1. Personal Information:
Name:Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy):
Sex (Male/Female): Country of Citizenship:
Tel (with Country code):
Marital Status:
No. of children (Including Step-children):
2. Net Worth (Cash in hand and bank (personal), Fixed Deposits, Investment in shares, property, land etc. except jewellery) in US$ and in your local currency:
In your personal name: Liquid: Fixed Assets:In your spouse’s name: Liquid: Fixed Assets:
Invested in business (Own Capital):
3. Details of Education:
Duration / Name of Institution / City/Town and Country / Type of Certificate/Degree/ Diploma Issued (Mention Full Time or Part Time)From
MM - YY / To
3. Employment History:
Duration / Name of the Company, Location (City/Country) / Designation and Detailed Job DutiesFrom
MM - YY / To
4. Have you managed a business and controlled a percentage of the business for at least 3 years in the past 5 years? Yes No
5. Business History (During Last 5 years only)
Duration / Name of the Company, Location (City/Country) / Your Position/Designation and Job DutiesFrom
MM - YY / To
6. Describe the nature of your business in few lines: You can also attach the business profile if you have one with company’s website:
7. Do you have the intention and ability to control at least 33% of a business? Yes No
8. Do you have the intention or ability to provide active and ongoing management of a business overseas once settled? Yes No
9. Do you have the intention or ability to create at least one full-time job for one or more local people (overseas)? Yes No
10. Do you have the intention or ability to createyour own jobthat will make a significant contribution to cultural activities or athletics in your country of destination? Yes No
11. Do you have the intention or ability to purchase and manage a farm overseas? Yes No
12. Do you have any relative in Australia/Canada/NZ/UK/US? Yes No
Please send the completed Assessment form to: . Please allow us 48 hours to get back to you. Thank you.
Global Vision Immigration Inc.
60 Queen St. East, Suite 206, Brampton, ON L6V 1A9, Canada
T: +1-647-342-8346; F: +1-647-497-9182; Email: , Web: