ESSA Queensland Chapter Meeting
Face-to-face, UQ, St Lucia
AGM MINUTES 23 November 2013
Meeting Opened: Meeting was opened at 315pm by Beth Sheehan
Meeting Closed: Meeting was closed at 340pm by Beth Sheehan
Attendees: Steve Bartlett, Elaine Killen, Jessie Smith, Tania Brancato, Michelle Small, Andrew Simpson, Donna Howard, David Nunn, Ray Cupples, Deb Fellowes, Anita Hobson-Powell, Danilo Mequod (?), Alex Magee, David Crandell, Hayley Kearney, Jessica Badger, Svet Borojevic, Kristina Casiotis, Chris Askew, Nathan Reeves, Peter LeRossignol, Karen Andrerson, Leona Mirtschin, Nadia Nestor, Beth Sheehan
Apologies: John Dennehy, Emma Beckman, Brandt Clifford, Lainie Cameron
1.0 / Action Item / Discussion / Action Required / Due Date / Portfolio & Person Responsible / Expected Result / Outcome1.0 / Welcome & Apologies / As above
2.0 / Action Item / Discussion / Action Required / Due Date / Portfolio & Person Responsible / Expected Result / Outcome
2.0 / Adopt the minutes of the last AGM, 24th November 2012 / Steve Bartlett & Nadia Nestor
3.0 / Action Item / Discussion / Action Required / Due Date / Portfolio & Person Responsible / Expected Result / Outcome
3.0 / Annual Reports / See attached reports
- Beth emphasised the importance of membership involvement from both AEPs, Sport Scientists and Exercise Scientists
- Beth also discussed the change in state chapter structure for 2014
4.0 / Action Item / Expected Result / Outcome
4.0 / Elections and Appointments / Chris Askew (President) announced the nominations for Chair and Secretary. Beth Sheehan and Emma Beckman were sworn in for 2014.
The Qld chapter has decided to have a minimum of 3 board members and maximum of 6 for 2014. Board members were announced by Beth Sheehan: Steve Bartlett, Elaine Killen, Andrew Simpson, John Dennehy and Donna Howard.
5.0 / Action Item / Discussion / Action Required / Due Date / Portfolio & Person Responsible / Expected Result / Outcome
5.0 / General Business / Beth Sheehan asked for ideas and comments regarding what the members would like to see for 2014 and beyond.
Tania Brancato thanked the Qld ESSA board for their time and effort and pushing forward with the profession.
Beth encouraged all comments, suggestions etc to be sent to the new Qld email of to assist the board in meeting the members’ expectations and needs.
6.0 / Action Item / Discussion / Action Required / Due Date / Portfolio & Person Responsible / Expected Result / Outcome
6.0 / Meeting closed / Meeting was closed at 340pm to proceed into the SGM hosted by Anita Hobsen-Powell and Chris Askew
ESSA State committee meeting
Agenda AGM
University of Queensland
Item 1: Formal Opening
Item 2: Apologies
Item 3: Adopt the minutes of the last AGM – 24th November, 2012
Item 4: Annual Report
Item 5: Elections and Appointments
Item 6: General Business
To include a discussion on the needs and wants of QLD members to facilitate the development of projects and working parties for formation in 2014
Item 7: National Head Office (Anita Hobson-Powell)
SGM 4pm
APPENDIX A 2013 Summary reports:
Annual Report – Acting Chair
(Portfolio: Acting Chair, Beth Sheehan) - Activity Summary2013 State Chapter Summary
- Primary aim this year from our strategic plan meeting was to:
(b) Marketing/CE nights
(c) Cost effective journal club events
(d) Increase membership
(e) Multiple allied health services workshop
(f) Increase webcast workshops v face to face
- This year we have managed to:
(b) Successful Asthma night and journal clubs with more to be held in 2014
(c) Our membership has risen from 2012 to 2013 with: N
New members joined between 1/1/2012 and 15/11/2013.
