World Culture Lottery Project
Poof!!! You have just won the lottery and along with the prize you receive a roundtrip ticket to any of the world destinations below. Begin by choosing one… preferably the one that you are least familiar with. Circle your choice below:
-Moscow, Russia- Nairobi, Kenya
-Mumbai, India-Islamabad, Pakistan
-Tokyo, Japan-Beijing, China
-Cairo, Egypt-Lima, Peru
-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-Beirut, Lebanon
-Krakow, Poland-Prague, Czech Republic
-Bruges, Belgium-Salzburg, Austria
-Budapest, Hungary-Florence, Italy
- Your Choice: ______
Before you go, you need to do a little research so that you don’t experience
culture shock or break any social rules.
Listed below are eleven tasks… you must complete four of them… your choice.
Some tasks ask you to write and some ask you to use your artistic skills. If you think of another way to relay the idea and would like to do it “your way”, just come and talk to me about it.(For example: you might want to make the food for the class, instead of writing about it)
Write the numbers of the tasks you are choosing to complete in the four lotto balls below… these are essentially your “winning lotto numbers”.
Enjoy your cyber culture trip!!!!!
#1: Greetings traveler! Write a brief “What to Do” and “What NOT to Do” article for others who may travel to your destination. Be sure to find out what initial greetings are used (both formal and informal) and which are not used, hand gestures that are positive and negative, as well as any other form of initial communication that you find is used.
#2: Taboos… don’t go there! You need to find three things that are taboo (shunned, found to be very offensive or inappropriate) in your culture with an explanation as to why they are taboo. These taboos might be food taboos, social taboos (manners, etc), or clothing taboos. Make an awareness poster that warns fellow travelers not to do something taboo.
#3: Here Comes the Bride. While on your trip you were invited to a wedding. Write a brief journal entry that describes the day. What was the ceremony like, where was it, how do the bride and groom dress, what music was played? Be sure to also include any unique customs that are observed (for example, we throw rice in America and exchange rings)
#4: Let’s Celebrate! Research the holidays and/or festivals that are unique to the culture you are visiting. Choose one holiday/festival and design a card or invitation. Be sure to include any symbols or pictures that represent the holiday on the front of your card/invitation (Example: 4th of July we would show the flag and fireworks). Inside the card come up with a saying or poem that tells someone who has never been in the culture, what the holiday/festival is all about.
#5: What to wear… and not wear. How do the men and women in your culture dress. Either describe or draw the following for both men and women: traditional dress (native costume), formal dress, and informal/casual dress.
#6: Let the games begin!!! What sports and leisure activities are central to the culture you visited??? Choose one game that is frequently played within the culture that you visited and briefly explain to a newcomer how the game is played. Is it similar to any games that we play in America?
#7: Cribs. Where do the people live??? Look at some typical housing and describe it to someone who is not there to see it. In other words, your mom says “What is the house that you are staying in like?” How would you describe it to her? Be detailed.
#8: Bon Appetite! Food, glorious food. It is often the centerpiece of any culture. Write a journal entry that discusses what you have eaten that day. What is the food like? What are the common dishes? Desserts? Do they eat three meals a day? What do they eat that an American might find unique or different? Are there any foods that are taboo in this culture, that are “normal” for us?
#9: Beware of the law! In Taiwan, two American boys were caned and sent to jail for graffiti a few years ago. Always know the laws of any country that you are in!!!! Look at some of the laws of the country that you visited and make a poster that alerts visitors to what the law is so that they stay out of trouble.
#10: Pop Quiz. Create a five question quiz (with answer key) that you could give to someone who is getting ready to visit the culture you have just visited.
#11: Food from your chosen culture. You can make or buy for the class (33 students) food that is traditional of your culture. Make sure to include why they cook it, do they eat it at any particular holiday, celebration etc. Also include the ingredients in the dish.