DATE:February 4, 1995
TIME:10:34 am 3:20 pm
PLACE:Lake Ozark General Hospital
Osage Beach, MO
Judy Heidlage (Central)
Chris Hoag-Apel (Crescent)
Barb LaTurner (Crescent)
Gail Carroll(Ozark)
Janet Larrew (St. Louis)
Steve Weinman (Kansas City)
Denise Turner (Kansas City)
Gordon Rogers (Central)
Kathy Craig (Ozark)
Mary Howell (St. Louis)
Helen Sandkuhl (St. Louis)
Larry Keefe (Crescent)
Jayna Murphy (Ozark)
Carol Pettit (St. Louis)
Virginia Myerscough (St. Louis)
Agnes Yankee (Central)
Pat Clutter (Ozark)
Jenny D'Agostino (Kansas City)
Tony Mitchell (Crescent)
Judy Marlow (St. Louis)
DISCUSSION: The meeting was called to order at 10:34 am by Judy Heidlage, State Council President. Welcoming remarks were made followed by introductions from those in attendance. A quorum was present.
Carol Pettit reported for the St. Louis Chapter. There areplans for a February ENPC course and several TNCC coursesplanned for the upcoming year.
Steve Weinman reported for the Kansas City Chapter. TheKansas City Chapter plans for collaborative educationalactivities with the nearby Eastern Kansas Chapter during theupcoming year. Possible activities suggested were a NovemberEducational Seminar, Research and Clinical Poster Abstracts
Jayna Murphy reported for the Ozark Chapter. They have ENPCcourses scheduled for March and October and 3 TNCC coursesscheduled in Apri1, July, and November. Also 4 Docu-Dramasare also planned. May 8th the Nurses Award Banquet isscheduled and this year there will be a Media Award presented for the best media report reflecting positively on nursing. The December "Lights for life" Event was a success, callingattention to the importance of safe driving behaviors. Thereis also a TSN course scheduled for March 3rd- May 17th – anyoneinterested in attending should contact the Ozark Chapter.
Larry Keefe reported for the Crescent Chapter. EmergencyElections were recently held to replace vacated positions. Larry was elected as 1995 President. There are 2 ENPC and 2TNCC courses planned for the upcoming year as well as aTrauma Seminar.
Gordon Rogers reported for the Central Chapter. They arepresently investigating the possibly of putting togethertheir first educational conference.
DISCUSSION: Judy announced that the Central and Kansas CityChapters need to inform National ENA of their 1995 officers. National ENA may be notified by calling 1-800-2-GET-ENA.
DISCUSSION: The November 12th meeting minutes were reviewed. No changes were suggested. The motion was made by Jayna Murphy to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Virginia Myerscough and unanimously passed.
DISCUSSION: Steve Weinman presented the quarterly financialsummary. (See attached report). Present balance stands at $10,289.04. Debits included Newsletter production andmailing costs. Credits included 3rd Quarter National StateCouncil Allotment. One question was raised about the statusof our money-market certificate. It was explained that thecertificate was not renewed for the interest rate was low atthe time and it did not provide us with any real benefit inkeeping the money in this type of account. The motion wasmade by Gail Carroll and seconded by Jayna Murphy to acceptthe Treasurer's Report as presented. The motion wasapproved unopposed.
DISCUSSION: Steve Weinman also presented the proposed 1995 Budget and the 1994 Budget Summary. As articulated by Steveat the last meeting, it would benefit the Council to look atsetting specific financial goals for fundraising and theCombined Clinical Conference. This is reflected in the 1995budget.
There was discussion about increasing the budgeted amountfor the upcoming Presidents meeting related to airfarecosts. After discussion the motion was made by Denise Turnerand seconded by Larry Keefe to increase the budgeted amountfor the President's Meeting from the present $600 to $900to cover airfare, lodging, and food expenses. The motion wasunanimously approved by the voting members.
Steve called attention to the increased budgeted amount forthe Newsletter budget related to increased mailing costs. Also a lesser amount is budgeted for General Assembly Costsdue to the close location of Nashville. Hopefully this willhelp with the increased costs involved in 1996 General Assemblywhich will be held in Hawaii. Larry Keefe moved to acceptthe 1995 Proposed Budget with the addendum of the $300increase to the President's Meeting Allotment amount. Themotion was seconded by Jayna Murphy, and passed unanimously.
