Prague, 19/12/2012



Provision of bank services for the GSA

Dear Sir or Madam,

  1. The European GNSS Agency (hereafter referred to as “GSA”) is launching an invitation to tender for a service contract for the provision of bank services for the GSA.
  1. The procedure to be followed is a negotiated procedure under Article 91.1.(d) of the Financial Regulation (EC, Euratom No 1605/2002) and Article 129.1of the Implementing Rules (Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002).
  1. The bid should be submitted via email no later than 11/02/2013 to GSA at the address: , along with a signed original and identical hard copy to be sent by conventional mail at the following address:

European GNSS Agency

Legal department – Procurement GSA/NP/13/12

Janovskeho Street 438/2

Prague 7 170 00

Czech Republic

  1. Bids must be submitted in two envelopes, one inside the other. Both envelopes are to be sealed. The inner envelope must be marked as follows:

Call for tenders No. GSA/NP/13/12

If self-sealed envelopes are used, they must be closed by adhesive tape with the sender’s signature written across it.

Non-respect of these above instructions may lead to the exclusion of the bid

  1. Validity period of the tender: until 30/06/2013.
  1. The candidate will be informed by GSA whether or not the bid has been accepted.
  1. During the procedure, any contact concerning the tender between GSA and the tenderers is prohibited, except in the frame of potential negotiations. However, any additional information deemed necessary for preparing an adequate bid may be requested by e-mail at:.

GSA will reply to any request for additional information in strict compliance with the equal treatment principle. Provided that they have reached GSA before the deadline, requests will be answered and be automatically published under the Procurement Section relevant to the present call to tender on the GSA webpage at the following address:

Tenderers are invited to consult the ‘question/answer’ section under the above mentioned Procurement Section on a daily basis. The name of the requesting party will not appear on the website.

  1. Submission of a bid implies full acceptance of the draft contract annexed to the present invitation letter (annex V).
  1. The GSA may, before the contract is signed, either abandon the procurement or cancel the award procedure without the candidate being entitled to claim any compensation.

Yours sincerely,

Carlo des Dorides

Executive Director