
Thursday 15 May 2014

13.30Registration, coffee/tea

Where: University of Warsaw, NewLibraryBuilding (BUW), Dobra 56/66 street (room 316 and 315)

14.10-17.00Participative workshops

A Developing and Maintaining Ombudsman Skills
Chair: Jenna Brown, University of Denver, USA
Where: Room 316 / B Conflict Management in Higher Education: from problems to solutions through empowerment
Chairs: Doris Kiendl-Wendner, University of Applied Sciences JOANNEUM, Graz, Austria, and Josef Leidenfrost, Austrian Student Ombudsman
Where: Room 315
These are facilitated, participative workshops to which all delegates are cordially invited. Please bring along any relevant materials from your institution

Friday 16 May

08:30 Breakfast, and registration for latecomers

Where: Main Campus of University of Warsaw, OldLibraryBuilding, Conference Aula; Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 street

09.00 Official Conference Opening

Prof. Tadeusz Tomaszewski, Provost, University of Warsaw;

Prof. Daria Lipińska-Nałęcz, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education;

09:20 Plenary I

Chair: Jenna Brown, University of Denver, USA
Empowerment, Public Trust and the Ombudsman
Rob Behrens, OIA, UK

10.20Coffee break

10.50Parallel session I

1A: Empowering Ombudsmen
Chair: Lies Poesiat, VU Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
What I learned during my mandate as Ombudsperson for Students
Spencer Boudreau, McGill University, Canada
The first Student Ambassador in Denmark: why not “Student Ombudsperson” and why not sooner?
Tina Kaare, University of Copenhagen
Where: Conference Aula, Old Library / 1B: Empowering Students
Chair: Natalie Sharpe, University of Alberta, Canada
Ombudsperson as a factor for empowering autonomy: a Latin American approach.
Jorge Ulises Carmona Tinoco, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
The University Ombuds Office: An Element for Empowerment
Patricia Begne, Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico
Where: Main Campus, KazimierzowskiPalace, Brudziński Room Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28


12.25Address to the participants

Prof. Irena Lipowicz, Polish Human Rights Defender

12.35Plenary session II

Chair: Josef Leidenfrost, Austrian Student Ombudsman
A Perspective on Organisational Conflict Management
Doug Yarn, GSUCollege of Law
Where: Conference Aula, Old Library


Where: Lobby of the Conference Aula, Old Library

14.15 Parallel session II

2A: Empowering Universities
Chair: Wolf Hertlein, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
The Power of Structural Impartiality
Nora Farrell, Ryerson University, Canada
University Ombudsman: tool for social innovation
Cristina Riche, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Where: Conference Aula, Old Library / 2B: Empowering Ombudsmen
Chair: Doris Kiendl-Wendner, University of Applied Sciences JOANNEUM, Graz, Austria
Governance that Empowers
Ram Gidoomal, OIA Board, UK
Empowering consistency and learning from key resources
Steven du Crôs, OIA, UK
Where: Brudziński room – KazimierzowskiPalaceMain Campus of the University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28

15.35Coffee break

16.00Parallel session III

3A: Empowering Universities
Chair: Jean Grier, University of Edinburgh, UK
Benefits of dispute resolution systems in organisations. Example of the University of Warsaw
Ewa Gmurzynska, University of Warsaw, Poland Dr Hanna Machińska – Anti-discriminatory Committee – University of Warsaw, Council of Europe Office
Fifty years of ombudsing in CanadianColleges and Universities: reflections on the past and challenges for the future
Kristen Robillard, Concordia University, Canada
Where: Conference Aula, Old Library / 3B: Empowering Students
Chair: Paul Herfs, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
Difficult behaviour of students
Lies Poesiat, VU Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Empowering students for fairness, not advantage
Natalie Sharpe, University of Alberta, Canada
Where: Brudziński room – KazimierzowskiPalaceMain Campus of the University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28


