A Review

Build Background

As a group, discuss the following:

What is the value of looking at patterns in nature?

Some complicated patterns are easier to recognize and use if you connect them with familiar patterns. For example, a tornado is like the movement created by a food mixer.

Brainstorm a list of other natural patterns (events) and connections.

Unit 3 Week 1 Day 1

A Activity

Leveled Reader: Storm Chasers

Before Reading

Preview the text by looking at the illustrations in the book. What clues do the illustrations give you about the story? Set a purpose for reading.

Create a web with the words Violent Storms in the center and who, what, where, when, why, and how in the outer circles.

During Reading

As you read, fill in your web. Think about how the information reveals patterns that other people can use.

After Reading

Why might someone choose to become a storm chaser?

What kinds of patterns do you think the storm chasers might look for?

How does the topic relate to the weekly question What is the value of looking at patterns in nature?

Unit 3 Week 1 Day 1

A Review

Graphic Sources

Review the definitions of graphic sources on p. 318. Graphic sources can add interest to a reading, present information in an easily understood form, illustrate a point from the reading, or show complicated concepts.

Important Ideas

Review the definition of important information. Use the Extend Thinking questions for additional support or refer to Envision It!

p. EI-17.

Unit 3 Week 1 Day 2

A Activity

Reading Street Book: The Man Who Named the Clouds


Read The Man Who Named the Clouds on pp. 322-329 and use the comprehension skill and strategy as you read.

What graphic sources help make the reading more interesting?

Which graphic sources illustrate information from the biography?

Why was Luke unhappy as a chemist’s apprentice?

Unit 3 Week 1 Day 2
A Review

Multiple Meaning Words / Context Clues

What does the word atmosphere mean? Look it up in the dictionary.

Find the word atmosphere on p. 327. What does the word mean here?

Look at the word boarding on p. 327. Does it mean “getting on a vehicle”? Or does it mean something else?

Unit 3 Week 1 Day 3

A Activity

Reading Street Book: The Man Who Named the Clouds


Read The Man Who Named the Clouds on pp. 330-335. As you read, look for words that have multiple meanings. The paragraph that includes the word sheet defines the word stratus, which means “layer.” Therefore, “sheet” must mean “layer” here.

Why were more people likely to understand Latin than French?

Which graphic sources in The Man Who Named the Clouds show complicated concepts?

Unit 3 Week 1 Day 3

A Activity

Reading Street Book: My Weather Journal

Preview My Weather Journal on pp. 340-341. Read the genre information about procedural text. Preview the selection, noticing especially the explanatory labels. Set a purpose for reading.

What features do you see that are different from The Man Who Named the Clouds?

During Reading

How would you change the procedure if you wrote a weather journal?

How are The Man Who Named the Clouds and “My Weather Journal” similar? How are they different?

After Reading

Share your reactions to the selection. Then write a procedural paragraph about an activity you do or instructions for a game you play.

Unit 3 Week 1 Day 4

A Activity

Leveled Reader: Storm Chasers

Reread for Fluency

Silently reread passages from Storm Chasers. Then reread them aloud with a partner or individually.

For optimal fluency, you should reread passages three to four times.


Use graphic features and illustrations as a guide to retell Storm Chasers.

Why do you think the author wrote Storm Chasers?

How would you describe Storm Chasers to someone who has not read it?

Unit 3 Week 1 Day 5