Graduate Admissions Evaluation Guide
- The University uses electronic processing of department recommendations for graduate level applicants. Recording the departmental decision within PeopleSoft facilitates admission to the University, provides better tracking of applicants by the programs, coordinates notification to the applicant, and provides immediate information to the applicant within self-service including the application status and needed documents and prerequisites.
- To use this process, Program Coordinators need a PeopleSoft emplid, Campus email, access to PeopleSoft Advisor Portfolio (a security request) and set up as a Program Coordinator within PeopleSoft (contact Grad Studies). Access to the STARSSU system to access scanned transcripts is also required.
- The Graduate Admissions Office or the International Admissions Office will review the application for University admissibility (appropriate GPA, bachelor’s degree, good standing).
- Applicants that are not admissible to the university will be denied by the Graduate Admissions office. Denials to the university can be petitioned via the Assessment for Special Admission form found at the Graduate Studies website. If successful, the Graduate Studies office will notify Graduate Admissions office and a Special Admit is coded.
- For applicants that are admissibile, a process updates them as “Action Required by Grad Program” and automatically creates a PeopleSoft evaluation page and the Program Coordinator is notified via email.
- The Program Coordinator can access all of their applicants using the Applicant Search Page to view the online application, tests, transcript info, checklists, and application statuses.
- If the applicant is Conditionally Classified, the Coordinator sets the evaluation status on the Evaluation page to “Cond Adm” and adds the conditionally classified comments in the comment box.
- If the applicant is Classified (there are no Dept. Prerequisites), the Coordinator sets the evaluation status on the Evaluation page to “Class Adm”.
- If the applicant is Denied, the Coordinator sets the evaluation status on the Evaluation page to “Denied Adm” and adds a reason in the comment box. Students can petition their denial directly to the coordinator. If a reversal is decided, the coordinator should contact Graduate Admissions and the process picks up from Step 4.
- Each morning a process Admits or Denies all newly evaluated applications based on the evaluation status recorded by the Coordinator. Denial and Admission letters are sent out notifying applicants of his/her denial/ admission to both the University and Program. An email is sent to all admitted applicants as well which is a copy of their notice of admission.
- The Applicant can logon to and view their application status, holds and To Do List.
How the Applications Get to You
Graduate or International Admission receives an application where it is loaded into PeopleSoft. All applications begin in an Incomplete Status.
After the applicant has sent all material required by Graduate Admissions, and if determined admissible to the University, the application will be flagged indicating that the admission decision is deferred to the Department by adding an “Action Required by Grad Program” reason to the application.
If denied to the University – Graduate or International Admissions adds a “DENY/MANL” program action/reason row.
The Program Coordinator for the plan on the application will be notified by email.
Transcripts that were sent to Graduate Admissions will be imaged in Starrs and originals forwarded to your program.
Email Notification
Figure 1: Department Recommendation Email
From /Sent / Friday, September 10, 2004 1:51 pm
To /
Cc /
Subject / DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION FOR: Minnie Mouse SPECIAL(if special admit)
To History Program Coordinator: Dolores Charest
New Applicant: 104173299 Minnie Mouse
Academic Plan: History
Application No: 00157614
Admit Term: 2053 Spring 2005
This is an international applicant.
Immediate attention would be greatly appreciated and beneficial (If INTL)
Returning to Program with student standing of Advanced to Candidacy (If returning to the same Plan )
Returning to Program with student standing of Classified (If returning to the same Plan )
Refer to the Departmental Recommendation user guide for instructions.
When ready to record the Departmental Admission Decision:
Log into PeopleSoft at
To view Transcripts online:
Log into STARRS at
How to enter admission decisions
Applicant Search Page
Program Coordinators need access to the Faculty Self Service within PeopleSoft (check with the Security Administrator)
- Start up Internet Explorer
- Log on to PeopleSoft using your email login
Click on Faculty Self Service
Click on the Applicant Search link
Enter in the Admit Term and your id should show in the Evaluator id.
Click the Search button – this will bring back all applicants who are in a plan that you are set up as Program Coordinator or Program Review in PeopleSoft (This is managed by the Division of Graduate Studies)
Navigating within the Search Page
The applicant search page brings in all of the required information you will need to make an admissions decision in one central location. Notice that some of the fields listed below are hyperlinked. This allows you to drill down to see further information. A description of the fields is listed below:
EmplID: Student ID
Name: Full name of applicant
Transcripts: Click on the “Click to Populate ID” link beside the Emplid you want the transcript for:
This copies the emplid from that same row to the top of the page.
If you have OnBase Application Enabled installed – you can double click anywhere on
the page to view scanned transcripts and misc EOP documents for the person you are
Note: To bring back a student's transcripts using this page, you must be using Internet Explorer and also a PC. MAC users and those using Firefox or Chrome browsers will not be able to utilize this functionality from this page. Please call the help desk for procedures to provide you with a way to view the desired transcripts.
Appl Ctr: PBAC indicates domestic applicants while INTL indicates students applying for a visa.
Application Status: The current status of the application. You will be able to see incomplete, admitted, withdrawn, denied, and applications that require action by your program.
Stu Standing: The admission classification of the applicant (Classified, Conditionally Classified, Advanced to Candidacy)
Conditions:If the person is conditionally classified – the conditions link will be available.
This will bring up a box displaying the conditions the program coordinator entered for that application.
Tests Misc: Link to the Admissions Inquiry page which shows detailed information on the application including bio demo, transcript status, schools attended, etc.
Mentor App: This will take you to the selected applicant’s downloaded Mentor application
Statement:If the student filled out the Statement of Purpose on Mentor the statement will be
Evaluation:Link to the Evaluation page where you make your admission decision and enter conditional classification or denial comments if applicable.
Enrolled:Indicates if the applicant has enrolled in the semester they have been admitted to.
Admit Enrollment: Link to the Enrollment Summary page to see the specific courses they have enrolled in.
Internal Unoff Transcript: You can run aninternal unofficial transcript for the student.
Sort Options
- Click on the heading for the field you want to sort on. Suggestions include sorting by Application Status or Enrollment
Save to Excel
- Click the icon.
- This will download the list to a web page where you can save as Excel
Viewing the Transcripts
- Click on the “Click to Populate ID” link beside the Emplid you want the transcript for:
- This copies the emplid from that same row to the top of the page.
- If you have OnBase Application Enabled installed – you can double click anywhere on the page to view scanned transcripts and misc EOP documents for the person you are reviewing.
Note: To bring back a student's transcripts using this page, you must be using Internet Explorer and also a PC. MAC users and those using Firefox or Chrome browsers will not be able to utilize this functionality from this page. Please call the help desk for procedures to provide you with a way to view the desired transcripts.
If the person is conditionally classified – the conditions link will be available.
This will bring up a box displaying the conditions the program coordinator entered for that application.
Tests Misc (Admission Inquiry)
- Click on the Tests Misc Link.
- This will take you to the selected applicant’s admission inquiry screen which includes the application, checklists, and tests. This is a view-only page. Click the Cancel button at the bottom of the first tab to get back to the list.
Mentor App
- Click on the Mentor App Link.
- This will take you to the selected applicant’s downloaded Mentor application This is a view-only page. Click the Cancel button at the bottom of the first tab to get back to the list.
If the person filled out the Statement of Purpose on Mentor - when you click on that link - the statement will be displayed
Evaluation (To make admission decision)
- Click on the Evaluation Link.
- This will take you to the Evaluation page if the applicant is ready to be evaluated.
- You will enter in the decision on the Evaluator Rating page by selecting the correct Evaluation Status.
The choices that you can make are:
In Progress (use when the program decision is pending)
Cond Classified (Remove default text and enter comments in the comments box)
Denied Adm (Remove default text and enter denial reasons in the comments box)
Withdrew (Use this status if the applicant notifies you that they are withdrawing their application)
Admit (only used by Advanced Certificate Program)
- Click OK or Apply to save and get back to the list. Click Cancel to only get back to the list.
Admit Enrollment (To view courses applicant has enrolled in)
- Click on Admit Enrollment Link. This will only work if the person is enrolled for the admit term.
- This will take you to the Enrollment Summary page if the applicant is enrolled for the admit term.
Internal Unofficial Transcript
Clicking on this link will allow you to run an internal unofficial transcript for the student.
Click on the Preview Only:
Exceptions to the Applicant Search Page Process
Continuing studentswho want to add an additional Masters or add a Credential to a Masters
The student must be admissible to the program. Once admissible - either Graduate Studies or the Credential office can add the additional plan to a continuing student.
The applicant search page is NOT used to record additional plans.
Change of Majors
Change of Major requests are handled by the Division of Graduate Studies. Please contact them to receive instructions on how these are processed.
The applicant search page will NOT be used to record the Department Recommendation for continuing students who change their major.
Returning Applicantsthat are already Advanced to Candidacy
All applicants who are returning to the same program and are already advanced into candidacy will NOT be re-evaluated by the Program. Admissions will readmit them into their program.
Each morning a process runs to admit or deny applicants to the University based on the Program Coordinator’s Evaluation status. Denial and Admission letters (along with email copy) are sent out.
Admission Reports Available in Faculty Self Service
Reports are available in two different ways.
- Through the Reports Portfolio
- Through the Related Links on the Advisement Screen.
Program Coordinator Applicant List- Generates a list of all of your applicants and includes application information and current status.
Departmental Recommendations–Generates individual department recommendation forms for an applicant which is similar to the old paper department rec form. Could be used as a cover sheet for your application files.
PeopleSoft / ExamplesAcademic Career / UGRD – Undergrad, PBAC – Post Bac, EXED – Extension
Academic Level / Freshman, Graduate, Junior, Not Set, and Post-Baccalaureate
Academic Plan / Art, Music, History
Academic Program / UGRD, GRAD, CRED
Admit Type / First-year, Transfer, Returning, Returning Transfer
ApplicationCenter / UGRD, PBAC, INTL
Application Number / Number uniquely identifying an application
Bio/Demo / Biographical/demographical data
Checklists / Items which need to be completed – requirement lists, transcripts, tests… To Do list on student’s self service
Education, External Data, External Org / Transcript information, Schools such as FresnoCityCollege, HooverHigh School
Effective Date / The date of the activity
Empl ID / Term for an assigned unique identification number
National ID / Social Security Number
Program Action, Reason Indication of the state of the app as it moves through the admission process
Action Code - Description Rsn Code - DescriptionAPPLICANT
APPL / Application / COMP / Pending Review (Complete File)
APPL / Application / ICMP / Incomplete-Docs Pending
APPL / Application / PROG / Action Required by Grad Prog
APPL / Application / DEGR / Incomplete-UG Deg Comp Pending
ADMT / Admit / MANL / Manual Admit
ADMT / Admit / PROG / Admitted to University and Program
DEIN / Intention to Matriculate / STRQ / Withdrawn-Student Request
MATR / Matriculation / AUTO / Automated Matriculation
MATR / Matriculation / MANL / Manual Matriculation
ADRV / Admission Revocation / NGRD / Not Graduated
ADRV / Admission Revocation / SCON / Student Continuing
DENY / Deny / ICMP / Deny – incomplete
DENY / Deny / MANL / Manual Denied
DENY / Deny / PROG / Denied by Program
WAPP / Applicant Withdrawal / ICMP / Incomplete
WAPP / Applicant Withdrawal / NGRD / Withdrawn-Did Not Graduate
WAPP / Applicant Withdrawal / TEST / Incomplete-Test Scores Pending
WAPP / Applicant Withdrawal / TRAN / Incomplete-Transcripts Pending
WADM / Administrative Withdrawal / STRQ / Withdrawn-Student Request
Search/Match / Looking for person using unique values such as ssn
Service Indicator / Negative – restriction, Holds; positive, privilege or information
Term, Admit Term / Semester Codes
Winter 2008 = 2081, Spring 2009 = 2093, Summer 2009 = 2095 Fall 2009 = 2097
Test Results / SAT, ELM, EPT, GRE, TOEFL
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