Tasneem Fathima Khaleel
Office: Montana State University, 1500 University Drive, Billings, MT 59101
Phone: (406) 657-2017
Home: 1349 Lake Elmo Road, Billings, MT 59105
Phone: (406) 252 2040
Ph.D. Botany, Bangalore University, India (1970), First woman recipient of Ph.D
Thesis: Embryological Studies in Boraginaceae
M.Sc. Botany. Mysore University, India (1963), Graduated with First Rank in the University.
B.Sc. Double Major (Botany & Zoology), Minor (Chemistry), Mysore University, India (1961)
Montana State University Billings
Jan 2015- Professor of Botany
Feb 2004-2015 Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
1996-2004 Chair, Department of Biological & Physical Sciences
1993 -1996 Director, Graduate Studies and Research
1994-1996 Chair, Department of Modern Languages & Literatures
l986 - Present Professor of Biology
1980-1986 Associate Professor of Biology
1976-1980 Assistant Professor of Biology
Immaculata College, PA.
1973-1976 Assistant Professor of Biology (Adjunct)
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India
1968-1975 Assistant Professor of Biology
BMS College for Women, Bangalore, India
1968 Lecturer
Bangalore University, India
1967-1968 Teaching/Research Assistant
1963-1967 Research Fellow
2014 International Congress on Plant Sexual Reproduction. Porto, Portugal.
2013 Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), Jacksonville, FL
2013 “MOOCs are the Least of Your Worries: What deans should consider about distributed education,” March 14-15 in Long Beach, CA
2012 National Council on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCOR), New Orleans. LA
2012 Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), Seattle, WA
2011 Indo-global Education summit, India
2011 LEAP State Summit, Chicago, IL
2011 Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), Montreal, Canada
2010 Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), New Orleans, LA
2010 Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities Evaluator Training, Portland, OR.
2010 National Science Foundation’s ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Program Planning workshop, Bozeman, MT
2010 Montana INBRE (Infrastructure Network for Biomedical Research Excellence)
2010 Joint workshop of Montana Council of Deans of Education, Montana Council of Deans of Arts and Sciences, Certification Standards & Practices Advisory council, Office of Public Instruction & Licensure Officials. Missoula, MT
2009 Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), Baltimore, MD
2009 Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities Evaluator Training, Seattle, WA.
2008 Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), Portland, OR.
2008 American Association of State Colleges and Universities, Tempe, AR.
2007 Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), Chicago, IL.
2007 Association for General and Liberal Studies (AGLS), Portland, Maine.
2006 Northwest Commission on Colleges Evaluator Training, Seattle, WA.
2006 Northwest Commission on Colleges Institutional self-study workshop, Seattle, WA
2004 NCATE Conference, Washington D.C
2004 85th Annual meeting of the American Association for Advancement of Science. Utah
2003 19th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology. Alabama
2003 84th Annual meeting of the American Association for Advancement of Science. San Francisco
2002 83rd Annual meeting of the American Association for Advancement of Science. Hawaii
2001 17th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology
Washington D.C.
2001 NCATE -OPI, Board of Examiners Training, Bozeman, MT
2000 16th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology
Montreal, Canada.
1999 EPSCOR Conference on Future of Environmental Sciences in Montana
Missoula, Montana
1999 American Association for Advancement of Science, California.
1998 Council on Undergraduate Research, California
1998 NW Commission of Colleges Evaluator Training, Billings, MT
1997 Science Education: LA Collaborative for Teacher Excellence, California
1996 Faculty Roles & Rewards. American Association of Colleges & Universities , Atlanta.
1996 Science Education: American Association of Colleges & Universities, Vermont.
1995 International Education: Department of Education & NSF, Washington DC.
1994 Outcomes Assessment-American Association for Higher Education, Atlanta, GA.
1993 Leadership conference- National Seminar group, Billings, MT.
1993 Plant Biotechnology -Industry Collaboration Forum
1991 NSF Sponsored Courses (3) in Molecular Genetics, Clark, CBU and San Fran State Univ.
1990 Evaluating Faculty for Promotion and Tenure. Atlanta.
1976-present Established, maintain and manage the MSUB Herbarium.
Consolidated collections from the herbaria of Eastern Montana Normal School, Eastern Montana College, Rocky Mountain College, US Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and Bureau of Land Management. Initiated specimen exchange program with US Herbaria. Created a Database for 16000 specimens. Registered in “Index Herbariorum” a global directory of public herbaria. Added the herbarium to Intermountain Region Herbarium network. Published 4676 specimens of Missouri Plateau to the national database of Consortium of Northern Great Plains Herbaria.
MSUB Herbarium now contains vascular plant specimens, some of which date back to late 1800 and early 1900. It houses original collections of Eastern Montana Normal School Science faculty member and students from 1929. The Herbarium serves as a tool for basic research in plant systematics, ecology, phytogeography, and evolution. The collections are actively used in teaching and research as a resource to provide population localities for studies of a diverse nature, ranging from biological control to rare plants. (See published articles in Billings Gazette on University Relations website)
1976-2004 Established and maintained the MSUB greenhouse.