7:15 pm Gala Dinner

Where: Villa Foksal, Foksal street no 3/5

Saturday 17 May

08.45 Breakfast

Where: breakfast will be served outside of the conference rooms 102 and 254

09.15Parallel session IV

4A: Empowering Students
Chair: Kristen Robillard, Concordia University, Canada
Students and Money? Ombudsmen! Empowering Students
Marta Elena Alonso de la Varga, Universidad de León, Spain and Josef Leidenfrost, Austrian Student Ombudsman
Funding in Higher Education and its Impact on Students
Jenna Brown, University of Denver, USA
Where: Collegium Iuridicum III – Faculty of Law building at the Main Campus, room 102 / 4B: Empowering Universities
Chair: Nora Farrell, Ryerson University, Canada
Working within a new model complaint handling procedure
Jean Grier, University of Edinburgh, UK
Towards Early Resolution and a Good Practice Framework
Rob Behrens, OIA, UK
Where: University of Warsaw , NewLibraryBuilding (BUW), Dobra 56/66 street,
room 254

10.35Coffee break

10.50Parallel session V

5A: Empowering Ombudsmen
Chair: Spencer Boudreau, McGill University, Canada
How to find, choose and appoint the correct person?
Anna Cybulko, University of Warsaw, Poland
Self-empowerment for Ombudsmen: it depends on you
Wolf Hertlein, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Where: Main Campus, Collegium Iuridicum III – Faculty of Law building, room 102 / 5B: Empowering Universities
Chair: Marta Elena Alonso de la Varga, Universidad de León, Spain
Why should universities have ombudsmen for academic staff?
Paul Herfs, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
Managing rising complaints: concept, implementation and sustainability
Kathy Sherlock, University of Huddersfield, UK
Where: University of Warsaw , NewLibraryBuilding (BUW), Dobra 56/66 street, room 254

12.10 Plenary session III

Chair: Doris Kiendl-Wendner, University of Applied Sciences JOANNEUM, Graz, Austria
The Road to Yerevan: Selling the Ombudsman Message
13.00 Closing remarks
Chair: Ram Gidoomal
Ewa Gmurzyńska and Josef Leidenfrost
Where: Main Campus, KazimierzowskiPalace, I floor, Senate Room

13: 20 Lunch

Where: Main Campus, KazimierzowskiPalace, ground floor, Professors’s Caffetteria


Dr Marta Elena Alonso de la Varga

Ombudswoman, University of León, Spain

Marta Alonso has a PhD in Veterinary Science and has been working as a full Professor in the Veterinary Faculty of León since 2001. Previously she did her the Doctoral Thesis and was Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Production from 1990. She was elected as Ombudswoman for the University of León in December 2009 and was re-elected in September 2012. She gave presentations at the IX ENOHE June 2011 meeting in Madrid, X ENOHE April 2013 meeting in Oxford and at the XV Conferencia Estatal de Defensores Universitarios (CEDU) September 2012 meeting in Almería (Spain) and at the XVI Conferencia Estatal de Defensores Universitarios (CEDU) November 2013 meeting in Seville (Spain). She was a member of the Executive Committee of CEDU from December 2011 until the renovation of this Committee in Seville meeting in 2013 (Vice-President of this Executive Committee since February until November 2013).

Professor Patricia Begné

Professor of Law and Head of the Ombudsman Office, University of Guanajuato, Mexico

Patricia Begné is Professor of Law at the University of Guanajuato in Guanajuato, Mexico and has also served as head of the Ombudsman Office at the university since 2007. In addition, she has practiced law and serves as a consultant to law firms in the U.S.

Professor Begné received her degree with honors from the University of Guanajuato, where she also took a postgraduate degree. She attended University of Salamanca in Spain for a course on civil law, and currently is a Candidate for Doctorate in Law with the University of Granada, Spain.

Begné was also Vice President of the Human Rights Committee and Special Advisor to the Women´s Rights Committee of the Inter-American Bar Association headquartered in Washington, D.C. She was President of the University Women’s Association affiliated with the International Federation of University Women from 1993 to 1998.

Rob Behrens

Independent Adjudicator and Chief Executive, OIA, UK

Rob Behrens has been Independent Adjudicator and Chief Executive of the OIA since May 2008. He has led the Pathway programme of consultations with the sector to inform the development of the OIA Scheme and the sharing of effective practice. From 2006-2008 Rob was Complaints Commissioner to the Bar Standards Board. Having competed in an open competition he is now a member of the Bar Standards Board and Chair of its Qualifications Committee. From 2003-2006 Rob was Secretary to the Committee on Standards in Public Life.

Rob’s early career was as a lecturer in Public Policy and Administration at Coventry Polytechnic (now Coventry University). In 1988 he joined the Cabinet Office and developed ‘Fast Stream’ training and the provision of equality of opportunity training and development at the Civil Service College. From 1992 – 1997 he was Director of the Southern Africa Development Unit. He led UK-sponsored development and training for the African National Congress and other liberation movements.

Dr Spencer Boudreau

Ombudsperson for Students, McGill University, Canada

Spencer Boudreau PhD is the Ombudsperson for Students at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He has held this position since September 2009. He has been a member of the Faculty of Education at McGill for twenty-five years, serving as Director of the Office of Student Teaching for nine years and as Associate Dean (Teaching, Learning and Students) for six years. He has also served as a member of the Committee on Student Affairs, and as Chair of the University Grievance Committee. Dr. Boudreau is a member of the Canadian and Quebec Associations of Ombudspersons and is vice-president of the Quebec Association.

Jenna Brown

University Ombuds, University of Denver, USA

Jenna Brown is the University Ombuds at the University of Denver, serving all sectors of this private American university since starting the office in May 1999. A trained mediator, Jenna has designed, developed and directed innovative programmes introducing and incorporating conflict management skills and dispute resolution services within organisations in the US. Building on her education in French and TESOL, Jenna has received training in negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution, and other areas in the U.S. and Europe. Jenna is a member of the International Ombudsman Association and the United States Ombudsman Association, and a contributor to the California Caucus of College and University Ombuds. Jenna continues to pursue her own professional development and collaborates with colleagues in the US and elsewhere, writing

articles, providing training and workshops, and coaching newcomers to the field.

Jorge Ulises Carmona Tinoco

Academic Rights Ombudsman, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico

Jorge Ulises Carmona Tinoco is the Academic Rights Ombudsman at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), appointed for a four-year term by the University Council on March 21, 2012. He is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Legal Research of the UNAM and a national researcher of the National Council of Science and Technology. His lines of study and publications are related to International Human Rights Law, Legal Reasoning, Constitutional Interpretation, Writ of

Amparo and other domestic and international mechanisms on warranting Human Rights. The experience resulting from the analysis of these topics has been also directed to either teaching or giving lectures in several national and international spheres in public, educational and non-governmental institutions. His academic training includes a Law Degree (UNAM, 1995), Master of Laws in International Human Rights (University of Essex, 2000), Specialization in Legal Reasoning (University of Alicante, 2004), and Doctorate in Law (UNAM, 2006).

Steven du Crôs

Digital Media Officer, OIA, UK

Steven du Crôs is the Digital Media Officer at the OIA and has been in the role since September 2011. His role incorporates Knowledge Management project which looks at the way the OIA deals with information. He recently launched the OIA’s new intranet which will be the platform for the office to retain and develop on current knowledge which will help aid in education and interaction. Steven also manages the website, social media, internal and external communications. He also created the new ENOHE website and assists the secretariat. He has a degree in BA Radio Production from Bournemouth University and used to work as a wine advisor.

Anna Cybulko

Ombudsman, University of Warsaw, Poland

Appointed as Ombudsman of the University of Warsaw in 2011. As ombudsman she assists academic community in dealing with organizational and interpersonal disputes and finding the solutions of delicate and complicated matters. She specializes in the field of conflict resolution, interpersonal communication and small group dynamics.

She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration and from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw.

She mediates and facilitates agreements in civil, family, commercial, and labor disputes. Her expertise includes facilitating discussions and debates, also ones that for different reasons have complicated communication background. As a trainer, she conducts trainings and workshops in the area of conflict management and resolution, interpersonal communication, mediations and negotiations.

She collaborates on permanent basis with Center for Disputes and Conflicts Resolution at the Faculty of Law and Administration, of the University of Warsaw (Centrum Rozwiązywania Sporów i Konfliktów, WPiA, UW). Member and former vice-president of the Family Mediators’ Association (Stowarzyszenie Mediatorów Rodzinnych).

Dr Nora Farrell

Ombudsperson, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

Nora has been active in the ombuds field in a number of areas: Ombudsperson for Ryerson University since 2000; Ombudsman for the Canadian Franchise Association and International Franchise Association (on a contract basis) for four years; Manager of Investigations/Complaint Resolution for Ombudsman Ontario for five years.

Nora earned a Ph.D. as well as a LL.M. (Master of Laws degree) from Osgoode Hall Law School at York University and a M.Ed. (Master of Education) in Adult, Administrative and Higher Education from the University of British Columbia. Nora also has extensive training and experience in mediation and in the design and delivery of training in effective conflict resolution. She has been active as a volunteer in the literacy field for many years both as an individual tutor and as a board member and Chair of the Foundation for Frontier College, a national literacy organization.

Ram Gidoomal CBE

Chair, OIA Board, UK

Ram Gidoomal has been the Chair of the OIA Board since 2009 and is currently serving his second three-year term. He is Chair of Traidcraft plc and has previously been the Chair of the Employability Forum, helping refugees into employment, and a member of the UK Border Agency Complaints Audit Committee. He also chaired the Anti-Discrimination subgroup of the Better Regulation Task Force and has had Non-Executive roles at Imperial College London and St George’s University of London.

He was appointed in a national recruitment campaign under rules of fair and open competition. He follows Professor Norman Gowar who served for two terms as the OIA’s

first chair.

Dr Ewa Gmurzynska

Associate Professor at Warsaw University (Faculty of Law and Administration), Poland

Ewa Gmurzynska, Ph.D., is Associate Professor at Warsaw University Faculty of Law and Administration. She received her J.D and Ph.D. degree at Warsaw University Law School and master degree (LL.M) at University of Florida Levin College of Law. She is currently director of the Center for American Studies, a joint programme of Warsaw University and University of Florida. She has been trained as mediator in the states of Florida and Georgia and also in Poland. She is a practising mediator in civil and commercial disputes and is involved in many mediation related initiatives in Poland including: presidency of the Civil Council for Alternative Dispute and Conflict Resolution at the Ministry of Justice, co-founder and member of the board of directors of the Center for the Amicable Dispute Resolutions, director of the Mediation Clinic at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Warsaw University.

She is also the author of the book: Mediation in American Legal System (in Polish)

and editor and co-author of the book: Theory andPractice of Mediation (in Polish), as well as many articles related to mediation and negotiation topic.

Jean Grier

Investigations Manager and Research and Projects Officer for the Vice Principals, University of Edinburgh, UK

Jean Grier has three decades of experience in a variety of management roles in higher education and is a Fellow of the Association of University Administrators (AUA), for whom she has written several Good Practice Guides. Jean also has book chapters in various publications and is co-author of a major book due to be published in 2014. Her specialties include policy review and negotiation, business process design, training and professional development. Jean is a Board Member of IDRAS (the Improving Dispute Resolution Advisory Service), a member of the FE/HE Mediation Forum, and Chair of the Scottish Higher Education Complaints Forum.

Dr Paul Herfs

Ombudsman for staff, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Dr. Paul Herfs is ombudsman for staff at Utrecht University in the Netherlands since 2005. This position was created in 1977. The term “Ombudsman” was unknown at that time. So for 37 years Utrecht University has had a university counsellor for academic and support staff. If the position would have been created in this time, it would read: ombudsman for staff.

The ombudsman for staff helps academic staff and support staff with problems that could not be solved by themselves. Since 2011 Paul Herfs works also as an ombudsman for staff at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht. He combines his work for these two universities in Utrecht.

Before he became an ombudsman Paul Herfs worked as an educational researcher. He continued his career as a student counsellor (legal and aliens issues, financial issues, admission of students with foreign diploma’s, etc.) and as vice director of the International Office at Utrecht University. His PhD-thesis dealt with International Medical Graduates in the Netherlands.

Wolf Hertlein

Complaint Manager, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Wolf Hertlein has participated at the ENOHE-Meetings in Madrid 2011 and Oxford 2013. He has been the complaint manager at Technische Universität Darmstadt in Germany since 2009 and received an advanced training as a mediator in 2010/2011. Prior to that, Wolf was press officer at Technische Universität Darmstadt communication unit from 1999 to 2009, and from 1996 to 1999 at the University of Oldenburg. He worked as research scientist at Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven from 1992 to 1996 and as an innovation consultant at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Oldenburg in 1990.

Wolf studied Mathematics, Biology and other fields of his personal interdisciplinary interest from 1981 to 1989 at the Universities of Konstanz, Ulm, and Oldenburg. He was born 1962 in Trier, loves his wife and three daughters, likes people and being alone, dancing and pilgrimage, conflicts and harmony.