AEP – 175
Asp – 2
Exercise Scientists – 38
Students - 57
Academic – 2
Associate – 3
Graduate Entry – 1
(d) We have held a couple more webcast options this year for Qld and are looking to continue that for most of our CE programs next year if possible.
Unfortunately we have had some losses in EP positions in Qld Health and we are working closely with Qld Health and the Universities to assist in maintaining these positions and clinical placements as well as hopefully advocating for more in the future.
2013 National Summary
National Board, special interest groups and the office have been working on multiple projects for 2013 and more detail will be provided in the annual report however some highlights include:
- Advocacy for ESSA to be the sport science accrediting body
- Advocacy for AEP involvement within the NDIS, Better start and other programs where by AEPs have been eliminated as preferred providers
- Finalising NUCAP and accreditation procedures for the introduction of new membership and accreditation processes for 2014
- State Chapter review
Planned achievements for 2014:
Strategic Planning meeting January 2014 to ideally choose our main areas of concern for Qld members. Some ideas highlighted are:
- continue providing easy accessible PD opportunities
- increase focus in R&R areas
- continue to advocate for AEP positions within the hospital setting and subsequent placements
(Portfolio: Secretary, Beth Sheehan) - Activity Summary
2013 Summary
- Current balance $ $5637.43.
- General duties: facilitating incoming emails, enquires and assisting the chair in general duties, calling for reports and collating state wide information for meetings as well as national documentation and Facebook administration
- Involvement with the Qld universities Clinical Education Group to assist with placement facilitation
- Assist in coordination of the Journal Club and PD opportunities alongside Elaine Killen
- Handover to potential incoming secretary Emma Beckman in Aug/Sept 2013
( PD Portfolio – Elaine Killen) - Activity Summary
2013 Summary
Our objectives this year were to provide a diverse range of low-cost PDs presented over a wide geographic area. Journal Clubs were also introduced to the Professional Development program this year, proving very popular. The Journal Club format encompassed a presentation detailing evidence based research and current research views, followed up by a presentation describing the clinical application of this research.
Four PDs were held in 2013:
Asthma Management: Multidisciplinary Approach to Optimising Asthmatic patients from acute to maintenance was held in April at the UQ Ipswich Campus, with 66 attendees.
The June Qld Journal Club presentation entitled High Intensity Interval Training in Chronic Disease was held at UQ St Lucia campus, with 59 attendees.
The Disability: NDIS, Conditions, Classification for Sport & Grass roots participation, our September Journal Club, was held at Griffith Uni Gold Coast campus.
Finally, Exercise Prescription for Mental Health will be held in conjunction with the 2013 AGM.
The program for 2014 will be a mix of full-day PDs and the popular Journal Club format. The program kicks off in February with a full day PD Clinical Exercise Testing to be held on the Gold Coast. Other presentations in the planning stage include: legal issues, self myofascial release, PErforM (simplified manual tasks risk management program), and a day-long program focussing on musculoskeletal themes possibly to be run in far north Queensland.
( Hospital Portfolio – Steve Bartlett) - Activity Summary
2013 Summary
- Submission of feedback document addressing the Ministerial Taskforce, Allied Health.
- Submission of feedback document addressing the Draft Clinical Capacity Guideline.
- Submission of 2012/2013 DSG / CETAG Annual report.
- Submission of 2013/2014 DSG Business Case and associated documentation.
- Development of evidence based web program Heart Online to further support health professionals working in cardiac rehabilitation and heart failure.
- Almost 100 placements or approx 15,000 student hours throughout State.
- Draft generic document providing evidence and opportunities for Exercise Physiology workforce expansion to promote and strategically align Exercise Physiology within Hospital and Health Services.
- EP Clinical Capability Framework (CCF) tabled at ESSA National Exercise Physiology portfolio to expand clinical capabilities and SOP.
- Student placement incentive forwarded to Together union to be tabled during current EB negotiations.
