The Parishes of St Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham, London Colney,
St Anthony of Padua, Radlett & the Good Shepherd, Shenley.
Parish Priest: Fr Kevin Moule; Radlett Presbytery, 22, The Crosspath, Radlett, WD7 8HN.
Tel: Radlett Presbytery: 01923 635541; Web: or londoncolney or shenley e-mail:
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 23rd July 2017. Newsletter Deadline Wednesday 9am.
St Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham
Haseldine Road, London Colney, AL2 1RR (LC)
*St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
Radlett Presbytery, 22 The Crosspath
Radlett, WD7 8HN* (RA)
*(Postal address for all parishes)*
The Good Shepherd,
Black Lion Hill, Shenley, WD7 9DH (SH)
Please use the envelopes available, Stating RIP or intentions of & which Parish it is to be offered in. Then return to Fr Kevin or put in the collection, or send it to the Radlett address above. (Mass Intentions may change if there is a funeral, & moved to the next available date.)
If you want to know the date please write your phone number or e-mail address clearly on the envelope, thank you. Please do not use the envelopes for any other purpose.
(SH (Sat) 5.00pm: Pro Populo
(4.15pm – 4.50pm Exposition & Benediction)
(RA)10.00am: Margaret Docherty
(LC) 11.30am: Int Cecilia Hathaway-Withers
(LC) Mon 10.00am
(RA) Tue 10.00am: No
(SH) Wed 9.30am:
(LC) Thu 10.00am: Mass
(On Fridays only, Mass is celebrated at St Albans Cathedral, St Albans, AL1 1BY at 12 Noon)
(SH (Sat) 5.00pm: Pro Populo
(RA)10.00am: Private Intention
(LC) 11.30am: Eddie Mansfield
Please pray for the sick, for those who have died recently, and those whose anniversaries occur at this time.
London Colney: Sunday 11.10 – 11.25am
Radlett: Sunday 9.30 – 9.50am
Shenley: Saturday 4.15 – 4.45pm
In the first instance contact Rev. Anthony to arrange a preparation session. After the preparation session is complete you can then arrange the date for the baptism of your child. Email:
In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you. The chaplain for Watford & St Albans area is Collette Lennon 07801930246.
Sun: Refreshments available after Mass.
Mon/ Thu: Rosary & Divine Mercy after Mass
Tues: 1-2pm Church Cleaning and from 2-3pm
Prayers & Rosary. All are welcome.
Thu: 8pm Choir rehearsal.
Sun: Refreshments available after Mass.
Tue: Refreshments after 10am Mass.
Sun: Refreshments available after Mass.
7 - 9.30pm Carpet Bowls
3RD Sat: Church Cleaning.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon – Thu 9am – 12 Noon.
Parish Administrator: Mrs Catherine King
Collection Thank you for your generosity.
London Colney £402.84
Radlett: £817.33
Shenley: £285.36
You can now text £5 as an offering.
For London Colney text: Parish LONDC; Radlett text: Parish RADLE; Shenley text: Parish SHENL; to 70800.
Please note: There will be no weekday Masses this week as Fr Kevin is away to Lourdes. Fr Kevin apologises for any inconvenience.
The Funeral for Bridget Lucken will be at Our Lady of Walsingham on Thursday 3rd August at 10.00 am. Please keep Bridget’s family and friends in your prayers.
The contemplation group at Radlett on Mondays at 7.30 is now having a summer break and will resume in September.
There will be a coach leaving from our parishes for the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham on Saturday 7th October. The coach will leave at:
· 7am from outside the Radlett Centre, Aldenham Avenue, WD7 8HL.
· 7.15am Depart Our Lady of Walsingham, Haseldine Road, London Colney, AL2 1RR
· 7.30am Depart St. Bartholomew's, Vesta Avenue, St Albans, AL1 2PE.
