Questionnaire: Healthy Homes
Prevention of childhood allergies and asthma
Family No. ______
Date: ____/____/_____

Based on the Lowell Healthy Homes Program’s questionnaire used by University of Massachusetts-Lowell.

Home or apartment

G1: How many rooms in the home? ______(do not include bathroom or hallways)

G2: What is the primary means for heating your home? (Mark all that apply)

1= Forced Hot Air 2= Radiators 3 = Indoor wood, coal or pellet stoves

4= Other______5= Don’t Know

G3: If forced hot air, ask:

When in use, is the air filter in the furnace changed at least every three months?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t know

G4: Have any of the following been used to heat your home? (Mark all that apply)

1= Wood, coal or pellet stove 2= Fireplace

3= Unvented kerosene heater 4= Unvented gas heater or stove

5= Portable electric heater 6= gas cooking stove

7= None of the above 8= Don’t Know

G5: Are there any of the following in your immediate neighborhood? (Within 800 meters)

1= Dry cleaner 2= Gas station 3= Furniture refinisher

4= Restaurant 5= Bakery 6= Auto body shop

7= Truck loading/unloading area 8= City bus stop

9= Other source of odors or irritation______

10= Not paved street

G6: Do urban transport or loading trucks normally drive on your street?

1= Yes, often 2= Yes, occasionally 3= No

G7: Is there an emergency phone number near the phone?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t know

G8: How often does someone in your house use air freshener?

1= Most days 2= Once a week or less

3= Once a month or less 4= Never

5= Other ______

G9: How often does someone in your house use candles/incense?

1= Most days 2= Once a week or less

3= Once a month or less 4= Never

5= Other ______

G10: How often does someone in your house use cleaning chemicals?

1= Most days 2= Once a week or less

3= Once a month or less 4= Never

5= Other ______

G11: What products do you regularly use to clean your kitchen?

G12: What products do you regularly use to clean your bathroom?

G13: What other sprays, polishes or chemical cleaners do you regularly use to clean your home?

G14: Are all the cabinets/drawers/closets where you store household chemicals locked?

1 = Yes 2 = No 3=Some

G15: If No, ask:

Which areas that contain chemicals are not locked? (Mark all that apply)

1= Drawers 2= Cabinets 3= Closets 4= Garage

5= Other ______

Cockroaches/ Mice/ Rats

G16: In the past month, have you seen signs of rats or mice? (Mark all that apply)

1= Rats 2= Mice 3= None

G17: If Yes, ask:

In the past month, on average, how often have you seen a rat or mouse?

1= Less than once per week 2= 1 to 6 times per week

3= At least once per day

G18: In the past month, have you seen or noticed signs of cockroaches?

1= Yes, once 2= Yes, more than once 3= No 4= Don’t Know

G19: If Yes, ask:

In the past month, on average, how many cockroaches do you see in a day?

1= Less than one per day 2= 1 to 9 per day

3= 10 to 19 per day 4= Over 20 per day

G20: In the past month, did you or a professional exterminator use pesticides in home?

1= Yes, once 2= Yes, more than once 3= No 4= Don’t know

G21: If Yes, ask:

What were the pesticides used for? (Mark all that apply)

1= Termites 2= Cockroaches 3= Ants

4= Other ______5= Don’t Know

G22: Have you applied any pesticides in the home?

1 = Yes 2 = No

G23: If Yes, ask:

What products have you used? (Ask for types of products: bomb/fogger, spray)

Dust Mites

G24: Do you have a working vacuum cleaner in the house?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t Know

G25: If Yes, ask:

Does the vacuum have a special air filter, such as a HEPA filter, to keep dust in the vacuum?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t Know

G26: What types of floor coverings occupy the floor space in the family/TV room? (Mark all that apply)

1= Carpet 2= Wood 3= Ceramic tiles

4= Vinyl tiles 5= Other ______

G27: Have you had your rugs cleaned in the past 12 months?

1=Yes 2=No 3=Don’t Know

Fill out questions G28 through G39 for the oldest asthmatic child and use the first initial of their first name.

If there is more than one asthmatic child in the home and he/she sleeps in a different room than the first asthmatic child, answer duplicate set of questions (G28 to G39) at end of questionnaire.

