Eng1Dee1Writing with Purpose and Style
Your Autobiography, Steps to Success
A. Steps to Success-Conceptualization
- Complete the Cookie Monster Identify Chart
- Complete Your Identity Chart (Who Am I?)
a)Add a layer to the identify chart, listing traits that others have or are giving you.
b)Use a different colour on your identity chart. (What do other think I am like) Consider that you belong to an affinity group, ex. teenager, Christian, Muslim, immigrant etc. Other people have opinions about this group, assigning characteristics or traits to members in this group
- Answer the questions below and for each enter one key word to the identify chart
- Where did you grow up?
- What are some of your earliest childhood memories?
- What special memory do you have?
- What do you really like doing more than anything else?
- What stories have your parents told you about yourself?
- Describe the happiest moment in your life so far.
- What is a most embarrassing moment you experienced?
- What do you plan to do in the future?
- If you had one wish that could be granted, what would it be?
B. Steps to Success-Literary Devices
5. Complete handout, “Writing with Purpose and Style-Skill #1 Literary Devices”. The handout helps explain the literary devices with examples
C. Steps to Success-Writing the Biography with Stories
6. Circle the key facts/words on your identity chart that you want to select for your biography; the words/facts should be those around which your construct stories for your biography.
7. List the words in the order in which the stories will be told-chronologically or thematically.
8. Write a topic sentence for each word that makes mention of the key fact, trait, or quality. Each topic sentence will be the beginning of a paragraph/story
D Steps to Success-Writing the Biography with Literary Devices
9. Use Skill Sheet #1 and purposefully include literary devices. Include at least one example from each literary device in your written biography.
10. Underline the examples of the 10 literary devices and identify them by their kind in the margin. You can of course repeat devices.
E. Steps to Success- Descriptions for the Senses
11. Complete the handout, Writing with Purpose and Style –Skill #2 Descriptions for the Senses
F. Steps to Success-Writing the Biography with Descriptions for the Senses
12. In your draft of the biography, identify one or two places you have mentioned and describe these with references to the five senses. If you have excluded a place of interest, insert one.
G. Steps to Success-Writing the Biography with Descriptions Using Metaphors
13. In your draft of the biography, identify at least one person and describe him/her using metaphors so that a vivid and detailed portrait emerges. If you have excluded another person, insert one.
H. Complete the biography by ______. Bring a print out or hand written copy. Write/type every second line. On that day we will peer edit our biographies, trying to make sure that our writing
- includes paragraphs that have proper topic sentences
- uses the literary devices from the skill sheet
- includes at least one description catering to the 5 senses
- includes at least one detailed description of a person using metaphors
- creates intrigue and interest through story telling
- is grammatically correct
12. Using the peer edited copy, write a final draft and submit on ______.