No. AIBSNLOA/CHTD/CEC/09-10/01 DATED: 11.08.2009.
Dear Comrades,
While welcoming you all for the First CEC of our All India BSNL Officers’ Association Chennai Telephone District, it is my pleasure to inform this August body that barring a few, the entire Executives Fraternity of erstwhile AIBSNLEA Chennai, has come into the folder of our All India BSNL Officers’ Association that shows the strong sense of unity amongst us. Comrades now it is time for the Circle Office Bearers to shoulder more responsibility in getting things done for our colleagues amidst hostile situation prevailing upon us and we need to carry forward the message to ensure Executives throughout India come along with this newly formed AIBSNLOA at the earliest. I now submit the activities of our Association for the past five months from March 2009 for elaborate discussion.
Minutes of last CEC (06-03-09)
AIBSNLEA CHQ has unilaterally dissolved existing AIBSNLEA Circle Body of Chennai TD and choicest ones of GS AIBSNLEA have been nominated to constitute Adhoc body in this Circle. As per AIBSNLEA constitution, in fact, there is no power for GS AIBSNLEA to do so. This shows his perverted mind, peevish mentality and autocratic way of functioning which is highly condemnable in innumerable words.
Such move has created a Black Day in this Democratic Country, that too, in the annals of functioning of Trade Unions. All Chennai TD Members are finding themselves completely let down again, as before, by GS AIBSNLEA.
Appropriate and fitting reply to such improper actions of CHQ led by coterie similar to the kitchen cabinet will surely face severe reprisals from AIBSNLEA country-wide and also from this Circle. Solidarity at this time will be surely demonstrated to give them the fittest reply.
As scheduled, the 2nd extended CEC of AIBSNLEA Ch TD was held on 06-03-09, from 10-00 Hrs onwards, at JETA Bhavan, Chennai CEC Members and many Members attended meet.
Upholding the spirit of our Chennai TD Executives and the non-cooperative mood of AIBSNLEA CHQ that has stooped to dissolving elected body of this Circle unconstitutionally which is unheard of in the annals of Trade Unionism, all the members of AIBSNLEA Chennai TD have unanimously decided to join en-masse in AIBSNLOA. Hence, AIBSNLOA Chennai TD is formed leaving almost empty the AIBSNLEA in this Metro. AIBSNLOA Chennai is almost having the same body of Circle office bearers.
Newly elected office bearers are as given below:
Circle President: Com. M.Nageswara Rao, DE who was previously VP.
Circle Vice-President: Com.E.Sankara Prasad, DGM vice Com.M.Nageswara Rao.
Circle Vice-President: Com.K.Packiaraj, DGM, vice Com.V.Sivasamy who is already retired.
Many more Circle Secretaries of AIBSNLEA have started to recognize now that incommunicado mode GS of AIBSNLEA CHQ who is questioned will only be facing such similar fate.
Circular (1)- regarding the mission with me, the Executives of Chennai Telephones working under AIBSNLEA, have joined en-masse in All India BSNL Officers Association through Extended Circle Executive Committee.
1966 SDE seniority Case as per the verdict of Eranakulam / Delhi High Court Seniority has been protected. Order in this regard is being issued.
CIRCULAR (2) dated 14/03/09-
My dear beloved Comrades, Proxy war of words is on from the adjacent Circle wherein through website updating are made by the mouthpiece novice for their 3 paramours who are wrongly inducted through the misdeeds of CHQ-AIBSNLEA.
Infuriated by their website updates, many of our comrades and Office Bearers have contacted the Ado OBs as to who is maintaining and doing updates of their proxy website. They replied that only the adjacent Circle is maintaining it. The pity is that they are not able to control the puppet. Adjacent Circle OBs, who are touring in ChTD area, in support of their newly found unpaid membership Chennai counter parts, are explicitly proving that they are really nomads who roam aimlessly, they also reveal their ignorance.
These facts are very much proved from their message dated 12.03.09, wherein it was mentioned that we have conducted a meeting in "port" Exchange, the name by which no Chennai Telephones employee will mention, but say as "Harbour" exchange only.
If you see the history of the surrogate leaders, two of them have not at all paid their subscription to assn. to which they belong, for 36/48 months, but now elevated to head it and one has departed to Transferred Circle without making over Accounts properly.
AIBSNLEA-CHQ Finance Secretary is supposed to keep up the Accounts up-to-date, but is wrongly accusing others through website. None of them are interested to safe guard the interests or welfare of their Members, like their mentor perhaps.
In Trade Unionism, cordial relation with adjacent Circle is very much important; but from those who have bad intention, we cannot expect such basic instinct, as displayed by their very contact. Running from pillar to post for garnering support will only result in vexation and that is only revealed through their heat of updates.
Let us carry out our mission to achieve our Targets and set priority rather than washing dirty linen in public. Let us show them in action to mend & correct them by our action.
They are even touring a non-existent "Port" Exchange. Alas! These touring people are not only novices, but also prove to be of no voice.
12-3-09: HRD Branch meeting was conducted this day and after detailed deliberations members have decided to join en masse in AIBSNLOA.
FS of dissolved AIBSNLEA, Com.V.Gurumurthy, has sent a letter to FS AIBSNLEA CHQ seeking clarification for the malicious allegation of CHQ quota, default from 01-01-07, despite our due CHQ quota proportionate to the paid Membership are promptly paid to CHQ.
GS AIBSNLOA pursued with BSNL CO on forthcoming problem of recovery (minimum of Rs.1200/- per month) for our JTO / JAO Executives, whose basic pay is to be revised, vide 2nd PRC implementation. It has been put forth to BSNL CO that no such recovery will be there if appropriate E1-A and E2-A pay scales are accorded to them up to which such recovery is to be halted.
CS has insisted Administration to effect the increment on January itself for those with DNI on Jan so that they get benefited monetarily. It is learnt that 40% of arrears, after IT deductions, will be effected through ECS on 25-03-09.
AIBSNLOA CHQ has promptly acknowledged Chennai TD with the appointment of Com.V.Gurumurthy, as All India Finance Secretary. This has conveyed the positive note of GS AIBSNLOA that Members of Chennai TD would be properly taken care off. CS and COBs on behalf of all our Members congratulate Com.V.Gurumurthy on becoming All India Treasurer of AIBSNLOA CHQ.
CS Wrote GS regarding NCES -CHTD which is a burning issue to be taken at CHQ.
Circle Office Bearers Chennai All India BSNL Officers' Association made a curtsey call on CGM Chennai Telephones on 19/03/09 to introduce the New Office Bearers of Chennai Telephones AIBSNLOA and to extend greeting to the CGM-ChTD for the recent launch of 3G services in Chennai and also extended co-operation of AIBSNLOA Chennai Telephones for the betterment of BSNL and Chennai Telephones. List of Office bearers was submitted to the Administration.
CIRCULAR(3) Members are requested to go through the report of Extended CEC of AIBSNLEA Chennai TD held on 06-03-09, to know the reasons with which we have joined en-masse in AIBSNLOA after suffering the humiliations of continued inaction from GS AIBSNLEA, in coming to the rescue of Chennai TD AIBSNLEA Members.
KOD Branch Meet was held to discuss various issues and new office bearers were unanimously elected. All of the new office bearers including Com. S.Haridoss, DGM as President, Com.K.Balakrishnan, SDE as BS and Com.C.Ramesh Kumar, JTO as FS were congratulated.
Step in the right direction: We thank our GS for effectively pursuing the case with respect of pay revision and getting the necessary clarification / order from BSNL [PAT SECTION]
Letter to our respected CGM-CHTD regarding -request for modification of promotion & posting order-SAO to CAO, and transfer order of CAO.
STM Branch Meet was held on 4-4-09 to discuss various issues and new office bearers were unanimously elected. The new Office Bearers are Com.P.Ganapathy DE STM Branch President, Com.V.Muthusamy Br. Sec and Com.M.Leonithin Br.Fin Sec.
06-04-09: ARD Branch meeting was conducted this day and after detailed deliberations members have decided to join en masse in AIBSNLOA
NEWS: 1. Organizational Tour was conducted in very smooth manner & shortly to be completed.
2. CHTD-Arrears paid to all Officers
ITS of Group A absorption case: Next hearing on 31-8-09
SEA- BSNL CO has proposed to hold DPC for preparing a panel of JAOs /AAOs for promotion to AO cadre. Names of 24 comrades from Ch TD are finding a place in the eligibility list.
Due to our consistent persuasion, the CHTD Admn has started the process for holding DPC to issue orders for next time bound promotion to our Comrades due in 1st October 2009. (order dt 22-4-09)
DGM (A) called our Association on 21/04/09 under the direction of CGM to discuss about the sensitive posts identified by the CVO-ND / VO as per BSNL Co.'s guidelines. CS attended the discussion along with Com. Sankara Prasad V.P, Com.B.Ganesan CWC member and Com.V.Gurumoorthy F.S. Our views were projected to the Administration properly without affecting the officers immediately.
CS visited MYL Area on 24-04-09 to discuss various aspects and issues among our Member comrades. Updated all on the latest developments of both our Association and Organization. Requirements and Opinions of participant Members were well taken for pursuance at appropriate level by CS. Some of the important points that are requested to be taken up are:
a) Review of BSNL Transfer policy to stop Transfer of Executives on reaching their age of 50. This is fully justified based on the very reason of mass retirement of Senior promottee Officers from 2009 to 2011 and beyond also. Definitely this would be got pursued by our GS with BSNL CO.
Our congratulations was conveyed to Sri.J.Rajendra Babu (ACS-TESA) on his promotion as DE Officiating on 1st May 2009
Wage revision in respect of Non-Executives w.e.f 1.1.07 i.e. the basic pay as on 1.1.09 will be taken into account while calculating the amount of Advance equal to 4 Months BP. Also our Association wishes their long pending issue to be settled very shortly.
Time Bound IDA Scale Up gradation for Executives from Sr.SDE to DE Scale -Review Period 01.10.08-reg
[order no.AST/DE/Time bound Promn/10 Dated 28-04-09]
The following officers have got this benefit after taken lot of efforts by our Association.
1 R.Krithikakrishnan, DE A/T 2. P.S.Balachandran, DE NSS HRD
3.M.Abdul Bari, DE ARD P&AC 4. R.Rajendran,ARD Extl
5. A.Thiagarajan, DE Cables North 6. Rajam Achutha KEL Intl
7. A.Thirumalai,KAL 8. V.Vijayaraghavan, CHR Intl
9. V.Raghunathan,AGM NP 10.L.Sundararaman,DE-BD
11. D.Natarajan, DEGSM Instln CO-OR
Our L.Sundararaman CWC-CHQ has donated Rs.500/- to our Association.
Ponneri & Minjur Our Branch Secretary Com. SriNath organized the party for Com.Govindarajan JTO on his Retirement on 30/04/2009. Com. V.Gurumurthy,FS , Com.K.S.Varadarajulu, DE PON. with CS attended and address the meeting on 30/04/09 at 13-00Hrs . All the comrades felicitated the retiring Comrade. Branch Finance Secretary Com. Senthil Kumar delivered Vote of thanks.
West Branch: Com. P.KUMAR retired on 30/04/09. The party was attended by CS, ACS Com.Vaidyanathan, Com.V.Gurumoorthy FS ,Ganapathy Subramanim,JTO-RTTC,P.Karuppaiah,OS-West. CS honored him with shawl. Com.Gabriel and ACS also honored him with a shawl.
Com.Radhakrishnan,BS-ANR & Com.Vinayagam,BS-MVM_PBR met CS for 2nd time to discuss various local and CHQ issues. FS was also present during the discussion.
T & D circle renamed as Inspection Circle with change in some functions
PERAMBUR & MVM BRANCH Meeting was held on 07/05/09 at Perambur at 17.30Hrs .The meeting was well organized by Our BS Com.K.M..Vinayagam and our President Com.P.Dhamodhran. CS attended and addressed the huge gathering. All our Comrades have donated Rs.500/- each to the Circle. Branch FS com.S.Arivukkarasan has delivered vote of thanks.
Our CWC Member Com.B.Ganesan, DGM (EP) met Com.V.P.Arya -GS-AIBSNLOA at New Delhi on 12-05-09. Both of them have discussed various issues [mainly like RR] of our Association and Developmental Activities.
16/05/09 :
2041 JTOs promoted as SDEs in all India and out of them 28 are from CHTD. All 28 except one has got the posted in CHTD itself. Congratulations to all.
Warm Welcome to Hon'ble Minister A.Raja who has once again taken charge of MOC & IT was conveyed on behalf of AIBSNLOA
Request Transfer of SDEs (within Chennai Telephones counseling completed on 25/05/09 CPT SSA of ChTD - Counseling for SDEs - completed
Circle Secretary and Finance Secretary met GM [TXM] on 28.05.09 , discussed varies vital important issues like transfer, postings, further improvement of Transmission Maintance, shortage of staff & officers inclusive of CPT SSA. Also discussed about provision of LapTops / Computer systems each centre. We acknowledged his sincere and dedicated contribution to our organization.
TMB & CHRPT Branch meeting was held on 06.06.09 for superannuation of sr.and veteran member of our association com.T.Raja Premkumar,DE TF(cpt).
The meeting was well organized by BP, BS & FS of this branch. Nine new members joined in this grand meeting.
Retired Com.T.Raja Premkumar, DE[TF] and Com.P,Raman,DE[CMT] BP have donated Rs.1000/-[each]
Com.J.James Masilamani, DGM [Proj] has joined as DGM,O&M MVM . Our MVM and Perambur Branch comrades welcomed and honored him on 10.06.09 along with CS.
Local Administration called us and discussed various issues related to transfer, posting and shifting of officers in different cadres on 11/06/09 at 16.30 hrs onwards.
OS-South & Branch Secretary of RTTC submitted three long pending cases to CS who handled this issue in very smooth manner to be solved amicably.
