European Voluntary Service – Volunteer Information Form
Sending Organisation:
1. Personal Information
Name and Surname:Gender:
Address, City, Country:
Date and Place of Birth:
Passport No:
Passport valid until:
Current occupation:
Mother tongue:
Other languages and levels:
Mobile telephone:
Social media information (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc):
Emergency contact name and surname:
Emergency contact address:
Emergency contact email:
Emergency contact Tel:
Special Needs: Please detail any dietary requirements or special needs that will need to be considered on the project.
Do you have a drivers licence? Yes No
Have you participated in an EVS project before? Yes No
If Yes, explain:
2. Background Information
- Please tell us about your education and employment history to date. If there are any gaps please tell us what you were doing i.e. unemployed, travelling etc.
- Please describe any previous volunteer experience in your country or abroad. Focus especially on workcamp experience (as a volunteer, camp leader, organiser etc).
C. Have you had any previous independent travel experience? Please give details of your travel e.g. length, destinations, travel companions etc.
D. Please describe your initial interest or motivation to undertake this European Voluntary Service placement. Especially focus on what is a workcamp for you, and how do you understand volunteering.
E. Tell us a little about what you would hope to achieve/gain during the placement and any initial concerns you may have.
F. Please put X in the boxes that represent fields you think you are skilled at:
Not skilled / So-so / Very familiar with / Please comment/describeOffice work (use of MS office, web, etc)
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube)
Photo and video editing
Presentation and communication skills
Workshop facilitation
Group leadership
G. What are you planning to do after the project?
E. Use this final space to say a little more about yourself and what you may be able to contribute during your time on the placement i.e. interests, skills, motivation etc.
3. Placement Information
- Will you be available for the entire duration of the project 01/02 – 1/12/2016?
Yes No
If No, explain:
- Having in mind that the placement is in Belgrade the first 2 months and the last month (for all 9 EVS volunteers), while 2 months are in the filed (in workcamps, with groups of 15 international short term volunteers) and 5 months are in a local partner organisation:
you don’t mind in which town in Serbia we place you for the 5 months of Personal Project Phase, as long as you are well informed by the projects in question and the decision is made together between you, other EVS volunteers and the supervisors;
you have a list of priorities of the places and organisations for the Personal Project Phase (put them in descending order by prefference: first the one you like the most):
- Belgrade, Young Researchers of Serbia – Voluntary Service of Serbia
- Belgrade, Youth Office of Savski Venac
- Obrenovac, Youth Office of Obrenovac
- Kragujevac, Interactive
- Krusevac, Educational Centre Krusevac
- Nis, Proactive
- Sremski Karlovci, Vojvodina Environmental Movement
- Subotica, Youth Office of Subotica
4. Sending organization's remarks (to be filled in by the Sending Organisation):
I declare that all the above information is true and that I am not aware of any reason why I would not be suitable to take part in the EVS programme.
Place: Date:
Please return this form along with your CV to your
sending organisation’s coordinator:
FIYE Poland,
CIA Greece,
JAVVA Belgium,
COCAT Spain,
INEX SDA Czech Republic,
IJGD Germany,
INEX Slovakia,
For any further clarifications, please contact:
Jelena Ristic Beronja, Volunteers Exchange Coordinator
at ; skype: jelena.yrs
Young Researches of Serbia - Voluntary Service of Serbia
Bulevar umetnosti27 ▪ 11070 Belgrade▪
Tel +381 11 311 66 63▪ +381 11 311 66 53▪