DU RCO Training Needs E-mail Survey

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DU RCO Training Needs E-mail Survey

17 October 2011

A.  The ERC seeks to custom-make future Regulatory Compliance Officer (RCO) Conferences that will meet the general and specific information/ education/communication (IEC) needs of a DU’s designated RCOs (and his or her alternate). Your responses will serve as valuable inputs in the design of a responsive program for our next RCO Updates Conference.

B.  Your responses will be treated with confidentiality. Requests for anonymity will be honored.

C.  Please send your reply, not later than Friday, 4 November 2011, to , . and

1.  RCO Conferences in the past years involved ERC Rules and Policies relevant to the distribution utilities (DUs) and consumer welfare matters and excluded topics pertaining to the generation, transmission and supply sectors.

Please see below a list of recent DU oriented Rules issued in the period February 21 to September 26, 2011. This however will increase in number as new DU-related rules and regulations are promulgated by the ERC.

Res. No. / Title / Date Promulgated
8 / Rules Governing the Tariff Glide Path pursuant to Art. VII of the RSEC-WR / May 23, 2011
13 / Rules to Govern the Monitoring of Compliance of Distribution Utilities with the Philippine Distribution Code / June 21, 2011
14 / Modifying the Terms Members’ Contribution for Capital Expenditures (MCC) to Reinvestment Fund for Sustainable Capital Expenditures (RFSC) and MCC- Real Property Tax (RPT) to Provision for RPT as Provided in the RSEC-WR / July 6, 2011
17 / Adopting the Investor-Owned Electric Distribution Utilities Planning Manual / August 8, 2011
20 / Adopting the Revised Timelines for the Filing of Multi-Year Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) Applications of Electric Cooperatives Prescribed in Section 6.2 (Transitory Provision) of the Amended Rules for the Approval of Regulated Entities’ Capital Expenditure Projects / July 4, 2011

Do you wish to add older, or generation, transmission and supply sectors oriented Rules to this list? If yes, please list them down in the space below provided:

2.  Do you feel a “back to basics” approach would be an effective learning method? If yes, please check the topics below that you seek a lecture on:

i)  ___An Overview of Electric Network and Load Characteristic: A Preliminary to Cost Assignment

ii)  ___Energy Regulation: Theory and Principles

iii)  ___DU Revenue Requirements: An overview

iv)  ___Cost Assignment Dividing Up the Revenue Requirement

v)  ___Details of Functionalization: Dividing the Total Revenue Requirement into

Functional Components

vi. ___Details of Classification: Separating the Functionalized Costs into


vi)  ___Details of Allocation: Assigning Costs to the Different customer Classes

viii)  ___Rate Design: Theory and Principles

3.  RCO Conferences in the past were done through a lecture-type with a power point and ERC Technical Expert lecturer system. Are you happy with this system? If no, please suggest other systems or interactive styles that you have had good experiences with in the space below. (an example is a case discussion of specific rules and with computational exercises involved) :

4.  The past RCO Conferences were participated in by the RCOs and his alternate with other Top-level Officials of the DU. Is this the proper composition of the training participants? If not, please identify, other than the RCO/alternate, the exact position title and the department of the proposed training participant. Please limit the total number of your participants to five (5) persons.






No more please.

5.  Please identify Rules and Resolutions or specific Orders or Decisions that you believe that compliance thereto is difficult to achieve. Please state the factors behind the difficulty and whether training can present a remedy.

6.  Please feel free to present other suggestions or discuss observations that you think will improve the training sessions for the DU RCO under Resolution No. 5, series of 2006- the ERC’s Mandatory Regulatory Education Program (MREP).

Thank you for your time and cooperation.


Director for Planning & Information

(The DU RCO Training Design is a Project of the Public Information Division or PID)


Pacific Center, San Miguel Avenue

Pasig City, Philippines

Tel. (632) 914-5000 local 411/ 631-5816 or -18

Again, please: Kindly send your reply to , . and not later than Friday, 4 November 2011

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