Our Senior Comrade Shri. D.NAGARAJAN, DE-RTTC joined as DGM (BBS) on 10-06-09.Our BS Com.Badri has organized welcomed the gathering in this meeting at Haddows Road Telecom Bldg on 16/06/09 at 15.00hrs. Com.R.Ramanathan,BS-KKRd,com.B.Ganesan,CWC member, ALL India FS Com.V.Gurumurthy, CS along with huge gathering of HRD Branch comrades participated.
(TRANSMISSION MTCE.) As First step GM-TXM has distributed LAP-TOPs to mtce areas from 16/06/09 onwards. We convey our gratitude to GM for his early disposal. [Ref. our meeting with GM-TXM on 28.05.09 ]
CS and All India FS met CGM / PGM (O) on 18/06/09. We convey our thanks for taking step to solve the DEs case who are working in CPT Area, also requesting to release Local DEs Officiating list.
Our Circle President gave party to Officers & Staff on 29/06/09 towards his retirement on 30/06/09. All our Circle office bearers have attended and honored his service with gift.
KAL BRANCH meeting was held at GPD. Our Branch Secretary /Finance Secy viz Com. Srinath & Senthil organized the retirement function very well for - Com.R.Stephenson ,JTO on 30.06.09. All India FS Com V.Gurumurthy and Circle Secretary attended and addressed this meeting.
All INDIA VP Com.Duraisamy, ,AI Fin.SEC. Com.V.Gurumurthy, ACS Com N.Praveen and CS met C.E.(Civil) on 3-7-09 and discussed all major issues and it was also emphasized the need for curtailing Civil Expenditure to the maximum extent possible in view of the present condition of BSNL for which the CE has agreed to issue necessary instructions to his Team.
Co-ordination of CHQ office and local COB meting was held on 08-07-09 to discuss various issues and efforts for improvement of this Organization / Association. CHQ VPs, CS,CWC Member and FS have represented this Circle.
Problems arisen in the wake of undue disturbances to our Member comrades in the West Area was taken up and discussed with Area GM elaborately and was settled without any hitch by BS KOD along with AI- FS and BS HRD Com.J.Badrinarayanan.
Emergency Circle Office Bearers' meeting was held on 29/07/09 at 17:30 Hrs at Haddows Road. Circle office bearers attended and discussed various local & CHQ matters.
We had Discussion with PCE Civil w.r to the arbitrary shuffle of our Civil Executives has halted the effect of such vindictive transfer order. It was pursued to halt such orders getting issued in future also. AI FS, VP Com.Duraisamy and CS have participated played their roles effectively in this effort.
Corporate News:
1) List of Adhoc STS officers to be considered for Regular STS was issued by BSNL CO for circulation vide 451-4/2009-Pers(DPC) dtd 24-07-09. This list has all the Telecom side STS enlisted as per their seniority as on 31-05-09.
Total STS Officer = 2664 (OC=2103; SC = 383 & ST=208).
2) BSNL MS – “BSNL Management Service” Rules w.e.f 11-06-09 was notified vide 400-106/2007-Pers-I dtd 14-07-09 by BSNL CO.
Strength of Civil, Electrical, Architect, Telecom Factories and other streams of BSNLMS:
S.No / Grade / Pay Scale in Rs. / BSNLMSCivil / Electrical / Architect / TF / Others
1 / PGM / PCE / PCA / 05 / 03 / 01 / 01
2 / SGM/SrCE/SrCA(NF) / 51 / 17 / 04 / 14 / 01
3 / Addnl.GM/AddnlCE/ Addnl CA(NF) / 68 / 34 / 18 / 26 / 04
4 / DE/AGM/EE/Architect / 222 / 134 / 28 / 08 / 41
Strength of Telecom Operations Hierarchy of BSNLMS:
S.No / Grade / Level / Pay Scale / Telecom Opn Posts1 / ED / 04
2 / CGM/PGM / 82
3 / SrGM(NF) / 569
4 / Addnl GM (NF)/
JtGM (NF)/
DGM / 1398
5 / DE/AGM / 5461
Strength of BSNL Telecom Finance MS:
S.No / Grade / Level / Pay Scale / Telecom Opn Posts1 / ED / 01
2 / CGM/PGM / 08
3 / SrGM(NF) / 59
4 / Addnl GM (NF)/
JtGM (NF)/
DGM / 402
5 / DE/AGM / 1347
Funny advertisement for direct recruitment of DGM (TMS) was called for with improbable 3 to 5 criterions. They are 12 yr total service post qualification experience, BE or Equivalent Qualification with minimum of 60%, 45 years of age as on 01-08-09 and 5 year post qualification experience in E4 from Pre-revised IDA pay scale / equivalent CDA Pay / in more than Rs. 100 Cr Private company (PSU).