Medical University of SouthCarolina

Amendment for MUSC Human Resources (HR) / Payroll Software Replacement RFP#675-BR

Sign and return Amendment along with your RFPresponse.

Date: Monday, March 14,2016

Senior Purchasing Officer: Bert Red, CPPO,CPPB Phone:(843)792-6841

Amendment # 2: MUSC Human Resources (HR) / PayrollSoftwareReplacement RFP #675-BR: Answers to submitted Questions. The deadlineforproposal is hereby extended until Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 3 pmEST.

Thank you, BertRed


AuthorizedSignature / PrintedName / Date
Company / Vendor No. (IfKnown)
MailingAddress / Social Security Or Federal TaxNo.
City / State / ZipCode / Phone
Notice Of Award (MUSC UseOnly) / ContractNo.
Accepted By MUSC AsFollows:
BertS.Red,CPPO,CPPB–SeniorPurchasingOfficer–PurchasingServices / Date

Solicitation # 675-BR, MUSC Human Resources (HR) / Payroll SoftwareReplacement:

1.In reference III. SCOPE OF WORK/SPECIFICATIONS Background, the RFP statesthatit is expected that a new Core HR/Payroll solution will be able to supportpayrollfunctions within' Equifax/eThority’s UMS. Please clarify what MUSC meansby“within”? Does MUSC mean integration? What functions specifically?Costallocations, budgeting planning? Page19.


The new system will be expected to replace the payroll functions withinUMS.Specifically, the system will provide the ability to create and submitpersonnelaction forms. Additionally, the forms will need to be able to be routed tomultiplebusiness units within MUSC for funding to be assigned and forappropriateapprovals. Integration with UMS is not expected. However, the new systemwillneed to export financial data to a reporting tool that will allow business unitstoreconcile payroll information to the system of record and provideaccountmanagementfunctions

2.In reference to TM-8, the RFP scope of general services requested includestimemanagement using Kronos. What employees/functions will continue in Kronosandwhat

employees/functions will use time management in the newsystem?Page 20 and Page98.


It depends on the vendor’s capabilities. In addition to time and labor, we alsouseKRONOS for leave reporting, scheduling, absence manager (FMLA tracking),andanalytics

3.Requirement PC-9 states that the system should have the ability to calculateandprocess

certain pay elements based on combined salaries across entities. Please explainandprovide a scenario. Page30.


We have several pay elements that are dependent on combined salariesacross entities. An example would be 403B deductions based on yearly IRS limits andourparking deductions. Parking rates on a tier system based on combinedsalaries.

4.The scope of general services requested includes position management.Positionmanagement is also referenced in the “Future Growth” section of the RFP. Is itthedesire of MUSC to include position management in the initial scope? Thesamequestion applies to grants management, time and compensation. Page 19 andPage70.


Time management and Compensation management are not in the initial scope,butwe are interested in learning of the vendor’s capabilities for future phases.PositionManagement is desirable but not required for the initial scope for MUHA.MUSCPcurrently has position management capability and would like for it tocontinue.

UNIV: does not currently have position management, it is desirable but notrequiredfor the initial scope forUniv.

5.Specific requirements are included in the RFP regarding the ability torecord,approve and track progressive discipline documentation(PM-2).Talent/Performance was not specifically included in the scope of generalservicesbut is included in the “Future Growth” section. Is it the intent of MUSC to includethisin its initial implementation scope? Page70.


Tracking progressive discipline is not a requirement for the initialimplementation.. MUSCP is currently able to track disciplinary actions records within Infinium..UNIV:Tracking progressive discipline is not a requirement for the initialimplementation..

6.Requirement PC-10 seeks the ability to calculate a weighted rate formula,includingretroactive pay. Please explain and provide a scenario. Page30.


We would like the system to assist in our calculation of average weighted rateofovertime for retroactive pay. This is helpful in the scenario when an employeehasmultiple rates of pay in addition to shift differential pay andovertime.

7.Is MUSC requiring a grants management module in the new system or aninterfacetoan

existing grants management system and the ability to do cost allocation in theinitialscope? Page19.


MUSC is currently using a homegrown Access Database to collect datafromvarious systems. A grants module is not a requirement; however, it would beidealfor MUSC to consolidate as many features as possible to reduce the numberofsystems currently in use. See 18, 19, and20.

