RFP #C000535–Statewide Digital Orthoimagery and LIDAR

Attachment 1 – Proposal Checklist

Page 1

Checklist Item / Page #
☐ Administrative Proposal
☐Three (3) appropriately labeled original paper copy sets and one (1) exact copy of the Administrative Proposal
☐ One (1) Electronic format Administrative proposal (PC Compatible Windows USB Thumb-Drive)
Please provide a brief description of the company background.
☐ Attachment 1 - Proposal Checklist, completed and signed
☐ Attachment 2–Bidder Information Form completed
☐ Attachment 3 - Firm Offer Letter and Conflict of Interest Disclosure, must be signed and notarized
☐ Attachment 6 –Minimum Bidder Qualifications
☐ Attachment 8– NYS Required Certification
☐ Attachment 9 - Lobbying Forms All-in-One, completed
•Completed and signed Offeror’s Affirmation of Understanding of and Agreement pursuant to State Finance Law §139-j (3) and §139-j (6) (b)
Completed and signed Offeror Disclosure of Prior Non-Responsibility Determinations
☐ Attachment 10 - EEO 100 – Equal Employment Opportunity Staffing Plan, completed and signed
☐ Attachment 11 - MWBE 100 - MWBE Utilization Plan, completed and signed
☐ Attachment 12 - Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement- Form #4, completed
☐ Attachment 13 - Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement A, completed, signed and notarized
☐Attachment 14 - Encouraging Use of NYS Businesses in Contract Performance, completed
☐ Attachment 15 - Contractor Certification to Covered Agency, ST-220-CA, completed, signed, and notarized
☐ Attachment 17 - Bidder Experience and Qualifications, completed
☐ Attachment 20 – Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire completed
☐ Attachment 23, Workers’ Compensation Requirements under WCL § 57: Completed Workers Compensation Coverage Form:
•C-105.2 (Certificate of NYS Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage): Contact your insurance carrier or licensed NYS insurance agent for this form OR
•U-26.3 (NY State Insurance Fund Certificate of Workers' Compensation Coverage) Available from the NYS Insurance Fund OR
•SI-12 (Affidavit Certifying That Compensation Has Been Secured): Board-approved self-insurers must obtain this form from Board's Self-Insurance Office OR
•GSI-105.2 (Certificate of Participation in Workers' Compensation Group Board-Approved Self-Insurance): Employers must obtain this form from their group self-insurance administrator; OR
•WC/DB CE-200, Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from New York State Workers Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Coverage. Request through the Workers’ Compensation Board website.
☐ Attachment 25 – Vendor Assurance of No Conflict of Interest signed
☐ Attachment 26 – Use of SDVOB Certification
☐ Attachment 28 – FOIL and Litigation Disclosure
☐ Attachment 29 – Affirmative Statements
☐ Financial Proposal
☐Three (3) appropriately labeled original paper copy sets and one (1) exact copy of the Financial Proposal
☐ One (1) Electronic format Financial Proposal (PC Compatible Windows USB Thumb-Drive)
☐ Title Page
Label this page “Financial Proposal”
☐Table of Contents
Identity all proposal contents
☐ Attachment 3 - Firm Offer Letter and Conflict of Interest Disclosure, completed, signed, and notarized
☐ Attachment 4 - Financial Proposal Workbook, completed
Pricing shall be:
- Inclusive of all labor, licenses, insurance, administration, overhead, travel, and all other applicable expenses required to meet the applicable RFP requirements. No other costs will be allowed.
- No overtime rates will apply
- Proposed price must be firm for a minimum of 270days from the date proposals are due to be received by the State, or until a Contract is approved by the NYS Comptroller and executed by the State.
- All terminology used in the Financial/Administrative Proposal must be consistent with and correspond to the terminology used in the Technical Proposal.
☐ Technical Proposal
☐Four (4) appropriately labeled original paper copy sets and one (1) exact copy of the Technical Proposal
☐ One (1) Electronic format Technical Proposal (PC Compatible Windows USB Thumb-Drive)
☐ Title Page
Label this page “Technical Proposal” and include:
- RFP Title and number
- Bidder’s name and address
- Name, address, telephone number, and email address of the Bidder’s contact person
- Date of the Proposal
- Bidder’s Federal Tax ID Number
- Bidder’s NYS Statewide Financial System Supplier (SFS) ID Number, if known
☐ Table of Contents
Must identify all proposal contents by page and section number
☐ Attachment 1 - Proposal Checklist, completed and signed
☐ Attachment 6 -Minimum Qualifications completed
☐ Attachment 17 – Bidder Experience and Qualifications completed
☐ Attachment 19 - Technical Proposal Form provided
The Following should be included in the technical proposal
-Technical and Management Proposal Overview
-Executive Summary
Must include:
- a brief description (not more than two pages) that summarizes your proposed approach and work effort.
Not covered by two (2) page limit
- Name and address of contact
-Corporate structure identifying any parent company and affiliates for Bidder and subcontractors
- Date and place of incorporation, where registered, licensed, as applicable, corporate headquarters, and other background information, etc.
- Describe the corporate profile, core business, and state the number of years the providing each service function for the Bidder and any subcontractors
- Organization chart for Bidder Management Structure
-Bidder and Subcontractor Information
  • Bidder’s Company Profile
  • Corporate Business Background of Subcontractor
  • History of working with proposed Subcontractor
-Organizational Overview
-Project Overview Response- in format described in Part 4 of Attachment 19 (Bidder followed structure of Section 3 Scope of Work of the RFP.)
-Project and Project Manager References
-Knowledge Transfer Plan
-Technical Proposal Project Task Assignment Overview
* Should there be a discrepancy between the electronic media and the original hard copy, the hard copy takes precedent.
I certify, with my signature below, that all required and requested information listed above is completed and included in this bid submission.
Authorized Signature: / Date:
Print Name and Title:
Company represented: