Geneva, 18 April 2000
Publication NoticeNo. 289-00
Americas Telecommunication Indicators
Edition 2000 /

via ITU Website
The report is published to coincide with ITU’s Americas TELECOM 2000. The report reviews developments in developing countries of the Western Hemisphere (primarily Latin America but also the Caribbean) telecomunication sector. The report includes 60 pages of analysis of trends including privatization, mobile, the Internet, and regulatory and policy issues. Three annexes provide information on privatization, WTO commitments and Universal service policies. Five regional tables covering key telecommunication indicators for the years 1998 or 1999 are included as well as four tables showing the top ten telecommunication operators in Latin America by revenue, main lines, mobile subscribers and international traffic. A directory with names and websites of telecommunication ministries, regulators and operators in the region is also included.
Date of publication: / April 2000
Language: / English and Spanish
Paper format: / About 130 pages – A4 (21 ´ 29.7 cm)
Electronic format: / Adobe AcrobatTM PDF
Article number: / English:
Spanish: / 16842
ISBN number: / English:
Spanish: / 92-61-08331-5
Price in Swiss Francs: / Catalogue Price: CHF 44.–
Member States and Sector Members: –15%
Least developed countries: – 80%
Electronic Bookshop: CHF 44.– (No discount)

Americas Telecommunication Indicators
Edition 2000


1 A Decade of Reforms

1.1 Let’s join the privatization party

1.2 The road to an open marketplace

2 The Mobile Juggernaut

2.1 Private, competitive and booming

2.2 Follow thy neighbour

2.3 Who pays?

3 Internet Heads South

3.1 Net Fever

3.2 The Internet people

3.3 Beyond dial-up

3.4 South to North e-commerce

3.5 To regulate or not?

4 Performance Evaluation

4.1 Why, when, how?

4.2 Measures of performance

4.3 Measures of cost and quality

4.4 Towards better policy-making

5 The Rise of Telecom Regulators

5.1 Telecommunication regulators in the Americas

5.2 Institutional profile of the new regulatory agencies

5.3 Functions and jurisdiction

5.4 Regulation and convergence

6 Enhancing Sector Efficiency

6.1 Strengthening regulation to promote competition

6.2 Interconnection

6.3 Universal Service

6.4 Licensing

6.5 Pricing and accounting

6.6 Numbering

Annex Table A: Privatization in detail

Annex Table B: GATS commitments

Annex Table C: Universal service/ access definitions

Americas Telecommunication Indicators

Americas Telecommunication Organizations


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Article number: 16842 / No. 289-00

Americas Telecommunication Indicators
Edition 2000

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