Board Meeting Parent and Teachers of Wayne

Board Meeting – Parent and Teachers of Wayne

Thursday, November 1, 2007 11:00 a.m.

Present Board Members: Danalea Warrick, Nancy Montalbano, Peggy Cuda, Frannie Roehl, Sandy Vedrine, Barb Oborne, Terri Harris Parents: Jenny Amadei, Donna White, Cathy Gutowsky Staff: Lori Brandes

The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m. The October minutes were approved.

Review of Correspondence:

We received several thank you notes from teachers saying how they appreciated the Entertainment book and book donation for their rooms from Scholastic Book Fair. We also received a thank you note from Shirley Schmidt (our librarian) thanking us for the monetary gift and VCR for the library.

Treasurer’s Report: Peggy Cuda

Our Previous Month’s Report

$41,561.97 Balance on Hand as of 10/31/07

$19,989.45 Total Receipts

Book Fair $8,182.64, Interest (checking 9/31) $7.99, Interest (savings 9/31/) $50.03, Entertainment Books $5,775.00, Kids Art, Inc. $5,236.50, Market Day $358.29, Walk-A-Thon $379.00

$13,414.13 Total Disbursements

Assemblies & Enrichment $700, Book Fair Expense $6,515.48, Kids Art, Inc. $3,543.50, Walk-A-Thon Expenses $2,655.15

Total Current Balance as of 10/3/07 $48,137.29

No hours have been recorded for Mrs. Paterno

Report from the Principal: Mrs. Brandes

MLP Program is requesting and PTW approved $200 for a writing program (writing w/o tears), ISAT scores released to public Wayne 84% meet & exceed stds in Reading, 93% meet & exceed stds in Math. New Gifted person hired within the district, hoping to get help from district on how we can move up on the mark. Reports Cards home, Friday, November 2nd and Map Testing scores in Reports cards (if not picked up from Family Reading Night). School Improvement Plan: Quarterly sessions: Mrs. Brandes and District meet to discuss and implement improvements for Wayne School. Linda Dearman is working with every grade level except Kindergarten. Teachers are working with Mrs. Paterno to plan there time in the computer lab. 1st Grade teachers opted not to start computer classes until 2nd quarter. Our After School Academies are up and running well. Also planning a January Parent Night/Workshop: Comprehension Strategy (more to come)

Old Business:

Parent Open House about 300 parents attended our open house. Kindergarten Parent Meeting held during the Family Reading Night about 7 families attended our Question and Answer session. Fall Book Fair was positive and each classroom received a $100 for books and Library received $300. Remainder of the proceeds will be spent on literacy materials determined by Lori and the staff.

New Business:

Next PTW meeting will be held at 8:15 A.M., December 6th – Little Home Church (same location), P/T Conference –Tuesday, November 20th breakfast will be available for the teachers, Discussed Safe/Lock Box for PTW (decided to table this discussion at the moment) Fun Fair- possible changes being made to Fun Fair due to lack of volunteers to run the event.

President: Danalea Warrick

Mrs. Deines is still looking for volunteers to help make flags for the Winter Music Program; Mrs. Woods needs help to mount artwork thru out the school.

Volunteers Needed: Co-President, Market Day Co-Person, Fun Fair coordinators (variety of roles).

1st Vice President – Assemblies: Lori Ann Pettey & Barb Oborne

Coming in December - The American Dog (Illustrator and Author) Family reading night also that day (December 5th)

2nd Vice President – Fundraising: Donna Laskowski

Entertainment books about $700 this year (down slightly), Fun Fair – we are still looking for volunteers – Discussing a possible change with the Fun Fair this year. We will discuss more at our Executive Board meeting on November 27th.

3rd Vice President – Wayne Wear: Frannie Roehl

Wayne Wear about 50 orders.
Volunteer Coordinators: Michelle Vacco and Sandy Vedrine

Our first “Volunteer of the Month” note was sent out. Positive Feedback!! Also, received eight new requests to volunteer (mostly for box top clipping), A Volunteer binder has been started (good way to keep track of the volunteers)

Something for Nothing: Terri Harris

Raised about 11,300 in Box Tops, reached our first goal. (Last year 6,450 box tops) Kids received recess with Mrs. Brandes for reaching their first goal (Kids and Mrs. Brandes enjoyed) Colonial Café raised about $940.00

CAC: Lynn Ward

CAC is always looking for new members. Next Meeting: Thursday, November 7th at Elgin High School. Some new Committees: Parent Group and Parent Education Committee.

Open Discussion

1.  A 6th grade parent meeting with Kenyon Woods Middle School looking for a more Q&A session.

2.  Robert Crowne holding a parent meeting in April at our school prior to the 5th grade visit to Robert Crowne.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:53p.m.

The next meeting will be December 6th, at the Little Home Church at 8:15 a.m.