DISCUSSION: Nathan Williams, President of MEMSA and JimTune, Executive Director of the Combined ClinicalConference, presented a proposal to ENA, for ENA to join withACEP, NFNA, and MEMSA in incorporating the Combined ClinicalConference (CCC). It was explained that the CCC originatedas an off-shoot of a MEMSA Medical Conference. The CCC hasannually been increasing in size and participation. Up tothis time the financial transactions of the CCC have beenhandled through the MEMSA budget. Nathan explained thatthere is an increasing concern by MEMSA regarding theirliability under this present process. Two situations haveheightened these concerns. First, MEMSA is not recognized asa non-profit organization as defined by the State ofMissouri. As a result one year they were made accountablefor taxes involved with the conference. Each organizationinvolved assumed responsibility for their percentage (basedon members participating) but this was done on "good-faith"not due to any binding agreement. The second incident aroselast year with the Flooding Disaster. All encumbered feesnecessary for arranging the conference came from the MEMSAbudget. With the flooding, the viability of the conferencewas at one point threatened. This situation also heightenedMEMSA’s concern about their financial liability with nobinding shared-liability agreement in place. The proposalmade to the Missouri State Council by MEMSA was to join withMEMSA, ACEP, and NFNA in incorporating the CCC. By creatingthis separate entity, equal liability would be shared and alsobalanced representation would be ensured for each of the4 organizations. The By-laws of the Corporation would providea working document by which the CCC could operate.
The proposed By-Laws for this tentative CCC Corporation were also presented to the Council. (See attached document with these Minutes). These proposed By-laws resulted from ongoing collaboration between Jim Tune, Executive Director, MEMSA, and an attorney.
After the proposal was made there was discussion aboutspecific verbiage in the By-Laws regarding how Board Membersare selected and the relationship between the board and theExecutive Director. Also a question was raised as to howmuch "start-up" money would be required and how informationdissemination would be ensured, for this seems to have beena problem in the past. There were no final decisions madeon these specific issues.
After Jim and Nathan's departure further discussion was held. The main issues decided were as follows:
- The proposed incorporation by-laws need to be reviewed byNational ENA. It was felt that National would only lookfrom the perspective as to any conflicts with the National By-Laws, not specifically at Missouri State ENA'sliability issues.
- The State Council should have an attorney look at theproposed By-Laws and comment on any concerns regardingMissouri State ENA's best interests and liability.
- The State Council's representative to the CCC committeewill in the future, need to provide feedback to the State Council regarding meeting minutes, handouts,information, or decisions made by the CCC committee.
- The motion was made by Pat Clutter for Judy Heidlage,as Missouri State Council President, to send writtennotification to MEMSA stating that the Missouri StateCouncil would accept financial liability for theirproportional amount for the 1996 Combined ClinicalConference. The motion was seconded by Gordon Rogers. All voting members voted in favor of this motion.
Further actions which will be taken are as follows:
- Judy Heidlage will contact National ENA for their input concerning the incorporation proposal.
- Chris Hoag-Apel and Helen Sandkuhl will both contactattorneys to solicit legal input regarding how theBy-Law document may impact the Missouri State Council'sinterests and liability.
- When this information is obtained and available for reviewthe State Council will make a final decision about joiningthe proposed CCC Corporation and this decision will beconveyed to MEMSA.
- Judy Heidlage will also contact ACEP and NFNA for theirfeelings and concerns on this issue.
DISCUSSION: Larry Keefe requested financial assistance withthe mailing costs of a research survey. The purpose of theresearch is to gain perspective on how ED nurses are perceivedas a specialty provider and how many hospitals pay ED nursesa critical care differential. (See attached request and survey)
ACTIONS:Jenny D'Agostino, Chairperson of the Nursing PracticeCommittee, agreed to provide the financial assistance fromthe Nursing Practice Budget if results would be shared withthe Committee. Anyone having input into definitions, wording,or additions to the survey should contact Larry.
Judy reported that National ENA had a very good year financially. National is sending $100,000 back to the StateCouncils. Each state received a check for $1000 of the$100,000 amount. The remaining $48,000 will be available asgrant money. The Deadline for the grant application isMarch 10th.
A survey was presented about what the membership feels theirProfessional Organization (ENA) should be doing. Theinformation was provided to Gordon who will pass onthe highlights in the next State Newsletter.
National has made their Call for Candidates. Deadline forapplication is March 4th; members are to contact Judy for theform if interested.
National is also soliciting task force members/writers for the CENReview Course. Deadline for application is February 24th.
There has been changes in the indirect fee structure for theENPC and TNCC courses.
National has issued all State Councils a "State Challenge” benefiting the ENF. Missouri State Council has increased their contribution each year for the past 3 years. It wasfelt our present budgeted amount is appropriate.
Deadline for General Assembly Resolutions are 2/24/95.
Judy reminded the group that the Bureau of EMS and MEMSAhave been the target of recent media stories regardinglicensing and internal disciplining procedures. Be watchingfor any new actions or information.
Several states, i.e. New York & Alaska, have noted a trend inwhich paramedics are providing definitive care to patients intheir homes. National ENA is tracking this practiced and we needto be alert to this emerging trend.
DISCUSSION: Helen distributed a letter requesting nominationsfor the Nurse of the Year Award (3 awards) to be presented atthe Combined Clinical Conference. (See attached letter). This letter will be sent to all members in the next Newsletter. The winner of the awards will be selected by the ExecutiveCommittee. Jenny suggested that criteria be established by which nominations are chosen.It was also recommendedthat the Executive Committee send out certificates orletters of recognition to all nominees.