- Loss of jobs and funding opportunities throughout the State – public and private Hospital sector
(Portfolio: Exercise Physiology, Andrew Simpson) - Activity Summary
Current Reporting Period
- DVA: Moving to online claiming through HPOS in 2014 (all clinicians that want to use this service needs to register.
- EIM: 30 patients in 30 days, EIM online modules, Promoted face to face workshops
- WorkCover Qld: Online portal was released. All activity with WorkCover Qld is conducted through this portal
- WorkCover Qld TOC Updates – 1 July We can’t do – VOC assessment – un tick this in the online claiming) – Now locked down EP TOC (EP was able to claim for physio previously)
- Started Medicare Locals database – Includes information about who to talk with, what tenders are available – information has been sent through FB and newsletters
- Attended ML allied health functions: ML are currently in the process of getting as much information as possible from different groups in the community to understand where to better distribute funds – as many AEP’s as possible need to be involved in this process.
- NDIS: Watch this space – we will be eligible to provide services, QLD has not been rolled out yet.
- Allied health forum: info regarding RTW services
- ESSA Business Group established to provide business related forums, presentations etc, aimed at improving the success of small businesses.
- Attended Gold Coast Physical Activity Alliance – Looking for ways that EP’s can contribute to improving health of our aging population.
- Have your business promoted in the Annual Healthy and Active Gold Coast Magazine - Its Free. This will come around again in 2014 if you missed out this year.
Planned achievements for the next reporting period:
- Continue contacting each Medicare locals to find out what area they are interested in and see if we can get some funding for EP’s
- HACK program started (Medicare Locals have now taken this funding from the hospitals) and does not include EP at the moment. This will be a 12 month program and I think we could potentially get our services involved next year (we were too late this time around).
- Association review and gather feedback for WC
- Looking at outcomes: if you don’t get the return to work goals you will be knocked out of the (avg days to RTW, final RTW outcome)
- Comments (take feedback for changes of TOC)
- Need support from ESSA members to feed back to me regarding different areas and funding streams as they become available.
(Portfolio: Rural and Remote – John Dennehy) - Activity Summary
Current Reporting Period
National Rural and Remote Committee
- Letters to the ministers and submissions drafted regarding capping of self education expenses at $2000. This places significant implications on Rural and remote member to attend face to face education opportunities.
- Article to Partyline (National Rural Health Alliance magazine)
- Response to NRHA issues such as NDIS and generalist position within public health system
- Check Up received MSOAP ICD/MS Funding from DoHA
- Ex Phys decreased funding across R&R Qld
- Funding now changed to RHOF (Rural Health Outreach Fund) which is now no longer exclusive to only ATSI population, and MOICDP (Medical outreach indigenous chronic disease program)
- Medicare Local has increased public liability to $20 million (So far only DDSWQML). Explanation by MCLocal was that DoHA passed down need for increased public liability. This increased costs to clinician (Guild insurance only increased $46 over the 12 months)
- ESSA QLD maintained membership to CNWQML
(Nadia Nestor: Marketing and Communication) - Activity Summary
2013 Reporting Period
This year has been very busy with marketing and communication with all the great changes that have happened with all that is Exercise Physiology – Medicare Locals, QCOMP, DVA, Medicare and Private Health. We have attended and had trade tables at a number of disease specific travelling expos and one day expos scheduled in 2013 and have a focus for Medicare Locals for 2013. Also with the look to begin monthly networking and education with AEP’s and medical professionals in the SEQ and regional settings for.
I would like to thank all the AEP’s, ES’s and students that volunteered there valuable time to come and attend these days in all locations metropolitan and regional.
- Diabetes Impact and Stepping Forward Conference, Brisbane Convention Centre
- Medicare Local – Metro North Expo at Convention Centre
- Exposing Diabetes throughout Queensland
Thank you so much to all of you that put your hand up for 2013 to volunteer and in the past 3 years to help increase the awareness of our profession within our state and in your local areas.