Great Dawley Town Council

Dawley Town Hall

New Street




Tel: (01952) 567910

Fax: (01952) 567917


Minutes of the Executive Committeeof Great Dawley Town Council held on

11th September 2017at 18:30

atDawley Town Hall.


Councillors: Davies, Heighway, Randle, and Sekhon - MBE.

Staff: Clare Turner (Clerk), Simon Eccleston (Deputy Clerk),and Sarah Houlston (Project Officer)

There were no (0)members of the public present.

A quorum was present when decisions were made. Names present must be recorded.

/ 032 / Great Dawley Town Council Chair’s Welcome
Councillor Davies opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
Councillor Davies updated everyone on the Telford@50 celebration programme for 2018 and the grant funding available for community organisations, groups and Town & Parish Council’s to hold events as part of this Telford@50 celebration.
/ 033 / Apologies for Absence and Reasons
Proposed by Councillor Heighway, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Committee accept the apologies and reasons for absence from Councillors:
Parnaby, Pinter, Sahota, Salter, and Turley
/ 034 / Code of Conduct
Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests.
Councillors were reminded that they should declare any pecuniary interest in matters to be discussed at the meeting, which is not included in the register of interests.
No declarations were made.
/ 035 / Public Session
The Chair adjourned the meeting, as per Standing Order 1.c., 1.d., 1.e., 1.f. and 1.g.
There were no members of the public in attendance, the meeting was then reconvened.
/ 036 / Minutes
Proposed by Councillor Heighway, Seconded by Councillor Randle
Abstained Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Committee accept the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held on the 10th July 2017.
/ 037 / Borough Councillors
The Borough Councillors were given the opportunity to report to the Executive Committee and for the Town Council to question their Borough Councillors.
Councillor Davies informed the Committee that with August being recess it had been a very quiet month but he had continued with regular ward walks and case work. Councillor Davies gave an update that work had started on the old Eveready site and the NuPlace properties at Matlock Avenue were now 95% secured by local people.
/ 038 / Grants
Councillor Davies informed that an application had been received after the date of the agenda and would like for this to be considered.
A grant application was received for Patients First, a new community group started up within Telford & Wrekin. They had requested a £250.00 grant to hold local events and support room hire.
Cllr Randle asked the committee if the group met at one of the Council’s community buildings. The Clerk confirmed that they did not, at this stage.
Proposed by Councillor Pinter, Seconded by Councillor Randle
RESOLVED that the Committee decline the grant for £250.00 from the Patients First, but pay Dawley Town Hall up to £250.00 for room for them to hold their meetings and consultation events at Dawley Town Hall.
/ 039 / Councillors reviewed the grant application forms received;
(a)Voluntary Organisations
Morton Court, grants applications.
Proposed by Councillor Heighway, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Committee approve the grant for £250.00 awarded to Morton Court from the Christmas Grants, to be paid toward a Christmas Lunch and entertainment at the scheme.
/ 040 / (b)Partnership Fund
There were no funding applications to consider.
/ 041 / (C) Ward Councillors Pride Fund
The Committee was asked to consider the allocation of the grant requests for match funding for the Ward Councillor, Councillor Pinter, as detailed within the report.
Proposed by Councillor Randle, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Committee approve the grant requests for match funding for the following through the Ward Councillors Pride Fund for Cllr Jane Pinter with the agreement that the Town Council staff purchase the food directly for the Dawley Food Bank up to the value of £250.00.
-Environmental Fund
T&W £500 matched by GDTC £500 for Friends of Dawley Park for environmental improvements and project in Dawley Park
T&W £327 matched by GDTC £327 to T&W Parks & Open Spaces for costs of replacement damage to the swing in Dawley Park.
T&W £173 matched by GDTC £173 for Great Dawley Town Council to purchase 30MPH signs to be displayed on waste bins in areas identified by the Town Council with speeding and road traffic issues.
T&W £500 matched by GDTC £500 total £1000 for Dawley Town Hall for improvements to the hall and activities for the community
T&W £125 matched by GDTC £125 total £250 for Dawley Food Bank – to provide food and other items for distribution to Great Dawley families in need. With the agreement for the Town Council staff to purchase the items for the food bank up to £250.00 and deliver directly to the Dawley Food Bank
T&W £125 matched by GDTC (£125) total £250 for Let’s Get Together – to benefit the group to pay for transport and activities
T&W £125 matched by GDTC (£125) total £250 for Royal British Legion Dawley – to benefit the group to pay for transport and activities
T&W £125 matched by GDTC (£125) total £250 for Dawley C of E Academy – to benefit children of Dawley ward
/ 042 / (d) Shop Frontage Scheme
The Committee were asked to consider the two applications for the Shop Frontage Scheme. An update on the budget and spend for this grant fund was provided by the Deputy Clerk.
Proposed by Councillor Randle, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Committee approve the grant request for the £250.00 Shop Frontage Scheme from Flying Juice.
Proposed by Councillor Randle, Seconded by Councillor Heighway
RESOLVED that the Committee approve the grant request for the £250.00 Shop Frontage Scheme from Star Tai Massage.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Randle
RESOLVED that the Committee approve the grant request for the £250.00 Shop Frontage Scheme from Lord Victors Vaping Emporium with a grant condition that the colour and style is agreed by the Clerk and is in keeping with the colours of the shutters being painted by the Town Council.
/ 043 / Finance
(a)The Committee to receive and authorise Cheque List (014384 - 014442)
Proposed by Councillor Randle, Seconded by Councillor Heighway
RESOLVED that the Committee agreed and authorised the cheque list (014384 - 014442)
(b)The Committee to receive and authorise the AdvantEdge Reports for July 2017
Proposed by CouncillorHeighway, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Committee agree and authorise the AdvantEdge Report for July 2017:
-Bank Account Reconciliation Statement – Current Account
-Financial Summary – Cashbook & Financial Statement
/ 044 / (b) The Committee to receive and authorise the AdvantEdge Reports for July 2017
Proposed by Councillor Heighway, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Committee agree and authorise the AdvantEdge Report for July 2017:
-Bank Account Reconciliation Statement – Current Account
-Financial Summary – Cashbook & Financial Statement
/ 045 / c) The Committee is to receive and authorise the GPC Expenditure for May 2017.
Proposed by Councillor Randle, seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Committee agree and authorise the GPC Expenditure for May 2017.
/ 046 / d) The Committee received a verbal updated from the Deputy Clerk who provided details on the returned cheque from Malinslee Youth Club.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, seconded by Councillor Randle
RESOLVED that the Committee acknowledge the report and update provided by the Deputy Clerk and agree for the £450.00 to be spent on young people in Malinslee. The Clerk to discuss with the Head Teacher from Old Park.
/ 047 / Casual Vacancy
Councillor Davies provided the Committee an update of the current Casual Vacancy for Councillor in Dawley following the death of Councillor Dillon, following a period of absence.
The next stage is for the Clerk to call a formal meeting inviting those individuals who have expressed an interest in the vacancy.
/ 048 / PiYHS Project Update
The Committee were provided a report and a verbal update by the Projects Officer giving details on the PiYHS Dawley High Street Project, including the elements completed and the next stages in the delivery of the project.
Councillor Davies formally thanked Sarah Houlston, Project Officer, for all her hard work in the delivery of the projects and individual elements.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Heighway
RESOLVEDthat the Committee authorised the following;
-for the Clerk to have delegated authority spend up to £30,000 for the improvements to Meadow Road Car Park entrance project and for the Clerk to have authority to reclaim the monies from Telford & Wrekin for the Meadow Road Car Park entrance project.
-To agree the locations of the directional signage to be installed at the 4 x car parks and Dawley High Street and the locations to be included on the fingerposts to be the Library, Public Toilets, Dawley Park, Dawley Town Hall, Christian Centre, Market, and Doctors, for the Clerk to have delegated authority to spend up to £20,688 on the installation of Directional Signage Project and authority to claim the monies from Telford and Wrekin for installation of Directional Signage Project.
-The location for the Blue Plaques to be installed at the Elephant & Castle, Market Hall, National School (Dawley CofE), St Leonards Church, Springwell Pitt Community Grave, The Lord Hill, Captain Webb memorial, Dawley Park and Dawley Town Hall, plus one other to be selected in consultation with the Chair and the Clerk, following an email to all Councillors asking for one nomination. For the Clerk to have delegated authority to spend up to £13,000 on the Blue Plaque scheme project and have authority to reclaim the monies from Telford & Wrekin.
A request from Councillor Davies was for each of the projects within the PiYHS Programme to have social media communication to inform and update the community on the delivery of the projects including the investment made by both Great Dawley Town Council and Telford & Wrekin Council PiYH programme.
/ 049 / Master Plan Update
The Project Officer tabled an update report on the Master Plan Project for Dawley High Street this includesreplacing damaged and un-even slabs, installation of additional street furniture including installation of additional street furniture including heritage style bollards (both fixed and removable, removal of the existing loading bay outside of Kebab-Ye and change into a standard lay-by for any vehicle for a limited period of time, extension of the existing parking lay-by outside of the Co-Op to allow some additional parking for any vehicle in addition to the blue badge bays only, street lighting being upgraded to LED and repainting broken double yellow lines.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, seconded by Councillor Randle.