First Initial: ______

G28: Where does the asthmatic child usually sleep?

1= Child’s bedroom 2= Parent’s bedroom 3= Living/family room

G29: Is the room where the asthmatic child usually sleeps air conditioned during the summer months?

1= Yes 2= No

G30: What types of floor coverings occupy the floor space in the asthmatic child’s bedroom? (Mark all that apply)

1= Carpet 2=-Throw rugs 3= Wood

4= Ceramic tiles 5= Vinyl tiles 6= Other ______

G31: Which of the following is currently in the asthmatic child’s bedroom? (Mark all that apply)

1= Beddings made of feather down or wool 2= Allergen proof pillow cover

3= Allergen proof bed coverings 4= curtains or drapes

5= Stuffed toys in bed

G32: How often do you dust the child’s room?

1= Once per week 2= Two times per month 3= Once monthly

4= Less frequently than once per month

G33: How often to you mop the floor/vacuum the rugs in the child’s room?

1= Once per week 2= Two times per month 3= Once monthly

4= Less than once per month

G34: How often do you wash the throw rugs in the child’s room?

1= Once per week 2= Two times per month 3= Once monthly

4= Less than once per month 5 = Not applicable

G35: How often do you wash the bed sheets?

1= More than once per week 2= Two times per week

3= Once or twice per month 4= Less once per month

G36: Are the bed sheets washed using the hot water cycle of the washing machine?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t know

G37: Are the bed sheets dried using the hot cycle of the drying machine?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t know

G38: How often do you wash the blankets?

1= More than once per week 2= Two times per week

3= Once or twice per month 4= Less once per month

G39: How often do you wash the bed covers?

1= More than once per week 2= Two times per week

3= Once or twice per month 4= Less once per month

Dampness/ Mold

G40: Is any part of your home or apartment air conditioned during the summer months?

1=Yes 2=No 3=Don’t know

G41: If Yes, ask:

Which rooms have air conditioning? (Mark all that apply)

1= All rooms (Central air-conditioning)

2= Living room

3= All bedrooms

4= Only sensitized child’s bedroom

(If only parents’, do not circle any)

G42: If central air conditioning, ask:

When in use, is the air filter changed at least once per month?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t know

G43: If window AC or Minisplit units, ask:

When in use, is the air filter changed/cleaned at least once per month?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t know

G44: Do you know of any surfaces inside your home that currently have mold or mildew?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t Know

G45: If Yes ask:

Which rooms have been affected? (Mark all that apply)

1= Bathroom(s) 2= Sensitized child’s bedroom

3= Other living area(s) 4= Kitchen

5= None of the above 6= Don’t Know

G46: Do you have peeling paint or visible water damage on any walls or ceilings?

1= Yes 2= No

G47: If Yes, ask:

Which rooms have been affected? (Mark all that apply)

1= Bathroom(s) 2= Sensitized child’s bedroom

3= other living area(s) 4= Kitchen

5= None of the above 6= Don’t Know

G48: Do you have a bathroom fan that vents to the outside?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t Know

G49: Do you have a clothes dryer in your living area?

1=Yes 2=No 3=Don’t Know

50: If Yes, ask:

Does it vent to the outside?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t know

G51: In the wintertime, how often do windows other than bathroom and kitchen fog up or have water on the inside of the window?

1= Never 2= Rarely 3= Sometimes 4= Most of the time

5= Always 6= Don’t Know

G52: If Yes, ask:

Where? ______

G53: Then ask:

Do you know the reason? (Ask: when shower, when use vaporizer, night time, etc.) ______

G54: Have you noticed any water leaks under sinks or toilets?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Don’t know

G55: If YES, ask:

Where? (Mark all that apply)

1= kitchen sink 2= bathroom sink 3= toilet


G56: Do you have any dogs, cats, other furry pets or birds? (Mark all that apply)

1= Dogs 2= Cats 3= Pet mice, rats, hamsters or gerbils

4= Other furry pets: ______5= Birds

6= None of the above

G57: If there are pets in the home, ask:

Are pets ever in the bedroom of your sensitized child/children?

1= Yes 2= No

G58: If Yes, then ask:

How often are pets in the asthmatic child’s room?

