Nature of Farming Award 2010
The Nature of Farming Award celebrates the efforts made by farmers to provide for wildlife on their farms.
N.B. Please give full answers to the questions below including, where relevant, details of the management you have undertaken and any key species that have benefited. Farms will be selected for judging based on your answers to this form. Try to be concise and keep answers to each question under roughly 100 words.
Return this form via email to or by post to: The RSPB Nature of Farming Award, FREEPOST ANG6335, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2BR
1. Which of the following best describes your farming system?
ArableUplandMixed (arable and livestock)
Lowland livestock Other, please state:
2. How big is your farm in hectares?
3. Why have you adopted wildlife-friendly farming? Please tick all that apply.
Personal interest in wildlife and the environment / Useful for marketing produceFor future generations / Makes economic sense
Responsibility as a steward of the countryside / Access agri-environment funding
Statutory requirement to protect designated sites / Other
Shooting interest
4. Are you in an agri-environment scheme? Please tick all that apply.
WTir CynnalTir Gofal
SRural PrioritiesLand Managers OptionsLMC Menu Scheme
Rural Stewardship SchemeOrganic Aid Scheme
Other (please state)
Not in an agri-environment scheme
6. Give details of any management you're doing over and above the requirements of regulations and your agri-environment scheme;
7. Describe any problems you have encountered adopting your wildlife-friendly farming practices and explain how you have addressed them;
Questions 8-13 ask you to explain the beneifits of your management, for example through providing nesting habitat, food, shelter, pollination etc. Please only answer the questions relevant to your farm, and mark any others N/A
8. How has your management helped seed-eating birds (e.g. skylark and yellowhammer)?
9. How has your management helped ground-nesting birds (e.g. lapwing)?
10. How has your management helped small mammals (e.g. brown/Irish hare and voles)?
11. How has your management helped arable plants (e.g. poppies and fumitories)?
12. How has your management helped grassland plants (e.g. orchids) and insects (e.g. butterflies)?
13. How has your management helped aquatic mammals (e.g. water vole or otter), plants and insects (e.g. dragonflies)?
14. If you have had any surveys done or you have evidence of the species present on your farm, or how beneficial your management has been, please list the surveys and summarise the results here:
Your details
/First name
Farm address
/Correspondence address (if different)
Telephone (inc. area code):
If you would like to receive emails from the RSPB about out agricultural work, please tick here:
Farm information and other details that you give us in connection with the project will be held by the RSPB on paper and electronically. All details will be kept confidential. We will not make your name, address or any other information available to external organisations without your permission.
The RSPB is continually finding new ways to help farmers conserve wildlife. We may wish to contact you from time to time with such information. If you prefer us not to use your details in this way, please tick here: