Rule 300
3 CCR 713-11
A. Basis. The authority for promulgation of rules and regulations by the Colorado Medical Board (“Board”) is set forth in Sections 24-4-103, 12-36-104(1)(a), , and 12-36.5-104(4)(d), C.R.S.
B. Purpose: These rules have been adopted by the Board to:
1. Establish standards for the designation of specialty societies by the Board in order that such societies will be entitled to the immunities provided by Section 12-36.5-101, et seq., C.R.S.;
2. Effectuate the legislative policy set forth in Section 12-36.5-101, et seq., C.R.S., by encouraging members of medical specialty societies to openly, honestly, and effectively study and review the conduct of practice by members of those societies, including the quality of service rendered by those members;
3. Enable the Board to more effectively regulate the conduct of the practice of medicine by encouraging the prompt, accurate, and complete reporting of instances of unprofessional conduct by peers in the medical profession.
In order to be designated a medical specialty society or association entitled to the immunities provided by Section 12-36.5-101, et seq., C.R.S., such medical society or association must show:
1. The members of the society or association are licensed to practice medicine and residing in the State of Colorado;
2. The members of the society or association specialize in a distinct and recognizable discipline of medicine. Such specialization may be shown by establishing that such group:
a. Is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties, or the Advisory Board for Osteopathic Specialists of the American Osteopathic Association; or
b. Is recognized as a medical specialty society by the Colorado Medical Society, or the Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine; or
c. Practices an area of medicine that is materially distinguishable from any other such area.
3. The specialty society or association is representative of practitioners in that discipline. Therefore the society or association must show that its membership is open to all practitioners in the State of Colorado, and that such membership consists of 50% or more of the practitioners of that discipline in this state. The society must provide the Board with a description of that society’s or association’s requirements for membership at the time it seeks designation.
4. The society or association must establish that the action it takes against the membership status of its members is taken in conformity with state and federal law, including the procedures set forth in the Colorado Peer Review Statutes, Sections 12-36.5-104(7) and (8), C.R.S., and the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C. 11101, et seq.
5. The society or association must acknowledge and agree to comply with a standing request on the part of the Board for a complete record of allprofessional review proceedings, pursuant to Section 12-36.5-104(11), C.R.S. Said record of proceedings shall be sent to the Board not later than sixty (60) days following the final action of the governing board or the surrender of membership.
6. In the event that the Board determines, after initial review, consideration or investigation, that the alleged conduct leading to the discipline of the physician member of the society or association does not involve a violation of the provisions of the Colorado Medical Practice Act, C.R.S. 12-36-101, et seq., the reports or information submitted pursuant to paragraph 5 and related documents or proceedings of the Board shall be confidential and not subject to public inspection or disclosure.
7. Records submitted to the Board by a peer review committee of a designated medical specialty society or association shall be entitled to protection against release or disclosure consistent with state and federal law.
Effective: 11/30/88; Revised: 12/8/89; Revised: 1/30/90; Revised 08/19/10; Effective 10/15/10