The national baptist congress of christian education

Envisioning the Future Exceptionally

“Leading Disciples for Christ”

Matthew 10:1Romans 12:4I Corinthians 12:7Ephesians 4:11

Lecturer Notes

Department of Church Ministries

Division of Family Ministries


Pastor Bartholomew Orr

Brown Missionary Baptist Church

980 Stateline Road East (Main Campus) 7200 Swinnea Road (South Campus)

Southaven, Mississippi 38671

Pastor’s Cell 901-601-7202 • Church Office 662.342.6407

“Equipping Saints to be Like a Tree Planted in the Word”

Tuesday’s Lecture

“Leading Disciples to Discover Jesus’ Power”

Matthew 10:1

  1. Introduction
  1. Order! Order! Order! Please come to order! Who’s to blame for the miserable mess (hellish hypocrisy, contentious conflicts, loose living, wild uncontrollable anything going) going on in churches? Jesus left the church with purpose, power, protection and the people to run it (Matthew 16:18-19). But now it seems like we have lost focus of purpose, the force of power to lead, the faithfulness of people, even our future is questionable. The ship needed to get the church out of these troubled waters is LEADERSHIP! Whenever there was a problem, God raised up leaders to instruct, inspire, and influence the people in the ways that they should go. The problem in churches is leadership. If the worship is going to be meaningful, membership - strong, discipleship - transforming, fellowship - unified, stewardship – abounding, relationship – growing then we need excelling, exemplary and expanding LEADERSHIP. The Problem we are facing is Leadership!
  1. How do we lead disciples especially in the area of our FAMILY? Too many Biblical characters experienced triumph in their faith but tragedy in their family. David had victory over giants but defeats with his own children. Samuel listened to God but his own sons would not listen to him. Abraham had faith to step out for God but his sons remain out of step with each other till this day. Adam walked with God but his son, Cain, ended up running away from God. Jacob fought with he Lord but his sons fought among themselves.
  1. So this week we want to discover how to lead disciples especially in our families to Discover His (Jesus) Power [Matthew 10:1], to Discern their Place [Romans 12:4-5], to Determine their Profit [I Corinthians 12:7], to Develop other People [Ephesians 4:11-12]
  1. Dr. Elliott Cuff, Dean, stated “Jesus would teach them, mentor them, guide them, enlist them, empower them, educate them and introduce them to the mysteries and wonders and practical principles of the kingdom of God.” (Theme Book, pgs. 7-8)
  1. Jesus in Matthew 4:19. Jesus makes it clear that He is the One who must work in the believer and work on the believer before He can work through the believer and make them a fisher of men. Jesus saved His disciples (John 1:35-51). Jesus schooled them (John 2:1-11). They submitted to Him (Luke 5:1-11). They left some things and some people. Then, Jesus sends them out (Matthew 10:1).
  1. Mrs. Loretta Miller spoke of the significance of discovering Jesus Christ’s power. “From this discovery of power, the sinner moves through several levels of responsibility: (1) to operate with their spiritual gift, sharing the good news of the Gospel; (2) to invest in others . . . (3) to lead like Jesus in helping others to further discover their power in Jesus Christ.
  1. Main Thought: In order for families to discover His power for them, we must recognize the problem, request through prayer, and respond with the power.
  1. Recognize the Problem (Matthew 9:35-37 nlt)
  1. The Crowds are Confused and Helpless. They are wearied in spite of wealth, exhausted even with their excess, faint of spirit and body despite their finances.
  1. The Committed have no Compassion and Heart. Jesus was moved with compassion. We’re more moved by songs instead of souls, the band instead of brokenness.
  1. We have too many members in the crowd and too few disciples who are committed. Members just Congregate/Disciples Cooperate; Members just Come/Disciples Go; Members just Sit/Disciples Stand and take Stands. The Church has become too SOCIAL and less SPIRITUAL. The Church is NOT just a Social Club for Fellowship; or just for Social Justice fighting for Freedom; or just a Social Services ensuring Finances for its members; or just about Social Media trying to be Famous. Spiritual Problems requires Spiritual Solutions!
  1. Request through Prayer (Matthew 9:38)
  1. The Secret Ingredient. Jesus had no secret ingredient or secret recipe. Jesus was known for His prayers. At His baptism in Luke 3:21 He prayed, when He was getting ready to pick His disciples in Luke 6:12, He prayed. Luke 5:16 – alone in prayer. Jesus prayed for Simon in Luke 22:32, when He was getting ready to be betrayed Luke 22:40-44, On the cross Luke 23:46. The church today continues to face the same issues now as it always have. Theological issues such as the Plan of Salvation – Grace vs. Works; Faith vs. Fruits. Social Issues such as racial prejudice – Integration vs. Segregation; Multi-cultural vs. Single culture. Even Political issues such as immigration – Walls vs. Bridges. This is the reason why we need spiritual leadership and structure in place (Acts 14:23, 15:6) who is committed to prayer, fasting, the Word of God, and filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 15:15) and who come together in peace and unity (Acts 15:6, 12) to resolve issues. Acts 6:4. Are you part of that leadership structure in your local church? Do you pray regularly for those leaders? Today, write a word of support and a prayer of encouragement and send it (mail, email, or even social media post) to them. If you are a leader, pause and pray for wisdom, and be reminded of the awesome responsibility God has given you.
  1. Respond with Power (Matthew 10:1)
  1. What a Command of Jesus given to His disciples! Jesus called the disciples (Matthew 10:1), charged them with authority (Matthew 10:2), commissioned them for ministry and mission (Matthew 10:5) and then commanded them (Matthew 10:7) to go and preach and make a difference. Like the disciples, we must obey the command of Jesus to go, preach and make a difference.
  1. What Confidence Jesus must have had in His disciples! As representatives of Jesus, they would be able to do all that Jesus did including raising the dead. He did not limit their abilities or lower the standards of excellence. Jesus expected faithfulness and He was honest about the hardships they would face. Like the disciples, we must be outstanding in performing our tasks to the glory of God.
  1. What Courage the disciples must have had! Can you imagine being told to go and raise the dead? Without hesitation, they went and returned and told Jesus everything that had happened (Luke 9:10). This is our season to lead with integrity, humility and excellence. The task has been given to us to raise the dead and the power needed has been provided. Like the disciples, let’s be overcomers in our homes, communities, and in even in the church.

