Dixon Salo Architects, Inc. / Meeting Minutes
501 Park Avenue
Tel. (508) 755-0533
Email: / Worcester, MA01610
Fax. (508) 755-0050
Project: / Re-Roofing
Douglas Municipal Center
29 Depot Street
Douglas, MA 01516 / Prepared By: / Neil Dixon
Location: / Re-Roofing
Douglas Municipal Center
29 Depot Street
Douglas, MA 01516 / Date: / February 28, 2012
attendees: / Michael Guzinski
Bill Cundiff
Rick Colonero
Neil Dixon / Douglas Town Administrator
Douglas Town Planner
Douglas Facilities Maint. Mgr
Dixon Salo Architect / Distribution: / Attendees
Project Design Meeting No. 1
Item / Description / Action
1.1 / Work is to include the re-roofing of the areas indicated on the previously prepared plan and re-pointing of concrete parapet coping caps at gym. The exterior masonry restoration work is to not be included in the scope of this work at this time. / INFO
1.2 / Area over police station sally port to be an alternate.
- Remove existing deteriorated wood walkway. Build new steps down from second floor to roof surface and install roofing walkway pads to fire escape
1.3 / Additional concrete parapet coping caps at gym require re-pointing and should be included in the work. Neil to meet with Rick to review within next 2 weeks (3/15). / INFO/DSA
1.4 / Re-pointing of concrete coping caps on main building should be included as an alternate. / INFO
1.5 / Alternates:
- Re-pointing of concrete parapet coping caps on main building.
- Re-roofing of police station sally port roof.
1.6 / Discussion of Schedule for Bidding and Construction. Construction work should be completed by end of July. Proposed Schedule:
- Field Visit for verification of existing conditions 3/15/12
- Send Advertisement to Central Register4/9/12
- Complete Construction Documents and Advertise for Bids4/18/12
- Issues Documents for Bidding (DSA)4/18/12
- Pre-Bid Conference at Municipal Center4/25/12
- Receive Bids (2:00 PM)5/2/12
- Award Contract5/15/12
- Construction Start6/18/12
- Construction Completion8/3/12
1.7 / DSA will issue documents for bidding. Bid’s will be received by Town Administrator. / INFO
1.8 / Contractor will be allowed to use existing Rest Rooms. / INFO
1.9 / DSA to update estimate for the work and forward to attendees. / DSA
1.10 / DSA to review previous fee and revised scope of work and advise if any adjustment in fee will be required. / DSA
Facilities Audit and Master Facilities Plan
1.11 / Study and report were completed 11 years ago (30 March 2001). Update should not include old grammar school. / INFO
1.13 / DSA to submit proposal in two parts:
- Fee to update costs included in report.
- Fee to update reports on conditions of each building and associated costs to address deficiencies.
1.14 / DSA to address item 1.10 above by 3/15/12 and item 1.13 by 3/28/12. / DSA
1.16 / Next Meeting:To be determined. / INFO
These notes were recorded as understood by the writer. Please contact this office if there are any comments or corrections.
Prepared by: __Neil Dixon
Neil Dixon
Dixon Salo Architects, Inc.