Completed and signed applications (scanned pdf preferred) to be submitted to (copying in your direct Line Managers/Supervisors)by Friday 13 April.
Please refer to the Guidelines for Career Development Scholarships for Groups before completing this application.
Section A: Personal and current position details
Name / EmailStaff ID / Phone
Position / Classification/
Academic level
College/Division / School/Institute
Section B: Activity
(Selection Criterion 1)
B1: Activity title
B2: Annual themes. Please indicate which annual theme/s, if any, this activity contributes to. (See Guidelines for information on annual themes)
Building internal leadership capabilities to enhance institutional excellence / Alignment with UTAS Statement of ValuesB3: Summary of activity, including staff cohort,approximate number of participants and how the activity contributes to annual theme/s* (200 words maximum)
B4: Activity deliverables and timeframe (noting funds must be utilised by 31 December 2018)
Deliverables (Max 15 words per item) / TimeframeB5: Summary of costs (please see guidelines for items not covered)
Item / Amount $Total / $
Other funds to support activity (optional; please specify) / $
Amount sought from Career Development Scholarship Program / $
Should the scholarship received not meet the full costs of the proposed activity, how will the balance be paid?
Section C: Response to Selection Criteria 2-4 (to be reported against by 31 January 2019)
Selection Criterion 2:What new skills, knowledge, attributes and/or relationships will participants gain from this activity?*(Minimum 1, and maximum 4: 25 words max each) / Selection Criterion 3:
How will participants apply these to their work?*
(25 words max each) / Selection Criterion 4:
What benefits will applying these bringto participants, colleagues, students, partnerships and/or the University/College/Division? (That is, how will you measure success?)* (25 words max each) / When will these benefits occur?
*Highlight the contribution to the annual themes, where relevant. (Please see the Guidelines for information on annual themes).
Section D: Applicant Declaration
I understand the conditions and process for Career Development Scholarships as outlined in the Career Development Scholarship for Group Activities Guidelines 2018. If successful, I agree to use the awarded funds for the purpose described in this application and complete a report detailing outcomes and benefits (as indicated in Section C of this application) by 31 January 2019. Participation in this activity aligns with the participants’ Performance and Career Development (PACD) plans and will be incorporated into these in 2018.
Section E: Executive Dean/Head of Divisionsupport for application(Selection Criterion 5)
(This section should be completed by the most relevant Executive Dean/Head of Division)
Please indicate whether you support this application for a Career Development Scholarship. Please note that applications without the support of their Executive Dean/Head of Division will be ineligible.
Yes, I support this Career Development Scholarship application and will provide the local workplace support required to ensure the activity is completed successfully. The proposed activity contributes to the applicant’s PACD plan and the College/Division plan. (For short-listed applicants, further information may be sought on the activity’s contribution to these plans).If successful, this activity will be incorporated into the applicants’ PACD plans during 2018.
Please note, in no more than 75 words, the proposed activity’s key contribution/s:
No, I do not support this Career Development Scholarship application (as the proposed activity does not make a significant contribution to the applicant’s PACD plan and/or the College/Division plan); and/or I am unable to provide the local workplace support required to ensure the activity is completed successfully.
Signature / DateName / Position
Final Draft v0.41