Please complete the following form to register your Start Up Event. Completing this form will enable us to promote your event and allow us to supply you with some resources to help with the running of your events. In return, we ask you to return participation data, as this is extremely helpful for us to plan future support in this area and helps to secure funding from Sport England for future Go Canoeing initiatives. After you have registered your Start Up Event we will send you on a participant feedback form to help you to return data back to us.
Feedback in previous years has shown participants really enjoy their experience and are interested in going again. When planning your Event it is really important to think about what opportunity you will have lined up after theEvent to allow participants to go again.
Organisations Details
Name of Club/Centre / Promotion:We want to help ensure your Events are a success by promoting them as widely as possible. Please tick if you are happy for your Events to be advertised.
Website of Club/ Centre / British Canoeing Websites / Yes No
Carefully selected 3rd party websites (e.g. BBC website) / Yes No
Event Organiser Details
Please provide the details of your details below so that we can get in touch with you if we have any questions regarding your event. Please also state if you are happy for the following details to be included in the advertising of your Events. / Organisers Address
Please note this is not venue address. Your address information will not be shown on the website; it is needed to send you information and resources for yourEvent / Postcode:
Name / Yes No
Phone number / Yes No
Email Address / Yes No
Event: Details
Address: Please provide address of the location of yourEvent. / Directions:Please provide clear instructions of where to go to on the day, including the meeting point if this is not obvious from address.
Providing this will ensure that we can promote the exact location of yourEvent on our interactive canoe near you map correctly. This can be found by placing a pin on your location in Google maps. / Latitude:
Longitude: / Name of Water:
e.g. River Trent, Lake Taplow, Beeston Canal
Description ofEvent:Please give an overview of what your activity entails - 1000 characters max. / Joining Instructions: Please provide any additional details that might be useful to a participant - suggested things to include: Equipment & Clothing needed, facilities available or further info not included in overview - 1000 characters max. Our standard text is provided as follows (feel free to adapt this for your specific activity or leave it as is)
All equipment will be provided on the day so you don’t need any specialist kit to take part. We recommend wearing comfortable clothing, such as light tracksuit bottoms (not jeans) and layered tops, as well as any water/windproof over layers and a pair of old shoes (with secure fastenings) which you don’t mind getting wet – no flip flops.
Check the weather before leaving the house to ensure you take clothing to suit the conditions. If it is sunny, don’t forget to wear waterproof sun cream (we recommend a minimum of factor 30) and a hat, as the reflection of the sun off the water can be strong. It is also worth bringing a spare change of clothes to travel home in, just in case you get the odd splash off the paddle.
Event: Details
Title of Event e.g. Start Up Slalom, Start Up Freestyle, Start Up Marathon, Start Up Sprint. Start Up Polo, / Date / Start Time / Finish Time / Price / Any Age and Gender restrictions
Open to all, Adult Only, Children Only, Female Only / Is your EventDisability Friendly Yes/No / Boat Type Available:
Canoe, Kayak, SUP, Ergo, / Booking required?
Yes/No / Last Booking Date
10:00 / £5 / Open to all Min age 8 / No / Canoe / No
Booking Details:If booking is required please provide booking contact details, if different from Organiser details.
Booking web URL / Tel / Email
Additional Info:Please provide any other specific additional information.
Follow up Event:Please provide some brief details about what follow up opportunities you will provide participants with.
Images and Logos
We have the ability to promote your events with a specific image and logo, please tick below any you have attached and to confirm relevant permissions are in place for images to be used on our websites.
Club or Centre Logo followin111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Photo of Club/Centre Poster
Important Information - Please read the following
Feedback / Gathering information regarding participation is really important to us and is used to help plan future support for this area. We are really interested in knowing how many people are taking part in Events and how many people then take part in future canoeing activity as the result of a positive experience. Sport England are also very interested in the number of participants attending Events and your feedback will be used to help secure future funding for the sport.
I confirm that I will return feedback forms about the Event registered.

Please return registration form to