8.There is a requirement to have flexibility to manage data required forinternationalemployees, including FICA deductions and Visa status, and/or integrate withthecurrent tool used in the Tax Department for doing this. (PDC-3 and PDC-4)Whatsystem is MUSC using to track their international employees? Page31.

MUSC Answer:Windstar

9.There is a requirement in the RFP to track faculty appointments, includinghistoricaland

promotion tracking (HRD-4). Do you intend to include academic functionality intheinitial implementation scope? Page38.

MUSC Answer: YES, faculty appointment and evaluation functionality is criticalandshould be part of initialscope.

10.What are the other system we would be expected to integratewith?


PageUp Recruitment (Applicant Tracking System), SuccessFactorsperformancemanagement, Kronos Timekeeping , Scheduling, and Absence Manager,DataWarehouse, Infinium, DataMagineIndexing

11.Please provide a current list of the FLSA workweek(s) and/or FLSA workperiodsused by each entity inscope.


MUHA , MUSCP and UNIV use the workweek of Sunday toSaturday.

12.Based on the details required to respond to this RFP, would MUSCconsideringgiving a two week extension on the duedate?


The deadline for proposal is hereby extended until Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 3pmEST.

13.In reference to the language II INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS – B.SPECIALINSTRUCTIONS, ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ‘The Offeror shallnotinclude additional Terms and Conditions in their proposal. Any changes are toberequested during the question period.’ Would the State allow the vendor toprovidelicense and/or SaaS subscriptions agreements in the proposal for considerationbythe State? Page16.


If your company is selected as the awarded vendor/vendor of choice, wecandiscuss/negotiate suitable language during the contract negotiationphase.

14.In reference to VI AWARD CRITERIA, DISCUSSIONS AND NEGOTIATIONS–REQUIRED: We appreciate that the procurement process requires discussionsandnegotiations prior to award. As in the past, will the State consider ourreasonablerequests for clarifications and/or modifications of the terms andconditionssubmitted with our proposal? Page71.


If your company is selected as the awarded vendor/vendor of choice, wecandiscuss/negotiate suitable language during the contract negotiationphase.

15.In reference to VII TERMS AND CONDITIONS – B. SPECIAL,CONTRACTOR’SLIABILITY INSURANCE – INFORMATION SECURITY AND PRIVACY: Wemaintaininsurance that covers the State’s requirements. However, we requestreasonablemodifications to this language to align with our specific insurance andbusinesspolicies. In accordance with the Discussions and Negotiations provision of theRFP,may we submit those modifications for the State’s consideration in ourproposal?MUSCAnswer:

If your company is selected as the awarded vendor/vendor of choice, wecan discuss/negotiate referenced language during the contract negotiationphase.

16.Submitting Proposal: If it is the vendor’s suggestion to partner with anexternalimplementation team, will we be permitted to submit an electronic RFPresponsereferencing multiple documents to better detail software andimplementation?

Example 1: Electronic RFP Response with 2 attachments. Or hardcopyresponseseparated bytabs.

Example 2: One PDF file with 2documents.


The RFP proposals must be submitted asfollows:


One USB/thumb drive containing: One (1) electronic copymarked“ORIGINAL” AND One (1) electronic redacted copy marked“REDACTED”

17.Submitting Proposal: Is it sufficient to provide scanned electronic signaturesasopposed to wet signatures forproposals?


Yes, that would beacceptable.

18.Grant Management: What application(s) provide your current stateGrantManagement functionality? SmartStream, UMS, Infinium or other viaintegration?MUSCAnswer:

19.Grant Management: What are your detailed expectations for Grant Managementonthis bid? Is your intent to track labor and hour associated with grants, or areyoulooking to replace your Grant Management system in itsentirety?


It would be ideal to have a system where all grant information can beprocessed,stored, and viewed in one location. As mentioned in section 18, we arecurrentlyrunning a database to capture data from various systems. This creates issueswithstorage space and speed. If your product has a Grants Management module itcanbe presented in your proposal under the future growthsection.

20.Grant Management: Could you elaborate on how you are tracking the paper trailtoand from payroll? In other words, is there an interface from SmartStream HR/PRtoa Grants Mgmt.module?


21.Time and Labor: Do you plan on keeping Kronos for Time & Labor? Pleasedescribeyour vision for a time and attendance solution that yourequire?


It would depend on the vendor capabilities. At a minimum, we would requirethenew system to be able to handle all things that KRONOS is currently doing forus.