1= Rarely 2= Sometimes 3= Most of the time

4= Always 5= Don’t Know


G59: Do any adults who live here smoke in the home?

1 = Yes 2 = No

G60: If Yes, ask:

How many adults smoke in the home? ______

G61: Do visitors ever smoke in the home?

1 = Yes 2 = No

AC Filters

G62. What type of AC is in the home?

1= Central AC 2=Window AC or minisplit 3= Wall AC 4= None

If central AC, check air filter:

G63. Does the filter appear clean?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Not accessible

If filter not clean,

Record the manufacturer and model number of the filter

G64. Manuf.: ______

G65. Model: ______

If window or wall AC, check individual air filters:

Location 1:

G66. Location of unit: ______

G67. Does the filter appear clean?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Not accessible

Location 2:

G68. Location of unit: ______

G69. Does the filter appear clean?

1= Yes 2= No 3= not accessible

Location 3:

G70. Location of unit: ______

G71. Does the filter appear clean?

1= Yes 2= No 3= Not accessible

If cooler, ask:

G72. Do this use straw?

1= Yes 2= No

G73. Is there presence of mold or rust?

1= Yes 2= No

G74. If Yes, extent: Slight Moderate Severe

G75. Total area: ______

Location code: B: Bathroom, C = Kitchen; S = Living room; DN = Children’s bedroom

B1. Approximate dimensions of bathroom: ____ m. x ____ m.

B2. Is there evidence of water leaks under or around sink, toilet, shower, etc.?

1= Yes 2= No

B3. If Yes, extent: Slight Moderate Severe

B4. Describe location:

B5. Is there evidence (visual or odor) of mold or mildew?

1= Yes 2= No

Location 1:

B6 If Yes, describe extent: Slight Moderate Severe

B7. Total area: ______

B8. Describe location (sink, shower, etc.______

Location 2:

B9 If Yes, describe extent: Slight Moderate Severe

B10. Total area: ______

B11. Describe location (sink, shower, etc.______

B12. Is there evidence of mice, rats or cockroaches?

1= Yes 2= No

B13. If Yes, select all that apply:

1= Mice/rats (look for rodents and droppings)

2= Cockroaches (look for eggs, feces, insects)

B14. Floor coverings (underline if you have any in home):

1= Carpet 2 = Throw rugs 3 = None

B15. Is there a vent?

1= Yes 2= No

If Yes, ask:

B16. Is vent ventilated to outside?

1= Yes 2= No

B17. Is there evidence of water leaks around windows?

1= Yes 2= No

B18. Are there any holes wider than 0.6cm that would allow rodents or pests access to the room? (Look under sink, along floorboards, etc.).

1= Yes 2= No

If Yes:

B19. Describe extent and location: ______

B20. Are household chemicals or medications stored in the bathroom within a child’s reach?

1= Yes 2= No

If Yes:

B21. Where? ______

B22. Are these locations protected from child access?

1= Yes 2= No

C1. Approximate size of kitchen: ______m. X ______m.

C2. Heating source for cooking:

1= Gas 2= Electricity 3= Other: ______

If Gas:

C3. Is there a hood or vent present?

1= Yes 2= No

C4. Is hood/vent ventilated to outside?

1= Yes 2= No

C5. Is the stove equipped with knob locks?

1= Yes 2= No 3= No, but knobs are not within child’s reach

C6. Is there evidence of water leaks under or around sink, dishwasher, etc.?

1= Yes 2= No

C7. If yes, extent: Slight Moderate Severe

C8. Describe location: ______

C9. Is there evidence (visual or odor) of mold or mildew?

1= Yes 2= No

Location 1:

C10. If Yes, extent: Slight Moderate Severe

C11. Total area: ______

C12. Describe location (under sink, walls, etc.)______

Location 2:

C13. If Yes, extent: Slight Moderate Severe

C14. Total area: ______

C15. Describe location (under sink, walls, etc.)______

C16. Is there evidence of mice, rats or cockroaches?

1= Yes 2= No

C17. If Yes, select all that apply:

1= Mice/rats (look for rodents, droppings)

2= Cockroaches (look for eggs, feces, insects)

C18. Is there visible trash/food debris evidence on kitchen surfaces/floor?

1= Yes 2= No