Language Arts, weekly update, week of 1/30
The teachers are observing what we call “Spring Break” behaviors but the problem is ... we are nowhere near the break! Get into your groove guys and gals; there will be plenty of time to play after the work is mastered.
Need to know:
- I hope everyone got a chance to look at the separately posted note for the upcoming registration process. The note actually relates to both fifth and sixth grade students.
Spelling and vocabulary:
- The last three weeks have involved intensive work in identifying individual words and using them for both word mapping and sentences – week #3. Now, it is time for a short break.
Spelling/vocabulary work for the week of 1/30 Due Friday, 2/3/17.
- Use twenty-five of the previously identified library book words for creating a crossword puzzle. Student reminder – the definitions or potential puzzle clues are already finished; this is why I asked everyone to deposit their vocabulary work into the reading journals. (If a reminder is needed on which on-line sites can be used for this work, please come see me way before the due date.)
- Each puzzle must also include: 1. A word bank that a classmate can use when solving the puzzle 2. An answer key that shows the teacher the solution to your individual puzzle.
Think quality and think about being prepared for your future.
Class activities:
- Continued focus - reading/analyzing informational text. This week’s focus will be on building stronger connections to teacher identified academic vocabulary and practice in independently identifying the text structure or organization pattern for teacher passages. The academic vocabulary work involves wrapping up a team assignment for learning target academic vocabulary. As students finish the sharing portion of this assignment, the next step will involve a teacheror student created assignment that shows mastery of the target words. **Very soon we will also begin applying the language and skills connected with informational text to a themed mini-research project and product.
- Grammar, spelling and writing –
** Reminder – students need to bring their library books to class on a daily/weekly basis.
** Preposition quiz #1 – week of January 30th. This information has been posted in-class for over a week and over two weeks ago we updated the source (the daily grammar help page) that students were asked to use as a study guide for the upcoming quiz (quizzes.) Certain parts of speech, such as conjunctions, prepositions and pronouns are best learned through memorization. I project that a new preposition quiz will happen @ every two/two and a half weeks. Grammar quizzes, modeled after our weekly grammar practice, are also starting to make their way into our routine and yes, the teacher “help” page may be used on the quiz. The objective is to see that the basic learning is transferring from lessons to students.