Carolyn Montgomery Orange
2303 Ruby Oaks
San Antonio, TX 78232
Place of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri
Graduate Study: Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Graduate courses in the MBA program,
M.A., Educational Psychology,
Ph.D., Educational Research/Educational Psychology, 1991
Professor – Educational Psychology
University of Texas at San Antonio, 2004 to present
Developed a new degree program in Educational Measurement and Evaluation 2005-06
Area Coordinator for Educational Psychology Program
in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, Adult and Higher Education 2001- 2004
Associate Professor - Educational Psychology
University of Texas at San Antonio, 1998-2003
Assistant Professor - Educational Psychology
University of Texas at San Antonio, 1993-1998
Courses: Psychological Basis of Learning or Learning Theories,
Learning and Development of the School Age Child,
Human Development Across the Lifespan.
Psychology of Human Motivation (Developed this course)
Assistant Professor - Educational Foundations
St. Louis University, 1991-1993
Courses: Human Growth and Development
Psychology of Teaching and Learning
Pre-Certification Lab for Teachers
Motivation Consultant, Independent, 1987 - 1991
Motivation and Empowerment of African American Youth.
Teaching Assistant, Washington University, 1990
Supervised Student Teachers
Instructor, Maryville University, 1986-1988
Courses: Motivating Kids to Achieve,
How People Learn (Educational Psychology)
Program Director, Maritz Motivation, 1983-1985
Designed and Implemented Motivation and
Incentive Programs for Corporations
Assistant Staff Manager, Southwestern Bell, 1977-1980
Programmer/Analyst - Data Systems
Programmer/ Analyst –Business Research - Financial Analysis
Teacher, St. Louis Public Schools, 1970-1977
Orange, Carolyn, (2014). What Would My Classroom Look Like If I Believed In
Myself More? In progress under contract with Rowan and Littlefield,
Orange, C. (2008). 25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Sage Publications.
Book Translations: Arabic, Chinese, and German
Orange, C. (September, 2008). 44 Smart Strategies for Avoiding Classroom Problems. Simplified Chinese Language Translation.
避免课堂失误的44招 /Bi mian ke tang shi wu de 44 zhao, by Ao lin qi.; Zhao yue.;Publisher: 中国轻工业出版社, Bei jing : Zhong guo qing gong ye chu ban she, 2008.
Orange, C. (September, 2006). 44 Smart Strategies for Avoiding Classroom Problems. Arabic translation.
44 استراتيجية لتجنب ارتكاب الأخطاء في الصف الدراسي = 44 smart strategies for avoiding classroom mistakes / by أورانج، كارولين; أبو طه، موسى فايز; الراميني، فواز فتح الله, Publisher: غزة، فلسطين : دار الكتاب الجامعي، 2006 [1426] Arabic Union Catalog
Orange, C. (September, 2005). 44 Smart Strategies for Avoiding Classroom Problems.Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Sage Publications. German translation.
Orange, C. (September, 2004). 44 Smart Strategies for Avoiding Classroom Problems. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Sage Publications.
Orange, C. (February, 2002). Quick Reference Guide to Educational Innovations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Sage Publications. (book ranks in the top 100 best-selling books out of 630 titles) Global Distibution: In 241 Libraries Worldwide. (WorldCat)
Book Translations: Chinese, Thai and Slovenian
Orange, C. (November, 2002). 25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them. Chinese Language Translation. Bejing, China: China Light Industry Press. Bejing Multi-Million Electronic Graphics & Information Co. Ltd.
Orange, C. (September, 2002). 25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them. Thai Language Translation. Bangkok, Thailand: Expernet Co. Ltd.
Orange, C. (September, 2002). 25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them. Slovenian Language Translation. Ljubljana, Slovenia: EDUCY
Orange, C. (February, 2000). 25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them. Corwin Press, Inc. 4th printing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Sage Publications. (has ranked #2 in top 100 bestselling books out of 630 titles) Global Distibution: In 828 Libraries Worldwide (WorldCat).
Orange, C. (2014) Connecting to Our Stakeholders: How Faculty Research Can Engage the Community. In Priorities of the Professoriate: Engaging Multiple Forms of Scholarship Across Rural and Urban Institutions. Editor: Bonner, F. , et. al. Information Age Publishing.
Orange, C. ( 2006) 4 Case studies: ( Mr. Wallace Technology teaching using a 3-D model of the Periodic Table of the Elements; Mr. Wilson – A Model of Ineffective Teaching; Mrs. Hudson – Constructivist Teaching; Connor- Analysis of a “slow” problem student) to be published in The PRAXIS Series: Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers. (A National Teacher’s Exam) Educational Testing Service: New Jersey
Orange, C., Murakami Ramalho, E. (April 2013) Predicting Levels of Student Self-Efficacy to Identify Underprepared African American and Hispanic Adolescents. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology 11(1) 51-74.
Orange, C. & L. Mwilambwe (2007). An Academic Steeplechase for African American Millennials: Staying The Course through the Hills, Humps and Hurdles of Higher Learning. National Association of Student Affairs Professionals (NASAP) Journal 10(1) 49-62l.
Orange, C., & George, A. (January 2000) Child Sacrifice: Black America's Price of Paying the Media Piper. Journal of Black Studies. 30(3), 294-314.
Orange, C. (Fall 1999). Using peer models to teach self-regulation. The Journal of Experimental Education. 68(1), 21-31.
Orange, C., & Horowitz, R. (February 1999) A comparison of teacher perceptions to Mexican American and African American Male students’ perceptions of literacy tasks: Educational implications.
(Hispanic Research Center Working Paper Series, WP-11, University of Texas at San Antonio)
Orange, C., & Horowitz, R. (September, 1999) An Academic Standoff: Literacy task preferences of African American and Mexican American male adolescents: Actual vs. expected. The Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 43(1), 2-13.
Orange, C., Greenman, N. & George, A. (Fall/Winter1998). The motivated Student: A new factor in the alienation equation of African American and Mexican American male adolescents. Journal of Communication and Minority Issues, 5(1). 59-68.
Orange, C. (1997 September/October). Gifted students and perfectionism. Roeper Review, 20 (1), 39-41.
Orange, C. (1996 April/May). Rap videos: a source of undesirable
vicarious empowerment for african american male adolescents. The High
School Journal, 79 (4). 281-292.
Orange, C. (1996 Winter/Fall). The effects of female partner selection
behavior on the achievement of african american male adolescents. Journal
of Communication and Minority Issues, 3(1). 11-21.
Orange, C. (1995). Precursors, perceptions, probabilities and peers:
Enemies of African American achievement. NASSP: Curriculum Report. 25 (2)
Orange, C. (2013-2014) An examination of stressors of American and Saudi Arabian teachers.
Orange, C. (2013-2014) Examining the influence of parental education on self-regulated learning and the need for postsecondary remedial education.
Research In Progress
Orange, C. & Orange, J. (2013-2014). Reducing the Need for Postsecondary Remedial Education by Improving College readiness with Self-Regulation Training.
Orange, C. (2012-2013) Classroom Interactions that May Trigger Aberrant Teacher Behavior and Academic Trauma.
Orange, C. (February, 2013) Academic trauma: A legacy of early educational practice
Orange, C. & Logan, B. (January 2014). Aberrant Teacher Responses to Student Diversity and Possible Effects on Development Outcomes, presentation at the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu Hawaii
Orange, C. (January 2013). Using self-regulation to reduce the need for post-secondary remediation. presentation at the 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu Hawaii.
Orange, C. (2012). A Comparison of Sources of Stress, Teacher Stressors and Coping Strategies of Teachers in America and Saudi Arabia. Accepted for the 2012 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
Orange, J. & Orange, C. (2011) Identification of factors that influence the academic performance of students who enter college underprepared for the challenges of undergraduate work. presented at the Association for Institutional Research Annual Conference, May, 2011, Toronto, Canada.
Orange, C. (January 2010). Classroom Interactions That May Trigger Aberrant Teacher Behavior and Academic Trauma " Hawaii 9th International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii
Orange, C. (2009) Put Some Pep In Your Academic Step with Academics Anonymous. On Course National Education Conference. Raleigh, North Carolina
Orange, C., Guerra, N. & Hsieh, P. (2008) The Role of Self-Efficacy in the Self-Regulatory Behaviors of African American and Mexican American Adolescents. The 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Orange, C. (2007) Preventing Academic Trauma, A Subtle Form of Child Abuse. Twenty First Annual Conference On The Prevention Of Child Abuse, San Antonio, TX.
Orange, C. (2006) Teacher Education - Effective Teaching in the World of Brain-Based Learning. The 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Orange, C. and Bonner F. (2005) “Climbing the Rough Side of the Mountain: African American Tenure-Track Faculty In PWIs. Southwest Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Orange, C. (2004) “The Role Of Self-Efficacy In The Achievement Gap Of African American And Mexican American Adolescents” Plenary Speaker, Black Caucus of the American Association for Higher Education, Greensboro, North Carolina
Orange, C. (2003). “ Self-Evaluation: A critical process in self-regulatory strategy use and professional development.” Part of a Canadian symposium at the 10th EARLI conference in Padova, Italy.
Orange, C. (2003) “ The role of self-efficacy in the achievement of African American and Mexican American Adolescents.” Accepted for presentation at American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago.
Orange, C. (2002). “Academic trauma: A new dimension of post traumatic stress disorder? ” Paper session accepted for presentation at the Southwest Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Antonio.
Orange, C. (2001). “25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them: The Biopsychosocial Why’s of Teacher Mistakes ” Invited interactive session presented at the Southwest Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New Orleans.
Orange, C. (April, 1999). "An Academic Standoff: Literacy Task Preferences of African American and Mexican American Male Adolescents versus Teacher Expected Preferences." Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Montreal
Orange, C. (April, 1999). " Testing the Factorial Validity of the Self-Regulation Inventory." Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Montreal.
Orange, C. (May, 1998). “Literacy task preferences of African American and Mexican American male adolescents: Actual vs. expected.” Paper presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Orange, C. (March, 1997). " Using Peer Modeling to Teach Self-Regulation." Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago.
Orange, C., & George, A. (February, 1996). "The Societal Price of Paying the Media Piper" Paper presented at the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Research Association of Minority Professors. New Orleans, LA
Orange, C. (April, 1996). " The Effects of Nutrasweet and Caffeine on Memory." Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York City.
Orange, C. (April, 1996). “Gifted students and perfectionism.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York City.
Orange, C. (1995). “Using a diagrammatic decision structure to facilitate the research process.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Orange, C. (1994). ”Motivation and empowerment of African American male adolescents.” Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Orange, C. (2014) “50 Years Later: Black America's Journey Through Migration, Desegregation,
Resegregation and Integration” Invited Keynote presentation. Educational Testing Service, San Antonio, TX.
Orange, C. (2014) “War on Poverty 1964-2014” Invited Keynote presentation. Upward Bound: A Federal Trio Program, San Antonio, TX.
Orange, C. (2012). Researching and Identifying Collectible Vintage Costume Jewellry. Presented at the San Antonio Women’s Hall of Fame Annual Membership Meeting 2012.
Orange, C. (2010) If You Don't Follow Your Dreams, You'll Never Know What's on the Other Side of the Rainbow. Presented at Single Mother's Mentoring Summit 2010
Orange, C. (2008). Inspirational Keynote: “A Garden of Grace Where God’s Promises are Fulfilled.” Presented at the Single Mother’s Mentoring Summit 2008. San Antonio, TX
Orange, C. (2007) Keynote Speech: Honoring Black Royalty, Past, Present and Future. Presented at the UTSA 2007 Black Heritage Ball. University of Texas – San Antonio.
Orange,C. (2007). Tools of Success. Presented at San Antonio I-Group Organization. San Antonio, TX
Orange, C. (2006) Promoting Diversity Through Student-Sensitive Classrooms. Presented at the UTSA 2006 Authors & Researchers Panel: Cultivating Diversity through Education. University of Texas – San Antonio.
Orange,C. (2006). Ball of Confusion: Effective Conflict Resolution. Presented at the Great Northwest Neighborhood Association Meeting. San Antonio, TX
Orange, C. (2005) Effective Teaching in the World of Brain-Based Learning Sponsored by TRIO Program and Judson School District.
Orange, C. (February 2005) A Panel Discussion on the “Color of Education”, presented by San Antonio Community College for Black History Month.
Orange, C. (April 2005). 33 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make and How to Avoid Them, Presented by the Jack and Jill Organization, Regional Cluster Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Orange, C (2004) Respect for Black Womanhood Panel Presentation. Sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Orange, C. ( Spring, 2004) “Avoiding the 25 Biggest Mistakes: An Examination of the Root Causes.” Invited Address. St. Louis Public Schools Coaches and Mentor Program. Funded by the Parsons Blewett Foundation.
Orange, C. (Spring, 2002). “Quick Reference Guide to Educational Innovations. ” Book signing and presentation at Borders Bookstore. Teacher Appreciation Event (San Antonio in Heubner Oaks).
Orange, C. (September, 2000). “25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them.” Book signing and presentation at Barnes and Noble Bookstore (San Antonio in Northwoods Shopping).
Orange, C. (September, 2000). “25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them.” Book signing and presentation at Barnes and Noble Bookstore (San Antonio on DeZavala).
Orange, C. (September, 2000). “25 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them.” St. Philip’s College.
Orange, C.(March 2000) “ What It Takes: Women in Higher Education” Women’s History Week: Women Who Inspire Us: Imagina El Futuro. University of Texas at San Antonio.
Orange, C., Horowitz R. (February 2000). “An Academic Standoff: Literacy Task Preferences of African American and Mexican American Male Adolescents versus Teacher Expected Preferences”. Multiple Literacies in Las Americas from Dick and Jane to the Internet in Espanol and Beyond. Symposium at UTSA
Orange, C. (February, 1999). “Academic Excellence: Strategies for becoming a Better Studentt”. Black History Month Presentation /Workshop.
Orange, C. (June, 1998). “The Role of Relationships in the Academic Achievement of African American Youth.” Palo Alto College.
Orange, C. (April, 1998) “ Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow.” Keynote speaker for the 1998 Growing Up Female Workshop. An official Fiesta event sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.