NSERC CREATE Training Program for Biomedical Engineers for the 21st Century
DUEMAY 15, 2014
The purpose of the Annual Progress Report (APR) is to provide a mechanism to record both the student’s and the supervisor’s perspectives regarding the achievements of the past year, to outline the milestones or objectives for the coming year, and to provide Supervisors,Mentors and the NSERC CREATE Program Leader an opportunity to indicate whether progress during the past year was satisfactory, whether certain expectations or targets have been met, or to address problems that have arisen. The APR will be used to determine whether subsequent trainee funding will be approved or whether an incentive award will be granted. The information collected may also be used for reporting purposes to NSERC.
2013-14 NSERC CREATE Trainees agreed to the following Terms of Award:
-I agree to inform the CREATE Program of any changes to my training program (termination, supervisory change, funding, etc).
-I agree to submit an Annual Progress Report (APR) in Spring 2014.
-I am required to apply to all external funding competitions that I am eligible for.
Trainee Information
This Progress Report is to be completed by the NSERC CREATE Trainee.

Last name


First Name


Middle Name


UCID Number

Current Trainee Program
Postdoctoral Fellow / Graduate Program (MSc/PhD Students only) / Leader’s Preparation Route (MSc/PhD Students only)
Academic Leader’s
Entrepreneurial Leader’s
Scientist-Clinician Leader’s
Current Address:
Telephone: (Home) / (Business) / (Other)
E-mail address
Year in NSERC CREATE Training Program as of September 1, 2013: 2 3 4 5
NOTE - Maximum financial support permitted: MSc, PhD Students – 4 years; Postdoctoral Fellows – 2 years.
Expected Defense Date (MSc and PhD Students only):
Fall 2014 Winter 2015 Spring/Summer 2015
Expected Employment Termination Date (Postdoctoral Fellows only):
Fall 2014 Winter 2015 Spring/Summer 2015
Name of Supervisor:
Name of Mentor:
Trainee Name: / UCID:
Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries Held/Applied for
List ALL scholarships, awards and bursaries held and applied for, indicating the dates within which the funding was or will be held. Indicate if award has not yet been offered (pending).Please attach additional pages as needed.
Renewal of fundingis contingent upon NSERC CREATE trainee applyingto other funding competitions.
I have not applied for and/or do not currently hold any scholarships, awards or bursaries.
If my CREATE funding is not renewed for 2013-14, Iwish to participate in the CREATE Training Program as an unfunded trainee.
Name of Scholarship/Award/Bursary / Start Date / End Date / Total Value
Trainee Name: / UCID:
Sections 1-6 Achievements, Milestones and Objectives
Please comment on your achievements during the past ten (10) months of the training program and on your plans for the next twelve (12) months.
  1. Publications
Type or copy/paste a list of your publications, theses, performances or exhibitions into the space below. Use consistent formatting when listing publications, conference presentations, etc as listed on the categories of publications documents available at
Additional pages may be attached as needed.
Trainee Name: / UCID:
  1. Professional Development Workshops.
Please list any workshops or seminars that you have attended that contribute to enhancing your research career. Additional pages may be attached as needed.
Trainee Name: / UCID:
  1. Special Awards, Distinctions or Recognition related to your research.
Please list any distinctions you have been awarded in recognition of your excellence in research.
Trainee Name: / UCID:
  1. Professional and Academic Development.
Please list other relevant activities that contribute to your professional and academic development (exchanges, guest lectures, teaching,mentoring/supervisory experience, volunteerism, elected positions held, etc).
Trainee Name: / UCID:
  1. Please describe your plans for September 1, 2014 –August 31, 2015. This may include research activities, exchanges, academic or industry collaborations, attendance and presentations at conferences, coursework, teaching opportunities, etc.

Trainee Name: / UCID:
  1. Additional Information. If there is additional information you wishto provide, complete this section

Trainee Name: / UCID:
Supervisor’s Feedback
Mentor’s Feedback
Trainee Name: / UCID:
Program Leader’s Feedback
Stipend Renewal Recommended
Incentive Award Recommended
Trainee’s Name (Printed) / Trainee’s Signature / Date
Supervisor’s Name (Printed) / Supervisor’s Signature / Date
Mentor’s Name(Printed) / Mentor’s Name Signature / Date
Dr. Walter Herzog
NSERC CREATE Program Leader (Printed) / NSERC CREATE Program Leader’s Signature / Date

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