Between 4.30pm & 5.00pm the coach will depart from Walsingham calling at
St. Bartholomew's, then London Colney & then Radlett. We hope to be back in Radlett by 8pm. Cost is £25 for adults & £15 for under 12s. If you would like to join the pilgrimage then please e-mail or ring the Radlett parish office (details above) to book a place; To secure your seats please send your full payment to our Radlett Office, (address above) (cheques payable to St Anthony’s Church Radlett). This is open to Parishioners from all local parishes so please reply with your payment ASAP to secure your place, thank you.
Reflections with Sr Avril at Radlett at 7.30pm, on 19th Sept, 17th Oct, 14th Nov, & 12th Dec. All are welcome.
Filipino Vigil Adorers Prayer Group at London Colney: Vigil Adoration will take place on the following Fridays from 9pm until 12.30am: 28th July, 25th Aug, 22nd Sept, 27th Oct, 24th Nov
Marriage & Family Pilgrimage Week at the Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham (NR22 6AL) from 12th – 20th August. Free entry but prebooking essential, donations welcome. Only tents can be accommodated, no caravans or camper vans. Mass and other services, renewal of marriage vows, talks, opportunities to be together as a family and explore the area. Further info: 01328 820 658family@walsingham
Young Catholic Adult Weekend @ Douai Abbey 20th -22nd Oct 2017. Are you 18-40, do you want to deepen your knowledge of the Catholic faith, learn its devotions and meet like minded people? Young Catholic Adults are organizing a weekend at Douai Abbey in Berkshire, with Lawrence Lew O.P., and Canon Poucin ICKSP. You’ll be able to hear catechetical talks, learn how to sing Gregorian Chant, say the Rosary, socialize and have fun. Book soon as places are limited! To book goto:- To Book: For more details goto:- Prices start from £18.50.
Pope’s Prayer Intentions: Lapsed Christians
That our brothers and sisters who have strayed from the faith, through our prayer and witness to the Gospel, may rediscover the merciful closeness of the Lord and the beauty of the Christian life.
PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND: There are now only four places left on this pilgrimage, led by Fr Kevin from Sunday 3rd December to Thursday 7th of December 2017. Leaflets are available at the back of Church.
Churches Together in Radlett & Aldenham Summer Hamper scheme: To help families during in the summer holidays. Please donate any of the following: Pasta, rice, tinned beans, sweetcorn, tomatoes, tuna, pasta sauce or Biscuits. If you prefer to make a financial donation (which goes towards the purchase of fresh items) please do this directly at: Churches Together (at Barclays) – Sort Code: 207409 Account Number: 00816213 Many thanks for your support.
St Bernadettes Vintage Fun Day on Sunday 16th September from 12 – 3pm. All are welcome at Walsingham Way, London Colney, AL2 1NL.
Catholic History Walks: The King’s Good Servant Tuesday 25th July, 6pm. The story of the heroic St Thomas More. Meet at the Church of Our Most Holy Redeemer, Chelsea. Nearest Tube: Sloane Square or South Kensington. Cost £5, concessions available. Walks may take up to 2 hours. For further information please visit:
Retrouvaille: A Lifeline for Troubled Marriages. England/Wales Weekend 15th – 17th September at Welwyn Garden City AL8.
Retrouvaille is the name of a programme designed to help heal and renew marriages. The word "Retrouvaille" simply means "rediscovery". The programme offers the chance to rediscover yourself, your partner, and a loving relationship in your marriage. During the weekend a team of three couples and a priest give a series of presentations. You will be encouraged to put the past behind you and start re-discovering each other. The team presents a technique of communication and practical tools that enables you to take a good look at most areas of your relationship. They will share how they were able to benefit from these techniques themselves. After each presentation you will have a chance to reflect on it by yourself, then discuss it in complete privacy with your spouse. The team do not provide marriage advice or counselling. The weekend is not a 'miracle cure'; therefore, the post-weekend sessions have been designed to continue the marriage renewal begun on the weekend. During the post-weekend sessions, the technique learned on the weekend is further developed and is used to explore additional areas of the marriage relationship. For bookings and further information please visit To speak to someone in confidence please call:
07887 296 983, 0797 338 0443