Appendix 1
To: Head Teachers of Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Special
Non Cheque Book Schools using SIMS FMS
Dear Colleague,
At the end of each financial year, the Chief Finance Officer has the responsibility for preparing the annual accounts for the City Council. This letter summarises the key actions to be taken by schools and changes to the financial procedures for this financial year.
For this financial year the last date for processing transactions on SIMS FMS is 16th March 2018 and all other key dates and actions are summarised at Appendix 1. The full system procedures will be available to download from Link2ICT knowledgebase at The procedures allow for all goods and services received by 16th March 2018 to be correctly recorded in the financial year 2017/2018. For schools with financial delegation, even though any unspent (or overspent) balances against the budget share will carry forward to the next year, adherence to the procedures is important to allow the Chief Finance Officer to prepare annual accounts in accordance with accounting standards and legal requirements.
For schools using Cityserve as their catering provider the arrangements for the Spring term’s invoice are as follows:
Where the service is charged on actual costs, it is not possible to produce the final invoice until all central financial systems have been closed. Cityserve will raise a liability for this invoice to ensure that the charge is accounted for in the correct financial year. Your school will be charged with the actual amount via a journal against code L25R. The journal will debit the financial year 2017/2018 and credit 2018/2019. The credit will then be offset when the actual invoice is paid in 2018/2019. It is important that schools ensure all cash received for schools meals for the Financial Year 2017/2018 is recorded on the schools income portal system by the 16:15 on 29th of March 2018. Corresponding Paying in slips for 2017/2018 should be dated 29th March 2018 for the next scheduled collection by G4S.
Please ensure this letter and the procedures are brought to the attention of all staff involved in the closedown process ahead of the key dates. If you are unclear over any procedure, or need further clarification, please contact your Financial Services Provider as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Xiao-Ming Hu
Schools Finance Team
Children and Young People Directorate (CYP)
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©Birmingham City Council
DATE / ACTION9th March 2018 / · Last day for processing 2017/2018 CAPITAL invoices for submission to Accounts Payable. These invoices must be received by Accounts Payable by the 16th of March 2018 for inclusion in the 2017/2018 Final Accounts.
9th March 2018 / · No orders to be raised on SIMS FMS after this date.
· Last day for input of goods received notes
9th March 2018 / · Last day for processing 2017/2018 EXTERNAL invoices for submission to Accounts Payable. These invoices must be received by Accounts Payable by the 16th of March for inclusion in the 2017/2018 Final Accounts.
· Note that invoices raised by Acivico, S4E or Music Service are to be treated as External Invoices
· Any External Invoices received by Schools between the 17th - 31st of March 2018, must be sent to Accounts Payable after the 1st of April 2018 for payment in the 2018/2019 financial year (Invoices received on these dates relating to 2017/2018 should have been included in the 2017/2018 Liabilities file).
· All other goods and services received but not invoiced should be recorded on the system to enable a liability to be raised.
· Last 2017/2018 petty cash reimbursement claim to be electronically submitted to Accounts Payable to
· Petty cash reimbursement claims for the 2018/2019 financial year must not be submitted until 1st April2018.
16th March 2018 / · Produce list of orders to be declared as liabilities (Deliveries not invoiced report), delete all internal BCC liabilities, scan and e-mail to by 23rd March.
· Where possible liabilities should be sent in an editable format (either Excel or Text file)
· For 2017/2018 schools will need to provide an estimation of sessional/relief staff to be included in year-end liabilities
· Files received after 23rd March 2018 may not be actioned and will result in the school carry forward being overstated
28th March 2018
29th March 2018 / · Schools should Authorise or Reject all internal invoices on Voyager by 28th March 2018
· Schools must not approve any internal invoices on the29th March 2018.
· Schools can add income to the income portal up to 16:15 on 29th March 2018 and this will be included in the 2017/2018 financial year. Again, cash received for schools meals etc for the Financial Year 2017/2018 must be recorded on the schools income portal system by 16:15 on 29th March 2018. Corresponding Paying in slips should be dated 29th March 2018.
· Income entered onto the portal from the 1st of April 2018 will be included in the 2018/2019 financial year.
· Schools should note that any income provided to G4S relating to the 2017/2018 financial year and not added to the income portal in 2017/2018 by 16:15 on 29th March 2018, will not be reimbursed to schools. Schools are therefore advised to reconcile all income and ensure income portal transactions match.
3rd April 2018 / · All incomplete orders transferred to 2018/2019.
· All outstanding commitments relating to 2017/2018 cleared.
16th April 2018 / · Suspense Account should be cleared or queries raised.
May 2018 / · Last reconciliation file of 2017/2018 transactions available to download. (The date will be confirmed as soon as possible) You must not run the final year end process until all reconciliation files for 2017/2018 have been run in SIMS FMS.
· All remaining items in Suspense Account reconciled or queries raised (Any errors will be corrected in the new financial year).
Please refer to your school system guidance and seek advice from your system provider or financial service provider where necessary.
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©Birmingham City Council