Northmont Band Booster 2018 Spring Flower Sale
When is the Sale?
The sale will begin February 1st and end at midnight on March 1st.
What are the Prices?
Prices range from$2.00 to $45.00
What are we Selling?
Vegetables! Moss baskets! 36 ct. Annuals! Perennials! Hanging baskets!Planters! Al’s Pouches and Garden Baskets!

How do I Complete the Online Order Form?
PLEASE NOTE: ALL ORDERS MUST BE PLACED ONLINE. Create only 1 online account per student. You are able to enter multiple customers under this one student account. The student will then enter the orders for each of their customers.
Since the namesof the flowers are identified online just as they are identified in the Flower Sale packet, the process should be quick and easy if you follow the steps below. Please note the paper order form is for your benefit only, DO NOT TURN IT IN, YOU WILL NEED IT WHEN YOU GO TO DELIVER FLOWERS.

  1. Go to and click on "Boosters".
  2. From there, choose "Fundraising".
  3. Next, click on the "Spring Flower Sale" link provided
  4. *Click on New User & create username and password. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE USE YOUR STUDENT’S FIRST AND LAST NAME AS THEIR USERNAME. In about 30 minutes or less, check your email inbox find email with link to “activate” student’s account.
  5. *Follow above mentioned link and then place all order(s) using your student’susername.
  6. No Late Orders Will Be Accepted. You must have your orders in the computer by midnight on Thursday, March 1st. Money needs to be turned in no later than 9:00pm on Friday, March 2nd

*If you need help placing your order online, Call Heather Clutter at 529-1212

When do I Collect Money for the Orders?

  1. Money is to be collected at the time the order is placed.
  2. Make Checks payable to: Northmont Band Boosters. (Be sure the Seller’s Name is on the check’s memo line)
  3. PLEASE!! If you are able, please send in only one check per band student. You can do this by asking your customers to make checks out to you so you can then write only one check out to NBB. THIS WILL HELP THE COLLECTION PROCESS GO A LOT QUICKER. This is not mandatory, but is very much appreciated if you are willing and able to do it.

When do I Turn in Order Money?

  • Thurday, February22nd, 6:00pm to 7:00pm, at Show Reveal
  • Friday, March 2nd 7:00pm to 9:00pm. In the Orchestra Room, by door 8 which is on the building’s north side.

When Will Flowers Be Delivered?
- Orders must be picked up on Saturday, May 5th.
- Orders will be distributed to Seller’s or their Parents only. DO NOT SEND YOUR CUSTOMERS TO PICK-UP!
- You are responsible for picking up/delivering all of your customer’s orders. DO NOT SEND YOUR CUSTOMERS TO PICK-UP!
- More details will be given in April in regard to pick-up.
What Percentage of the Profit Do I Make for My Student’s Band Account?

Do I need to create a new account if I created one last year?

Yes. At the end of the sale all accounts are cleared out.

I created my account but did not get a link to activate my account. Should I create another account? Can you reset my password?


Email or Call Heather Clutter and she will unlock or reset password or with any issues setting up accounts.

Please use your students name as your username!

We will not collect the order form when money is submitted. When money is turned in we will verify against your account, it is easier to find/remember if it is your students name.

Please print off your order by customer for your records

We do not supply a list by customer when the order is picked up.

Some of my order is missing or plants are broken/damaged. Can I get them replaced?

Yes. Any problems need to be reported by May 9th, any issues found after this can not be replaced.

All replacements will be available for pick up. May 11th in the parking lot in front of the Band Room.