Bloomfield, NJ 07003


Message from the PMT Coordinators / 3
Mission Statement / 4
Staff Directory / 5
Who to Contact for Materials, etc / 6
Academic Standing Policy / 7
Absence Policy / 8
Sexual Harassment Policy / 9
Confidentiality Policy / 10
Problem Resolution Procedure / 11
Contract & Timesheet Policy / 12
General Policies / 13
Workshop and Study Group Responsibilities / 14
Tutorial Session Responsibilities / 15
Computer Lab Responsibilities / 16
Front Desk Responsibilities / 17
Professional Appearance Etiquette / 18
Phone Etiquette / 19 - 20
Email Etiquette / 21- 22
Greetings & Introduction Etiquette / 23

September 2007

Dear Peer Mentor Tutors:

We would like to welcome back the returning Peer Mentors Tutors and to wish a very warm welcome to the new PMTs.

The Center for Academic Development greatly values the numerous and varied contributions which our Peer Mentor Tutors have made to our program. Whether serving as tutors and leaders to fellow students, collaborating with workshop and study group instructors, assisting at the front desk, or overseeing the CAD computer laboratory, our PMTs have consistently lent their time, efforts and many talents in support not only of other students but also to the work of the CAD staff. As the Peer Mentor Tutor Program has grown, the term “PMT” has become synonymous, to the entire college community, with intelligence, professionalism, reliability and maturity.

We both appreciate and take much pride in the many ways in which the Peer Mentor Tutors have contributed to the life and work of Bloomfield College.

We have created this PMT handbook to set guidelines to assist you in your continued excellent work.


Anna Fisher and Mary Ellen Haley

PMT Program Co-Coordinators


The mission of the Peer Mentor Tutor (PMT) Program is to nurture and promote the leadership skills and academic excellence of the peer mentor tutors by encouraging them to become leaders and mentors to other Bloomfield College students, and helping them to succeed during their college experience.



Mrs. Anna Fisher, Ms. Mary Ellen Haley,

Assistant Director of MathematicsAssistant Director of English

Office: LRC #203Office: LRC #003

Phone #: (973) 748-9000 ext. 257Phone #: (973) 748-9000 ext. 261

Email: Email:


Aesha Vakil

Office: LRC #003



Mrs. Patricia Arteaga,Mr. Emmanuel Ankrah,

Director of Center for Academic DevelopmentMathematics Specialist

Office:LRC #102Office: LRC #101

Phone #:(973) 748-9000 x258Phone #:(973) 748-9000 x260

Email: Email:

Mrs. Susan Cox,

Reading Specialist

Office: LRC #101

Phone #: (973) 748-9000 ext. 225


Mrs. Betty Heck, Mr. Brian LoRocco,

Office Manager Administrative Support Staff, SOS

Office:LRC Reception AreaOffice: LRC Reception Area

Phone #:(973) 748-9000 x256Phone #: (973) 748-9000 x239

Email: Email:

Ms. Danielle Walker,Mr. Sheldon Channer,

Administrative Support Staff(evening)Sage Coordinator

Office:LRC Reception AreaOffice: LRC #002

Phone #:(973) 748-9000 x256Phone #: (973) 748-9000 x115

Email: Email:


PATRICIA ARTEAGAACF 94 Course and Workshop Tutorial Sessions

MARY ELLEN HALEYACF 97 Course and Study Group

ACF 86 Course
ENG 107 Workshops

PMT program

ANNA FISHERACF 90 Course and Study Group

ACF 92 Course and Study Group

MTH 110 Workshops

PMT program

EMMANUEL ANKRAHACF 88 Course and Study Group (evening sections)

MTH 113 Workshops


ESP Workshops

Office Management (evening)

SUSAN COXReading Specialist

ACF 96 Course and Study Group

ENG 106 Workshops

BETTY HECKOffice Management (day)

BRIAN LOROCCOOffice Management (evening)

SOS program

EDWARD LEVINEPayroll and Timesheets


PAM WEEKS Students with Disabilities

Study Skills


The Peer Mentor Tutors are expected to be exemplary students. Below are guidelines for the standards which you are responsible to maintain so that you can set a good example for other students and assist them as tutors. A PMT is not merely a mentor to peers, but, by definition, should also provide academic assistance when needed. In order to do so, you must hold yourselfto a high academic standard.

PMTs must have a minimum 3.5 G.P.A.

  • If a PMT does not maintain the G.P.A., the PMT will be placed on probation and given one semester’s time to improve the G.P.A.
  • If the PMT fails to improve the G.P.A. while on probation, then the PMT will not be allowed to tutor or be an assistant in a workshop. The PMT will only be able to work as the computer lab assistant or front desk assistant.
  • Once the PMT improves his/her G.P.A to the minimum requirement, then the PMT can approach the program coordinators to request becoming a tutor or workshop assistant once again.