Your Assignment came with His Anointing!

  1. Conclusion. Don’t Let Them SLIP through the Cracks.” My challenge is that we commit to the following Actions as seek to “Change Lives and Make a Difference” to the very end of this year!
  1. S - Share!
  2. Share your story. What’s your testimony? (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
  3. Share His story. Tell someone the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Acts 1:8)
  4. L – Learn!
  5. Learn their pain. Listen and don’t be judgmental. (Proverbs 27:17)
  6. Learn His plan. Familiarize yourself with the plan of salvation. (Acts 20:20-21; Romans 10:9)
  7. I – Invite!
  8. Invite them to class. Start small with a Sunday School, Small Group, or even a Home Gathering. (Matthew 9:10)
  9. Invite them to church. (Hebrews 10:25)
  10. P – Pray!
  11. Pray to the Lord of the harvest. (Matthew 9:35-38)
  12. Pray for laborers for the harvest. (Isaiah 6:8)

Wednesday’s Lecture

“Leading Disciples to Discern their Place”

Romans 12:4-5

  1. Introduction
  1. I must confess. I have a problem with my vision. Even with my contacts, I need help to see certain things. My doctor has suggested readers. Please forgive me for yesterday. Many people in our church has CONTACT with the Master but because of VISION problems, they still need help. Some are nearsighted with no vision for the future. Others are so farsighted that they think only of heaven and they’re no earthly good. Some are colorblind and can’t see sin for what it really is. Or perhaps it is cataracts because something or somebody is just blocking their vision. Their problem with VISION is they don’t know their PLACE! I know those are fighting words, “Stay in your place!” Knowing our place/purpose is vital because it tells us: (1) Who we are – our Design; (2) Why we are here – His Desire; (3) Where we are going – our Destiny; and (4) How to get there – His Directions
  1. Dr. France A. Davis stated, “If we are going to envision the future exceptionally by leading disciples to develop faithful function, we must know that God has designed His church disciples to be interdependent. Those who know the way themselves lead others in the walk.” (Theme Book, page 19) He further wrote, “The end is mutual dependence of each member for the cultivation and fulfillment of other members and the good health of the whole body.” (Theme Book, page 19)
  1. Thank you, Apostle Paul, for this tremendous letter to the saints at Rome. Rome was the capital of the world and Paul had a desire to visit but beforehand he writes this letter about the grace of God revealed in the gospel of Jesus Christ which gives guidelines for our growth and genuineness. Romans is a textbook and theory book combined giving us both truths to learn and techniques to follow and apply.
  1. The church is called by many names and referred to in many ways ~ a building (Ephesians 2:19-22), a flock (I Peter 5:2), a bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:25). But exclusive to the Apostle Paul is the description that the church is the Body of Christ (Romans 12:4; I Corinthians 12:14; Ephesians 4:8-16; Colossians 1:18). What a description of the church, which can aid in the development of the church and knowing the duties of the church! Dr. France A. Davis even stated, “Word pictures are great tools for effective communication.” (Theme Book, pg. 17)
  1. In order for the church to make sure it is effective in the world, we must make sure it is not infected with False Doctrine, Foolish Division, and Fashionable Devils.
  1. What Shouldn’t Be in the Body (Romans 12:1-3)
  1. NO CORRUPTIONin the Body. Keep worldliness out. “Don’t copy the behavior.” Every church member has a responsibility to live morally pure lives which are holy and separate from the world’s lifestyle! We owe it to God to be different from the world. Don’t dress loosely, live wildly, talk thuggishly, and act crazy like the world. Our worship extends outside of these walls to do the proper, pleasing and perfect will of God
  1. NO CONFUSIONin the Body. Keep wondering out. “Then you will learn . . .” True worship is bringing Glory to God by pleasing Him in all things.
  1. NO COMPETITIONin the Body. Keep warring out. “Don’t think you’re better.”
  1. NO COMPARISONin the Body. Keep whining out. “Be honest in your evaluation.”
  1. What Should Be in the Body (Romans 12:4-21) Every church member has a responsibility to be actively involved in some ministry (in addition to the Bench Ministry) in the church. CHRIST!
  1. COOPERATIONin the Body. Keep unity in. Dr. France A. Davis “Together we are to function as one body, interconnecting and interlocking. The guiding principle of Christian discipleship must not be competition but cooperation.” (Theme Book, pg. 19)
  1. COMPETANCEin the Body. Keep maturity in. “doing certain things well”
  1. CALLING in the Body. Keep diversity in. “different gifts”
  1. COMPASSION in the Body. Keep charity in. “Don’t just pretend to love others.”
  1. CREATIVITY in the Body. Keep vitality in. “Never be lazy.”
  1. COMMITMENT in the Body. Keep stability in. “Rejoice, be patient . . .”
  1. CHARACTER in the Body. Keep identity in. “Bless those who persecute . . .”
  1. Discerning My Place (Colossians 1:9-14)
  1. ROLES– Gifted because of who I am What are your current roles in life?i.e. I am a Christian, Husband, Father, Pastor, Evangelist/Teacher, Community Worker
  1. VALUES- Guided by what I have What are the values that you live by? i.e. I’m governed by
  1. God. God is the Sovereign Lord and my Compassionate Divine Father. He is the Creator of all things and in only in Him does the creation find its purpose. I receive my greatest fulfillment through living out the purposes God created me for. I bring glory to God through a selfless, sacrificial life. I live out Biblical principles in my everyday practice.
  2. Integrity. I uphold Godly moral principles in my personal, public and private life. I guard my mind against negative and damaging thoughts. I govern my speech and conduct to match the principles I teach and preach. I depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to give me the desire and power to be true to God’s standard.
  3. Leadership. I provide strong guidance to my family, church and community. I cast vision and communicate vision for the church in a clear and compelling manner which enables the church to rise in our responsibility and meet the challenges of our communities and world with the life-changing power of the gospel. I participate in the shaping of those around me so that they can achieve excellence.
  4. Excellence. I operate at my best potential using all of my resources, skills, talents, etc. in an efficient and most productive way.
  5. Family. I love and respect my wife who is my best friend. I honor and protect her and I seek to understand her so that I meet her needs. I love my boys and show my devotion to them through time and meaningful activities. I train them according to God’s Biblical standard and model for them the traits of true manhood (responsibility, accountability, integrity and leadership.
  1. TRIBUTE STATEMENT – Guarded by what I leave. If you could attend your own funeral, what would you want the people there to say about you? Or if you could design your own tombstone, what would you want it to say?
  1. Christian: Well done thy good and faithful servant.
  2. Husband: The faithful flame of his love has warmed my heart and brightened my life.
  3. Father: Our dad has been the best daddy to us. He has always been there for us, believing in us and encouraging us.
  4. Pastor: As a humble shepherd, Pastor Orr fed us with inspiring and transforming truths; cared for us with a compassionate heart; and led us with a gracious hand.
  5. Evangelist: God used Rev. Orr in such a way that his messages gave me clarity of the Word of God and I was able to grow.
  6. Community Leader: The fabric of our community was strengthened by Pastor Orr willingness to serve and go the extra mile.

Me: I did my best with what I had to the glory of God

  1. MISSION STATEMENT – Grounded by why I exist. Why are you here?
  1. What would I really like to be and do in my life? A true Man of God making a difference in the lives of others.
  2. What are my greatest strengths? People person, intelligent, kind, compassionate, giving.
  3. How do I want to be remembered? As a loving husband, committed father and faithful Pastor who sacrificially gave of himself for the glory of God and the good of mankind.
  4. Who is the one person that has made the greatest positive impact in my life? God (Annie Brown)
  5. What traits does this person have? He is holy, pure, just, loving. She was spiritually connected, wise, loving and positive.
  6. What have been the happiest moments in my life? Marriage, birth of sons, preaching
  7. If I had unlimited time and resources, what would I do? Helping others, travel
  8. How can I best contribute to the world? Preaching and teaching
  9. Rough Draft of Mission Statement Creatively, Simplicity, Compassionate, Passionately, Hands On, Connecting with people, insight into His words so that I can impart it to others, convict me to the straight and narrow, empowering me. Three (3) verses of the Bible sums up my life: Colossians 1:28-29 “(I) preach Him warning and teaching every man with wisdom so that “I” may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose I labor striving according to His power which mightlily works in me.” Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” I John 4:4 “Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world” Draft #1 Because of His greatness in me, I will achieve greatness for Him by living a balanced life that is a blessing to others. Draft #2. Through the God’s power in me, I will work to make a difference by bringing glory to God and doing good for others. Draft #3 I will use the best in me to do the best for others to the glory of God. Draft #4 Through a life of integrity and excellence, relying on the power of God, I will invest my life to helping others, healing my community and ultimately bringing glory to God. Draft #5 As a divinely called leader to my family and community and guided by integrity, humility and excellence, I will bring glory to God by investing my life to inspiring the best in others and to influencing positive change in my community through the teaching and preaching of God’s Word

My Life Statement

As a divinely called leader to my family and community and guided by integrity, humility and excellence, I will bring glory to God by investing my life to inspiring the best in others and to influencing positive change in my community through the teaching and preaching of God’s Word.

As a divinely called leader to my family and community – (Who I am)

and guided by integrity, humility and excellence – (How I will do things)

I will bring glory to God – (What I will do)

by investing my life

to inspiring the best in others and

to influencing positive change in my community

through the teaching and preaching of God’s Word.