Police Check Process for Returning FHS Students


An original copy of your Police Records Check Vulnerable Sector Screen (VSS) must be submitted by July 31, 2017 at the latest

The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) requires returning students to provide a Police Records Check/Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS). Police Records Checks VSS are required to be updated on an annual basis andvalid for the entire duration of each placement.

An original VSS dated must be received by the FHS Professionalism Office no later than July 31, 2017. Note that the original copy you submit will not be returned to you.

Turnaround time at many Police Services can be up to 12 weeks so don’t delay!

If your local Police Serviceswill not issue two original copiesof a VSS then submit your one original copy along with a self-addressed stamped envelope and we will return your original police check to you.

If a personalized letter or a Toronto Police Services Consent form is required please send your name, program and home address/contact information to .

OneoriginalPolice Records Check VSS must be submitted (record your name, program and year on the envelope) by midnight July 31, 2017 directly to:

McMaster FHS Professionalism Office
1280 Main Street West, MDCL 3514
Hamilton ON L8S 4K1
Attn: Patricia Hartnett

Note:This copywill notbe returned to you

Inform the Professionalism Office immediately if your Police Records Check VSS is'Not Clear', so that we may work with you to determine the next steps.

It is up to you, the student, to ensure you always have a current Police Records Check VSS which is valid for the entire duration of each placement. Be sure to submit your renewed police check to the Professionalism Office a minimum of 2 weeks before your current one expires (one year after date of issue)

For more information please email or visit our website:

Police Check Process

Police Check/VSS forms and instructions:

  • Students to be directed to McMaster Professionalism website for submission instructions and forms
  • An original copy of their VSS to be submitted directly to the Professionalism Office and not the program office
  • Students to be instructed to obtain 2 original copies; if their local Police Serviceswill not issue two original copiesof a VSS then they are to submit the one original copy along with a self-addressed stamped envelope andit will be returned to them

To Track VSSs:

  • The Professionalism Office will maintain a spreadsheet recording receipt of student documentation
  • Programs will have viewing access to their program’s spreadsheet via Google Docs; they will be able to view who has submitted their VSS
  • Programs will remain responsible for follow-up with students who have not submitted required documentation
  • The Professionalism Office will update MedSIS with the VSS expriy date (one year from date of issue by Police Services)
  • Not clear VSSs will be handled via the Police Check Panel Review

Program Office Responsibilities:

  • Supply Professionalism Office with class lists for each year including email addresses.
  • Make note those students who are on LOA, have left the program or are returning to a program after a leave.
  • Advise student of due dates and process for submission
  • Monitor who has not submitted their VSS and follow up with student as due dates approaches and after due date.

Late or non-submission of Police Record Checks Vulnerable Sector Screen VSS

Returning students:each program to determine how they will address late document submissions or non-submission. Consequences of non-compliance will be determined by each programindividually (for example, programs may opt to include a notation in the students file indicating that the non-compliance was deemed to be behaviour inconsistent with the professional standards expected of a returning student). The issue of processing a “not cleared” check is the same as for incoming students.