Teacher Education Coordinators Meeting
September 6, 2013
Attending: Pat Grutzmacher, Joanne Arhar, Bette Brooks, Erica Eckert, Cathy Hackney, Todd Hawley, Bill Kist, Janice Kroeger, Takahiro Sato for Steve Mitchell, Pat O’Connor, Angie Backus, Sonya Wisdom, Robin Dever, Ramona Freeman, Lori Wilfong, Sandra Pech
Absent: Rebecca Chism, Sarah Rilling, Linda Hoeptner-Poling, Erin LaSala, Andrea Shearer, Averil McClelland, Drew Tiene, Meghan Harper, Roberto Uribe Rendon
Guests: Julee Henry, Jim Knapp
NCATE and Data Dialog Day (Cathy Hackney)
Cathy reported on NCATE. There will be a change in data collection. We need to get graduate faculty more included and engaged in the data collection process. Data collection this fall will be advanced programs only; Cathy will be contacting coordinators to discuss data collection and reporting. Additionally, Data Dialogue Day this fall is cancelled and will be rescheduled for spring, in March or April. In spring faculty will use the conceptual framework and unit assessments to do a matrix to see where EdTPA matches the conceptual framework. Related note: Since Data Dialogue Day is cancelled; the TEC will meet as scheduled on Oct. 4th.
Also, this year’s data will go in the written report for NCATE; eventually they will require three years of data – last year, this year and next year. Through discussion, it was suggested that the employer survey be broken down by program area, or perhaps by licensure area. It was noted that we need to be inclusive of all program areas, including those outside of teacher education.
edTPA (Lori Wilfong and Julee Henry)
Lori shared that there are issues related to scorer deadlines and that we still have missing scores (20). She also shared that she changed the password to the google docs site and that coordinators should contact her if they need to access the site. Additionally, she shared that local scores are more conservation than Pearson, and that there are problems with 0, or lower than emergent, and that student teachers need to learn how to showcase themselves earlier. Also, she said that for this fall, there are only 9 sections of Inquiry – last spring there were 19, and that we now have 8 local scorers and 1 national scorer. The due date for most students to submit materials is Nov. 1st. Portfolio scores are due by Dec. 2nd. The Dean is paying local scorers; the state has not yet made a decision about EdTPA licensure.
Training for scorers can be arranged for Oct. 4the in PM if needed. Geauga Campus will also be offering training and anyone interested in attending there should contact Robin Dever.
Julee Henry shared that regarding video support, Brittany A., her GA, has spent hours on the web page and she can also come to classes by appointment. She shared with coordinators that the checkout policy for students is more flexible this year as well. Students also need to have hands on experience in class with video/editing.
Conceptual Framework (Joanne Arhar)
The conceptual framework was sent to coordinators for feedback, and also to CEAC meeting for feedback. Revisions were made based on feedback and communicated and reviewed again and approved. Now, the coordinators need to take the revised framework to their faculty; after their review it will move forward. Erica will be sending the survey on Monday regarding the conceptual framework, and faculty will have two weeks to respond.
OBR Student Teacher Survey (Erica Eckert)
The OBR will send the survey out for us. We tell them who to send it to. The list is due to OBR next week. We need to encourage students to complete the survey. The name of the survey is “Preservice Student Teacher Survey”.
Standard 3 Update (Joanne)
Danielle will provide a Standard 3 update and Joanne will send information related to co-teaching for coordinators’ review. Joanne shared that the KEEP wants to host another academy, this one combining English/Language Arts and Math. NCATE will interview superintendents on partnerships will local schools and this will be very positive. The KEEP sends one teacher from each elementary, middle and high school to make up a planning team that designs the academies. The academies are designed by teachers for teachers with support from university faculty. These teachers are eligible to earn one graduate credit at no cost for their contribution to the group.
A “boot camp” was proposed for early January. Moulton Hall was suggested, as well as combining the ADED and ECDE students. It was noted that having too many students might not be a good idea.
Clinical Field Experience Update (Jim Knapp)
Fourteen students are without placements. Placements are difficult at all schools and we need to work to build strong partnerships for the future. Jim shared that he and Joanne are meeting with local school superintendents now, hopefully to increase placements in the future.
Next meeting: Friday October 4, 2013; 10:30 AM -12:00 PM Room 308D White Hall
Agenda: Standard 1 of NCATE