DISCUSSION: Judy Marlow reported for Joan Eberhardt. PresentlyJoan is awaiting a formal response (IRS) as to our status. Itwas discussed that resolution of this question is important for local chapters need to know how to proceed with taxreporting and so that the Governmental Affairs Committee candetermine if they are able to make official endorsements. Steve Weinman will follow-up with Joan regarding the progress of this issue and determine what additional steps are neededto achieve resolution.
Judy Marlow presented for Joan. The 1995 Goals for theMembership Committee were distributed. (See attached report). The committee plans to complete a membership questionnaire,institute a statewide membership drive, target a membershipincrease of 10%, facilitate the establishment of at leastone new Missouri ENA Chapter, assign all "unassigned" ENAmembers to the appropriate chapter, and to contact all non-renewing or expired members. Judy also requested thatEarl forward a copy of the Point System to Joan.
There was a discussion about the importance of properlyassigning "non-assigned" members so that the appropriateChapters would receive their entitled membership participationfees. Gordon had records of the state map which identified thevarious Chapter boundaries and it will be forwarded to Joan.
Pat Clutter reported that, the goal of the GovernmentalAffairs Committee will be to keep the membership informed ofpolitical activity on the state level so we can targetaction on specific issues that are relevant to our interests. Pat distributed a Governmental Affairs Notebook to eachChapter President which contained phone numbers of legislators,MONA Update Newsletter, and a collection of bills which dealtwith topics of potential interest. Each Chapter President was requested to discuss and prioritize which areas were ofspecial interest. This could be done at the next Chaptermeeting with this information being communicated back to Pat.
Pat informed the group that there is some question regarding ENA's ability to make an "official stand" on an issue relatedto our Tax Exempted Status. She will follow-up on this.
Pat also reported she had investigated the process of utilizinga lobbyist. The price was estimated at $500/month. Thereis not a present need for this service but it could be anoption to utilize in the future if indicated.
The telephone tree was circulated and updated. The final copy will be mailed out in the near future.
Registration forms for Nurse Lobby Day were distributed. Anyone planning to attend was to contact Pat Clutter so ENAcould present as a group.
Helen reported that the quarterly assessment amount receivedfor TNCC courses was $2,250.00. Helen distributed the committeereport to the council members present. (See attached report). Thereport included a TNCC activity report, a memo from National regarding the change in the indirect fee structure, andinformation on the upcoming TNCC Revision Update Session.
Helen reported that based on our State's activity in providingTNCC courses, Missouri was awarded 5 "slots" to attend theRegional TNCC Revision Update. Helen recommended the followingmembers to attend: Chris Hoag-Apel (Crescent Chapter),
Gail Carroll (Ozark Chapter and Trauma Co-Chair), HelenSandkuhl (state Trauma Chair), Joan Eberhardt (St. Louis),and Jan Larrew (St. Louis). Kansas City's representativewould be Ginger Morse, who is National Faculty and hasalready completed the update process. After these membershave completed the Revision Update the task will be to providethe Revision Update Course to Missouri's 140-150 TNCC Instructors by September 1st. Instructors will not besanctioned to teach TNCC after September 1st if they havenot completed an Update Course. This translates into anaggressive time frame of about 6 months in which to get thisinformation disseminated. This is most important so that thepotential $8000 generated annually in TNCC participation feesare not put at risk. Helen felt having these initial instructorsgeographically located as well as having the ability totake the course "on the road" offered the best strategic planfor accomplishing the Trauma Committee's goal. Kansas Cityexpressed concern at not having a representative at theChicago Regional Update Session.
Judy Marlow moved that the State Council approve the recommendedmembers to attend the Regional TNCC Revision Update. Themotion was seconded by Jayna Murphy. The motion was approvedby a vote of 11-in favor and 4-against.
Judy Marlow made the motion that the State Council approve $300per participant to attend the Update Session.
DISCUSSION: It was determined that the money was already in the budget so no vote was necessary. The State Update Courseswill be utilized as fundraising with the participation feesbe forwarded to the State Council.
Judy Marlow distributed the Committee’s 1995 goals. (Seeattached report). There are plans to update the State WideSpeakers Bureau. A letter will be sent out via the StateNewsletter. There are also plans for the development ofan awards program that encourages state chapters toparticipate in educational activities. The committee will also investigate the feasibility of presenting a StatewideEmergency Care Symposium.
Carol Pettit reported that there is a conference callscheduled for tomorrow evening. Any update information willbe forwarded to Gordon to include in the Newsletter.
Larry Keefe reported that there were no ENPC courses heldlast Quarter. One of the Committee's goals is to have anENPC course in Kansas City in the near future. Larryidentified the need to strongly market the program. Theconcept of how the course content helps to meet regulatoryrequirements for pediatric education was one strategymentioned. The possibility of applying to National ENA forthe available grant money was also suggested.