School Advisory Council/Title I Meeting Minutes
February 19, 2015
Date: Time: 5:30 PM
Location: Media Center
Members Present: Erin Rosati, Lee Parker, Judi McDowell, BJ Van Camp, Rich Templin (co-chair), Michael Landrum (co-chair), Vernisha Howard, Will Hanley, Ava Williams, Kia Rhymes, Marie Claire Leman, J. Alexander, Kara Yancey, Sandy Neidert, Mary Jo Peliter, Tene Newman, Wendy Davis, Nancy Oakley, Grace Francis, and Nicole Littleton. Mr. Templin presided over the meeting.
Welcomeand review of the minutes – Mr. Templin
Ms. Leman noted a correctionto the February minutesbe made. Under the item Amendment 6, it was written that “she (Ms. Leman) has not seen the 2014-2015 Parent Involvement Plan.” The minutes should read that “none of us have seen the Parent Involvement Plan.”
21st Century/EDEP Updates - Ms. Rosati
Ms. Rosati said the 21st Century after school program is full. There will be a summer camp at Hartsfield starting on June 8 and running through July 31. Camp hours will be 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The cost is $100 per week with a 10% discount for more than one child. The theme this year is “Hartsfield’s Excellent Adventure.” Also she said that she will be leaving Hartsfield on Friday, March 13.
DAC, PTO, and Parent Involvement Updates were summited prior to this meeting for participants’ review.
Ms. Davis noted on the DAC minutes under XI. SAC Questions, the formation of the Leon County Parents’ Legislative Group Facebook group page that this group is entirely voluntary and has no association with the Leon County School District.
Daily Unstructured Time Survey Update – Ms. Van Camp
Ms. Van Camp told the group the teachers’ response: 14 teachers had recess daily, two had recess four times/week, four had recess three times/week, no teachers had recess two times/week and one teacher had recess one time/week. She said teachers try to have recess daily, and they do recognize the importance of outside play and having as much of it as their daily schedule will allow. Mr. Landrum said teachers have been showing more effort in having their students on the playground. Updated daily classroom schedules are sent home at least twice a year (each semester there is a different Special Area schedule). Ms. Neibert and Ms. Leman asked how the Legislative PE mandate of 150 minutes is met with having only 110 minutes of PE scheduled weekly. Ms. Van Camp said most classrooms have recess on non-PE days, using the playgrounds, green spaces outside the classroom and in-classroom exercises when necessary. Ms. Van Camp also said that the FL Legislature did approve LCS physical activity requirements which included Hartsfield’s plan. Ms. Van Camp stressed that parent involvement with DAC would increase this conversation across all schools in the district.
Principal’s Update – Ms. Van Camp
The next parent activity was a reading workshop, “Curl Up with a Good Book,” on February 24.
The Leon County Schools Title 1 office is under the new direction of Dr. Pam Hightower who replaced Ms. Spooner in December. Dr. Hightower hopes to bring in more resources by increasing community partnerships (an example was an upcoming Florida Standards Assessments parent workshop at a local church) and offer more opportunities for parents and educators to interact.
Ms. Van Camp thanked Ms. Leman for her PTO involvement and her attendance at Legislative sessions which concern educational issues.
The District will be offering the Summer Reading Academy for third grade students who did not make the reading requirements necessary for promotion. A possible alternative to the Reading Academy would be a student portfolio of school assessments taken throughout the year. Ms. Van Camp said it is necessary to be proactive in this matter with having parents aware of their child’s performance and to have an alternative means of assessment available before assessment scores are provided.
Ms. Williams informed the group that FSA Writing for 4th and 5th grade students will be March 10 with FSA Reading and Math for 3rd and 4th grade students the week of March 30.
2014-2015 School Improvement Plan (SIP)– Continuation of amendatory process and possible vote on final plan.
Amendment 8 – additional cause for absenteeism – was offered by Ms. Leman who provided a brief summary of it. Students’ positive experiences with attending Hartsfield would be enhanced when additional developmental play time is offered. Providing the appropriate amount of daily unstructured developmental play to class schedules and free play on the playgrounds between 7:45 and 8:25 AM would improve attendance and punctuality. Ms. Littleton questioned who would oversee students during this morning period – volunteers, parents or paid staff. Ms. Rhymes said her college student volunteers are required to attend a three hour training, be fingerprinted and have a background check. Ms. Francis indicated that Kate Sullivan Elementary School has dedicated staff and volunteers who provide supervision before school. Ms. Van Camp noted that Goal 5 in the SIP was intended to identify students who are showing early warning signs of decreased achievement which could lead to high absenteeism and academic failures. Mr. Lee suggested a plan should be in place before it is added to the SIP. Mr. Templin commented that the intention of adding these amendments is to have them in this year’s SIP and to work toward implementation, adding that the SIP is a roadmap not the destination, and can be viewed as a starting point for next school year. Mr. Lee was open to this spirit of thinking but noted the possible liability and consequences of having parents supervise children who are not their own. Ms. Van Camp noted the amendment has well thought-out strategies, but these strategies must be implemented in order to evaluate and quantify them. There are also legitimate concerns about staffing that need to be addressed, and a clear plan needs to be outlined. Ms. Leman suggested the wording of G5.B2.S3 be changed to “look into the possibility of opening playgrounds and schoolyards for play before school, which will attract certain students and improve punctuality.” Mr. Templin suggested SAC will look into the possibility of opening playgrounds before school. Amendment 8 was adopted with this change.
Amendment 9 – more personnel is needed to support the diverse learning needs of students - was offered by Ms. Frances. Mr. Templin suggested parents lobby the school board for increased funding. Ms. Neibert suggestedthe possibility of more LCS Title 1 funding, for according to her review, itdisburses one half of its federal funding to designated schools and the other half remainsin house. She said she will continue to examine Title 1 funding within the county, in other counties and at the state level. Amendment 9 passed with no objection.
Amendment 10 – technical assistance – was offered by Mr. Hanley and was withdrawn by him.
Mr. Templin said he and Mr. Hanley will write the adopted amendments in its required format. Ms. Van Camp noted that Mr. Hanley, Mr. Templin and school administration will meet to complete this process. Ms. Frances motioned to adopt the 2014-2015 SIP with these additions and Ms. Howard seconded it. There were no objections and the 2014-2015 SIP was adopted.
Ms. Van Camp suggested that the SAC not meet in March and to use this time to update the SIP. Also, Ms. Leman suggested a student portfolio subcommittee meet during this time. Ms. Howard made a motion to suspend March’s meeting, and Ms. Rhymes seconded it.
Meeting adjournedat 6:47 PM.
Judi McDowell, Secretary
Date minutes were approved by the SAC