22.Equifax/eThority: The Equifax/eThority system (referred to as shadow systeminRFP) is mentioned as system that manages payroll budgeting/planning/entryneeds.Can you please expand on what functions that system performs and whatisenvisioned in the future? If the new Core HR/Payroll solution is required tomeet the “payroll” requirements, what is the expectation to addressthebudgeting/planning type of requirements inEquifax/eThority?


allow for routing and assignment of funding sources. It will also need to exportdatato a reporting tool that will allow business units to reconcile payroll informationtothe system of record and provide account managementfunctions.

23.Budgeting / Planning: Is there a need to do Position level budgeting? Pleaseexplainyour expectations ifso.


MUHA does not currently have a position control for position-level budgeting, butitisourintenttobeginthisprocess.This mayormaynotbeincludedintheinitialscope.. MUSCP currently utilizes position level budgeting on a limited scaleandwould like to expand this based on actual budgeting. UNIV: does not currentlyhavea position control for position-level budgeting, but it is our intent to beginthisprocess. This may or may not be included in the initialscope.

24.Delivery: Is the proposed scope of work required to be delivered as a singlecutoveror in phases? Are there any burning platforms or budget restraints thatwouldrequire prioritization of MUSC’s systems in terms ofcutover?


We anticipate that your implementation plan will describe a phasedapproachrather than all modules in all environments at one time. Please proposetheimplementation approach you feel will work best as requested in Sections B.2.andB.3. on page 64 of theRFP.

25.Change Management: Please describe MUSC’s internal capabilities andexpectationsfrom the implementation partner in terms of change management andlearningsupport for the new HR/Payroll softwarerollout.


MUSC typically uses a train-the-trainer approach. The vendor would train thecoregroup of MUSC representatives, who would then provide training to the rest oftheorganization, asneeded.

26.MUSC IT: Will there be IT resources or Business Analysts assisting theselectedvendor in this endeavor? What % of time, or FTE will MUSC commit its ITresourcesin development or assistance of RICEW (reports, interfaces, conversions,extensionsor workflow) to support the new HRimplementation?


Yes, it is expected that MUSC IT resources will be available for implementationasnecessary. Please specify your expectations, or what internal resources youhavefound to work best as part of your proposal, paying particular attention tothequestions in Section B found on pages 63-64 of theRFP.

27.Will functional SME’s be available full-time or part-time on theproject?


A range of SMEs will be available part-time throughout the length of thisproject.Again, please include your response to Section B on page 64 of the RFP inyourproposed solution forMUSC.

28.Is there an expectation to convert detailed historical information that is nonpayrollrelated?


MUSC would be interested in a discussion of the possibilities for historical data,butit is likely that we would maintain most non-payroll historical data outside ofthesystem for reportingpurposes.

29.How are the post payroll processing activities such as Tax Filing,Garnishmentpayments, Check Printing, Quarter end reporting and compliance managedtoday?MUSCAnswer:

These are all managed by the payroll departments and processedmanually.

30.Will employees work in multiple jobs with different rates of pay andbenefitseligibilities per job? If so, please give anexample.


Yes. We have employees who work across multiple entities (medicalcenter,University, practice plan) with different rates of pay, benefits, supervisors. Wealsohave employees who work multiple jobs within the same entity with a differentrateof pay and different supervisor. For example, a nurse manager may pick up shiftsinnurse staffing on the weekends at the staffing rate, which is separate from thenursemanagerjob.

31.Is there a requirement to address contractor worker requirements? If yes, whatkindof information is needed to be stored for contractors? Are your contractworkerspaid through payroll orA/P?


Contract workers are paid through A/P. We would want to store basicinformationabout contractors, such as name, ID, birthdate, social security number,department,job title, race, gender, expected terminationdate

32.Is there a requirement to configure Pay Scales with progressionpoints?


Not for MUHA, Not for MUSCP Not forUNIV

33.Where is Overtime, shift Pay, Premium Paymanaged?


34.Does MUSC want ongoing support post implementation for items such asupdates,interface changes, Tier 2/3 helpdesk support included in theresponse?


Yes, please propose your recommended types and levels ofongoing/maintenancesupport that will be needed as requested in Section B.1. of theRFP.

35.Please provide an inventory of current state RICEW's (Reports,Interfaces,Conversions, Extensions, & Workflows) along with their associatedcomplexity.MUSCAnswer:

We will consider providing portions of this information if your company isselectedas the awarded vendor/vendor of choice and it is still applicable forimplementationpurposes.

