Outcome Agreement 2017-18 between First Story and [Enter school name]
We ask schools to agree up to three shared objectives with your writer-in-residence at the start of the programme so that we can understand what success will look like in the particular setting of your school. The writer and teacher will focus a discussion on progress against these objectives twice during the year-long programme (at the end of the first term, and at the end of the third term) and once during the term- and week-long programmes. This will then feed into progress reviews with the Regional Programmes Officer.
A typical First Story residency is designed to deliver against all these objectives, but it is important for us to understand the particular criteria for success for your school. Please select up to three of the objectives detailed below, or articulate your own bespoke objectives (up to two, to be agreed with First Story) in the space provided.
No. / Objectives (please select three) / Tick1 / At least [X number of] a target cohort of students [EAL students, PP students, disengaged boys] has participated in First Story
2 / At least [X number of] young people have demonstrated continued engagement (evidenced by sustained attendance at FS sessions throughout the year)
3 / Young people’s writing skills improve (evidenced by greater fluidity of writing, more original ideas, extended writing, greater use of editing strategies)
4 / Young people’s confidence improves (evidenced by their approach to risk-taking, receptiveness to new ideas, resilience in the face of challenge etc.)
5 / Young people have a better understanding of the practice of writing as a professional craft, and the life of a professional writer
6 / At least [X number of] young people see their work published in an anthology
7 / At least [X number of] young people read a piece of their work aloud to an audience
8 / Young people across the school community have engaged with creative writing
9 / Teachers’ own classroom practices are enhanced by the programme (informing the way creative writing is taught at school going forwards)
10 / First Story students have been exposed to a breadth of writing styles and forms
beyond those required by the curriculum
11 / Other: School focused literacy outcome
Eg -Young people have a greater capacity and appetite for extended original writing
Eg – Young people’s writing shows an understanding of the impact of the use of a range of sentence types
12 / Other: