Grandson
BorN Border's Niece
BorS Border's Son
BorW Border's Wife
Bro Brother
BroL Brother-in-law
Cous Cousin
Dau Daughter
DauHead Daughter-Head of Household
DauL Daughter-in-law
DlSr Daughter-in-law's Sister
Drmr Drummer
Fath Father
FathL Father-in-law
Frnd Friend
GDau Granddaughter
GSon Grandson
Head Head of household
HeadBord Border-Head of Household
HeadLodg Lodger-Head of Household
HeadMast Master-Head of Household
HeadWidw Widow-Head of Household
Hskp House Keeper
HusbHead Husband-Head of Household
Inmt Inmate
Lodg Lodger
LodgDau Lodger-Daughter
LodgHusb Lodger-Husband
LodgSon Lodger-Son
LodgWife Lodger-Wife
Moth Mother
MothL Mother-in-law
Neph Nephew
Niec Niece
Paup Pauper
PaupInmt Pauper Inmate
Ptner Partner
Rel Relative
Sclr Scholar
Serv Servant
Sis Sister
SisL Sister-in-law
Son Son
SonHead Son-Head of Household
SonWife Son's Wife
StMoth Step Mother
StSon Step Son
StDau Step Daughter
Vist Visitor
Wrd Ward
Wife Wife
WifeDau Wife's Daughter
WifeHead Wife-Head of Household
Marital Condition
Marital status has been standardized to a one-letter abbreviation, such as,
M=married; U=unmarried; W=widow or widower; D=divorced; and O=other