PMTs should be present and punctual for all assigned work hours. In case of absence or lateness, the appropriate persons must be notified in a timely manner by following the guideline below.

If absent/late on the SAME DAY of scheduled hours:

(indicate the nature of the hours)

Day (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM):

  • Contact Betty Heck or Brian LoRocco in person or by phone.
  • If the call is directed to a voice-mail, send an e-mail to Brian and Betty, indicating the absence/lateness.

Evening (5:00 PM – 9:00 PM):

  • Contact evening secretary (Danielle Walker or Ed Levine) or Emmanuel Ankrah in person or by phone.
  • If the call is directed to a voice-mail, send an e-mail to the evening secretary and Emmanuel, indicating the absence/lateness.

Saturday (10:30 AM – 2:30 PM):

  • Contact Patricia Arteaga or Emmanuel Ankrah in person or by phone.
  • If the call is directed to a voice-mail, send an e-mail to Patricia and Emmanuel, indicating the absence/lateness.

If absent/late on FUTURE DATE of scheduled hours:

Send an e-mail to Brian LoRocco and Betty Heck, indicating the absence/lateness. The e-mail should be very specific with the date(s), times, and the nature of the hours that need coverage.


Dear Ms. Heck and Mr. LoRocco,

I will be absent on Monday, October 1. This is my schedule for the day:

9 AM / tutorial
10 AM / tutorial
11 AM / Workshop 94 / Talbot - not sure about room number (sorry!)
12 PM / Front desk


NOTE: The absence/lateness notification will then be forwarded to the PMT coordinators and the PMT student coordinator by the persons contacted above.


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines define sexual harassment as follows:
"Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:
1. submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; 2. submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting that individual; or 3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment."

As an employee of Bloomfield College, PMTs are expected to follow the policy in the Bloomfield College Staff Handbook stated below.

College Staff Handbook (1995-Appendix V):

“The College has a policy to ensure that all employees of Bloomfield College have a work and learning environment free of any type of discrimination, including freedom from sexual harassment.”

PMTs play a dual role on campus; both as a student and employee of Bloomfield College. These roles may conflict when the PMT is in a workshop/study group with a friend in the section, or as a tutor with a friend as the tutee, or assisting at the front desk with a friend requesting help.

PMTs will conduct themselves in a highly professional and ethical manner at all times. All personal relations shall be conducted during non-working hours and outside of CAD.


  • Sexual relations between students (including student employees) and CAD staff whether consensual or nonconsensual, are strictly prohibited. Consent by the student involved will not alleviate an employee from disciplinary action under the College’s policy.
  • Inquiry or discussion of the intimate social affairs of students such as dating, sexual history, sexual habits, and so forth should not be initiated by the PMT nor should the PMT allow students to volunteer this personal information. To avoid any misunderstanding, review with the student the role of a PMT.
  • Physical contact with the students and staff should be limited to handshakes. Hugs are considered inappropriate.
  • Pictures, calendars, graffiti, or objects with a discriminatory or sexual theme should not be displayed.
  • Comments, statements, questions, jokes, anecdotes, and gestures of a discriminatory, offensive, or sexual nature are not allowed.

When a student behaves in an improper way, stop the tutorial session or discussion at once. Report the incident to the PMT coordinators.

Report, immediately, to the PMT coordinators any improper behavior by a professional tutor, fellow PMT or any Bloomfield College employee.


We expect PMTs working with students to treat their academic records, physical/learning disabilities, personal and other information with the appropriate level of confidentiality. All Bloomfield College employees are responsible for carrying out and enforcing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Any information regarding students should not be disclosed unless it is to school officials who have legitimate educational interests.

Guidelines for PMTs and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act:

Information about students’ disabilities scores on placement tests, grades, performance, and attendance in ACF courses, workshops, study groups, and tutorial sessions may not be disclosed by the PMT. Refer the administrator, faculty, or staff person to the appropriate CAD staff member.

  • When handling hard copy information about students, be sure that no one else can see it. Place documents face down on the desk or in a folder. Place documents in an envelope and write “Confidential”, if necessary, when delivering it.
  • When handling verbal information about students, be sure others cannot hear the information being given to the student or administrator/faculty member.
  • When handling technological informationabout students, be sure that unauthorized people cannot read the computer screen (turn the screen away from common areas) and do not have access to the computer account.
  • Discussing students’ academic abilities with other students and PMTs is prohibited.
  • Discussing a student’s disabilities with other students, PMTs, professional tutors, and CAD staff members is prohibited.


CAD expects all its employees to be professional and have a cooperative working relationship with each other and the students. However, there are times when concerns need to be addressed. In order to ensure that there is a fair and balanced resolution, the following procedure should be followed:

  • Talk with the person (student, PMT, or CAD staff person) directly in a non-confrontational manner; describe the concerns. Discuss ways to overcome the differences.
  • If the matter is still unresolved, request a meeting with the PMT Coordinators. Any concern brought up will be investigated by hearing from all parties involved.

In the event that the procedure outlined above has not resulted in a satisfactory outcome, request a meeting with the next supervisor in line.


The PMT program expects Peer Mentor Tutors to demonstrate and follow ethical work habits at all times.


  • Contracts are issued by the Student Employment Coordinator in Career Services.
  • Contracts will be issued once the PMT has attended a BEST workshop.
  • Contracts need to be signed by the PMT coordinators, signed by the PMT, and then returned to Career Services.
  • PMTs may begin working once the contract is signed.


  • Timesheets can be found at the front desk. When being paid by the PMT program, the timesheet will be in the PMT binder. When being paid by CAD, the timesheet will be in the Tutor binder.
  • Check the timesheet for any errors in the work schedule.
  • Check the timesheet to make sure that a break has been scheduled after working five continuous hours.
  • Check the timesheet to make sure the work schedule does not conflict with the class schedule. When the class schedule has been changed, the PMT student coordinator must be notified immediately.
  • Changes in PMT work schedules must first be approved by a PMT Coordinator. Once approval is given, inform the PMT student coordinator immediately.
  • The work schedule posted on the bulletin board must be the most updated one. When that is not the case, update the work schedule and post it.
  • Full name must be signed at the bottom of the timesheet at the beginning of each pay period.
  • Initial the timesheet at the beginning or end of each work shift. Initialing for the entire work week is not acceptable.
  • Initial for only those hours worked. Missed hours may not be made up.
  • Changes on the time sheet will be made only by the PMT student coordinator. Any hour or portion of the hour that you are late (15 minutes or more) will be crossed out.
  • Sign in blueink only.


The Peer Mentor Tutors are expected to follow the policies in workshops, in study groups, in tutorial sessions, in the computer lab, and at the front desk.

  • Adhere to the schedule and assignments.
  • Be punctual.
  • Be present for the entire time.
  • Inform the front desk when leaving and returning to the building. Limit trips out of the building for personal reasons such as picking up food, answering a phone call, dropping off a document to another office, etc. to five minutes.
  • Adhere to given deadlines.
  • Acknowledge e-mails in a timely manner (within 24 hours). If you are not able to confirm something, then indicate you need additional time.
  • Complete projects assigned by any CAD staff member in a timely manner. During work hours, PMT related assignments take priority. Any personal business such as studying or surfing the net must be done during non-working hours.
  • Consume food in an appropriate area such as an empty room and during non-working hours.
  • Turn cell phones off. Answer calls during non-working hours.
  • Avoid confrontations with students. Seek immediate assistance from a CAD staff person when necessary.
  • Do not engage in gossip with any anyone or discuss another student’s academic progress or disabilities.
  • Do not allow students to “trash” a course or course instructor.
  • Do not speak to a student or staff person in a harsh or deprecating manner.

The PMT is responsible for the following:

  • To introduce him or herself to the instructor before or at the beginning of the first workshop/study group meeting of the semester.
  • To discuss with the workshop/study group instructor the PMT role in the workshop/study group. A guide is provided.
  • To ask the workshop/study group instructor to introduce the PMT to the class and explain the PMTs role in the classroom.
  • To come prepared to the workshop/study group with materials provided by the instructor,

writing implements, and a notebook.


  • In workshops/study groups with a large number of students, the PMT may assist the instructor by working with a smaller group of students.
  • When the students’ skills in the workshop/study group vary, the PMT may work with students demonstrating weaker skills while the instructor may work with students demonstrating stronger skills, or vice versa.
  • When one student demonstrates skills much weaker than the rest of the group, the
    PMT may work with that student individually.
  • When the instructor gives an explanation and some students do not understand it, the PMT may give his/her explanation. The explanations may be similar, but sometimes students “click” with the second explanation.
  • The PMT may demonstrate a problem by working a different approach than the instructor.


  • Confirm the room number for the workshop/study group with the front desk or tutorial website.
  • If there is enough notice, consult with the workshop/study group instructor.
  • Introduce yourself to the students as a Peer Mentor Tutor, especially if you are not regularly assigned that particular workshop/study group.
  • Take attendance accurately.

MTH 113, ACF 94, Recitations, ENG 106, and ENG 107: retrieve the attendance card from the accordion folder above the mailbox or from the instructor. Submit the card back into the accordion folder. If you do not have the attendance card, use the blue workshop attendance sheet and submit it to the workshop instructor so that he/she may transfer the information onto the cards.