36.How do you assess the quality of your data in each of the MUSC legacyHR/Payrollsystems? What data cleanup might be required movingforward?


MUHA and UNIV assess a significant portion of the HR data with exceptionreportseach pay period, audits new data that was entered, and makes correctionsasnecessary. We would anticipate that minimal to manageable cleanup wouldbenecessary for MUHA and UNIV data.. MUSCP – Minimal cleanup.

37.Does the reference to voucher remittance refer to items such as childsupportpayments or other court organizations? Do you use a third party for theseservices?MUSCAnswer:

Yes, in addition to other voluntary deductions. No, these are all managed bythepayroll departments and processedmanually.

38.Do MUSC employees have records across the multiple HR systems today anddoemployees transfer between them if they move responsibilities intoanotherdepartment or businessarea?


They do have records across multiple employers. Generally we do nottransferrecords when they move from one entity to another, but we do if they transfertoanother department within the sameentity.

Is there a clear source of record for data including service dates withoutcomplexderivation?


39.Proposal Submission: Can you confirm that MUSC will accept an electroniconlysubmittal for the one original, eleven (11) electronic, and one redacted copyasrequested? Vendor C has committed to refraining from printing hard copies ofourRFP responses whenever possible as part of our sustainability policy which canbefoundhere:


RFP proposals must be submitted asfollows:


One USB/thumb drive containing: One (1) electronic copy marked “ORIGINAL”ANDOne (1) electronic copy marked“REDACTED”

40.Due Date/Extension Request: The deadline for submittal is Sunday, April 3rd.Isthat correct, given that date is during a weekend? Would it be possible for us togetan extension of two weeks (April 18, 2016) to respond to yourRFP?


The deadline for proposal is hereby extended until Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 3pmEST.

41.Additional Terms and Conditions: “The South Carolina ConsolidatedProcurementCode specifically addresses the treatment of commercial and financialinformationobtained in response to a request for proposals and states that it need notbedisclosed pursuant to a public records act request. (See Section 11-35-410(A)).The stated RFP process ignores the fact that the vendor’s proposed agreementsandnegotiations concerning such agreements qualify as commercial informationorprivileged and confidential information. “Privileged and confidential informationis

information in specific detail not customarily released to the general public,therelease of which might cause harm to the competitive position of thepartysupplying the information.” (See Section 11-35-410(B)). Some, if notall,prospective vendors do not negotiate their contract terms in public andwouldpotentially suffer harm to competitive position if their contract negotiationswereexposed to competitors. Exposing the prospective vendor’s proposedcontractterms to other vendors is no different than exposing other sensitive areas oftheirproposal such as detailed product functionality; it destroys the equal playing fieldofthe procurement by disadvantaging the vendor who is the most candid withMUSCabout how it intends tonegotiate.

Will MUSC replace Section II(B) under the heading “ADDITIONAL TERMSANDCONDITIONS” of the RFP with one that either treats the proposed contract termsasconfidential if submitted during the Q&A phase (but identifies exceptions totheRFP’s terms that the University is willing to grant to all vendors, withoutidentifyingwhich vendor’s terms are impacted), or requires a detailed submission ofcontractterms and exceptions as part of the bid, which will not be exposed to othervendorsduring theprocurement?”


If your company is selected as the awarded vendor/vendor of choice, wecandiscuss/negotiate suitable language during the contract negotiationphase.


a.How many FEIN’s do you have for the population included in yourpayrollprocessing? MUSC Answer:5

b.Under how many FEIN’s do you file your federal taxes (FICA, FUTA, FIT,)andissue W-2’s? MUSC Answer:5

c.How do you file your state level taxes? Does the state unemploymentfilingfollow the FEIN for your federal filings for allemployees?

MUSC Answer: We file them online on their individual state taxwebsites.Yes.

d.Do you pay employees in states other than South Carolina? If so,whichstates? MUSCAnswer:Yes.



43.Employee Count: Can you please provide the total number of employees at MUSC,aswell as the total headcount broken out in the followingcategories:

a.Full-Time Worker: “Full-Time Employee” is an employee of Customerregularlyscheduled for more than twenty hours per week regardless of the methodofpayment or actual hours worked, whether or not such employee is eligibletoreceive employee benefits in accordance with Customer’s internalstandardpractices. A Full-Time Employee will be considered non-temporary if they arehiredto work for a period of more than 3 months in a givenyear.