RESOLVED that the Committee agree and authorise the Master Plan including the purchase and installation of 11 additional hanging baskets and authorise the Clerk to have delegated authority to spend up to £16,500 for the purchase and installation of 11 additional hanging baskets.
/ 050 / Community Buildings
The Committee were provided a report and a verbal update by the Deputy Clerk giving details on the proposed window cleaning contract for Dawley Town Hall and Dawley House.
Proposed by Councillor Sekhon, Seconded by Councillor Heighway
RESOLVED that the Committee authorised for the Clerk to have delegated authority to spend up to £525.00 annually on a window cleaner for both Dawley Town Hall and Dawley House and for John Hughes ‘Pane in the Glass’ to be the agreed contractor to supply the window cleaning for both Dawley Town Hall and Dawley House.
/ 051 / The Committee were provided a report and a verbal update by the Deputy Clerk giving details on the proposed regular pest control contract put in place for Dawley Town Hall and Dawley House.
Proposed by Councillor Randle, Seconded by Councillor Heighway
RESOLVED that the Committee authorised for the Clerk to have delegated authority to spend up to £900.00 annually on pest control for both Dawley Town Hall and Dawley House and for Steve the Mole Pest Control to be the agreed contractor to supply the pest control service for both Dawley Town Hall and Dawley House.
/ 052 / Dawley & Malinslee Community Library Report
The Committee were provided with a report and updated from the Clerk with regard to the Libraries Book Bingo Challenge and Summer Reading Challenge.
Proposed by Councillor Randle, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Committee authorise for the Clerk to have delegated authority to purchase and award prizes to winners of Book Bingo who are residents in the parish to a maximum value of £250.00
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Randle
RESOLVED that the Committee authorise the Clerk to have delegated authority to purchase and award a gift voucher of £10.00 to the entrant of the Summer Reading Challenge from Dawley & Malinslee and authorise the expenditure to come from the library budget for 2017.
/ 053 / Christmas Solar Lights
The Committee were provided with a verbal update on the report detailing the procurement of solar powered Christmas trees with lights for Dawley High Street and the Malinslee Centre.
Councillor Shaun Davies suggested that for 2018 the procurement was completed for a longer term 3 years and 5 years, as well as the Town Council investigating the costs of purchasing these.
Proposed by Councillor Sekhon, Seconded by Councillor Heighway
RESOLVED that the Committee authorise the Clerk to have delegated authority to order 49 flashing solar lights from Plantscape and authorise the expenditure to come from the underspend from the hanging basket budget for 2017.
/ 054 / Partnership Agreement
The Committee were proved with a verbal update on the report detailing the Service Level Agreement between Great Dawley Town Council and Telford & Wrekin Council for the delivery of the Dawley & Malinslee Community Library.
Proposed by Councillor Randle, Seconded by Councillor Heighway
RESOLVED that the Committee approve the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between Great Dawley Town Council and Telford & Wrekin Council for the delivery of Dawley & Malinslee Community Library and authorise the Clerk to sign the SLA on behalf of Great Dawley Town Council.
/ 055 / Tool Hire Scheme
The Committee were proved with a verbal update on the report detailing the Community Tool Hire Scheme by the Deputy Clerk. The Committee were provided with the internal procedure for the administration of the scheme.
Councillor Davies formally thanked Ben Penfold, Neighbourhood Officer, for the report and the internal procedure but asked if the documentation could be branded with the logos & names of those organisation that had sponsored the scheme.
Proposed by Councillor Heighway, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Committee agree and approve the internal procedure for the Great Dawley Town Council Community Hire Scheme including the application form, conditions of hire, membership log, safety agreement, lending record and membership card and for the logos and names of those organisation that sponsor the scheme to be included on the documentation.
/ 056 / Clerk’s Report
The Clerk provided an update on the report provided for July 17 and August 17 andCouncillors were given the opportunity to ask the Clerk questions.
/ 057 / Correspondence
There was no correspondence to be communicated to the Committee.
/ 058 / Exclusion of Press and Public
To resolve: That under Section 100(A) Local Government Act 1972, the press and public to be excluded from the remainder of the meeting for the following items of business on the agenda.
/ 059 / Staffing Update
The Clerk provided the Committee and update on the Staffing Update report tabled at the meeting.
/ 060 / Date of next meeting
Ordinary Council Meeting - 9th October 2017
Dawley Town Hall

Close of Meeting : 7.48pm

Signed : ……………………………………………………….. Date : ………………………………………………..

Chair of the Executive Committee