2011- 2014 Diversity Committee, Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS)
2009- 2014 MSU Billings Collaborative Bargaining Team
2005-present Montana University System General Education Committee
2005-2009 Co-Chair, Northwest Accreditation Steering Committee.
2008 Co-author, Institutional Self Study document for NWCCU
2004-present Steering Committee, Town and Gown, Billings
2004-present Board of Directors, Institute of Peace Studies
2002-2007 Member of Human Relations Commission, City of Billings
1989- present Billings Clinic Regional Science Expo
2004-2014 University Budget Committee
2004-2014 Academic Senate
2004-2014 Board of Directors, Town and Gown
2004-present Chair, Scientific Review Committee
1992- present Role Model: NORCUS ( North West Colleges & Universities for Science)
1976-present Faculty Advisor/Mentor
1992-94 Board of Directors, Montana Academy of Sciences
1989-92, 2004-06 President, Montana Academy of Sciences
1987-88 Vice President for Biological Sciences, Montana Academy of Sciences
1980 –Present Consultant for identification of poisonous plants and mushrooms, Emergency Room, Deaconess Medical Center (Billings Clinic) Billings
1976 – Present Consultant (Local Flora) senior citizens group, local residents, high school students, Newcomers Club, Garden Club
1982 - 1993 National Science Foundation (NSF) Project Evaluator
1977-present Mentor: Science projects for High school students (Too numerous to list)
1976-present Invited Speaker (Too numerous to list)
Institute for Peace Studies, Billings, MT
Town and Gown
Zonta Club
Montana Female Executives
American Association for University Women (AAUW)
Brass Peace Seminars, Rocky Mountain College, Billings, MT
Schools, MSU-B, Churches, Public Library, and Kiwanis’s Club (Topic: India, Islam, Diversity and others)
American Orchid Society
Expanding your Horizons program at Rocky Mountain College
2002, 2015 Presenter: Women’s Conference, Institute of Peace Studies, Rocky Mountain College.
2001 & 2002 Presenter, Master Gardner Program, MSU Extension Service
2001 Open houses: for students of Little Bighorn college
Achievement program for under privileged children
Elementary and High Schools
2000 NASA Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunity Program (Vomit Comet) Faculty participant and Mentor
2000-2004 Supervision of Cooperative Education Projects:
Bureau of Reclamation, Zoo Montana, Billings Clinic, Costco Pharmacy, Energy Labs, Heights Veterinary Clinic, Bureau of Land Management, and US Forest Service.
1992-1998 Chair, Mershon Award Committee of Montana Academy of Sciences
1998 Medicinal Plant Garden at Zoo Montana
Two undergraduate students, (Diane Prebaniak and Rose Blackwell) and I
Designed the medicinal plant garden and identified 45 Native American medicinal plants that can be grown in the Zoo. We provided detailed descriptions of their uses, growth requirements and other botanical aspects. This list was given to the Horticulturist /Curator of the Zoo. In addition, we propagated from seed (in the MSUB greenhouse) medicinal plants to be planted in the Zoo.
1976-present Interviews with News Media (TV and News Paper)
1983 College for Kids - 2 summer sessions, EMC
1980 EMC Continuing Education workshops:
Indoor Plants, Green Houses, Green Houses
1999, 2002, 2003 Phonathon, MSUB Foundation
2011 Co-chair, Council for Colleges of Arts and Sciences Department Chairs workshop, St. Louis, MO (scheduled July 7-9)
2011 Chair, Council for Colleges of Arts and Sciences Department Chairs workshop, San Diego, CA (scheduled October 2-4)
2005-2014 Co-conducted (with one other Dean) annual University Chairs workshop
2005-2008 Co-conducted (with Dean Fishbaugh) numerous campus wide meetings and workshops to prepare for the NWCCU accreditation visit.
2004 Invasive Species Symposium: Organized and co-conducted one- day symposium on campus. 70 scientists participated.
1997 Rangeland Symposium: Organized and conducted one- day
symposium on Campus. 50 scientists participated
1991 Weed Symposium: Organized, and conducted a one-day symposium on campus. 20 invited speakers and 120 participants.
1991, 1997, Annual meeting of the Montana Academy of Sciences: Hosted and organized
& 2004 the meeting on MSUB campus; 100-150 participants from the academy.
1990 Round Table Discussion on Alaskan Oil Spill: Organized and co-conducted a one-day seminar on campus; 100 participants .
2016 Faculty Excellence for Support of Students with Disabilities
2014 Mentoring Young Female Professionals Award
2014 Award named after Tasneem Khaleel for Mentoring Young Female Professionals
2014 SACM (Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission) Award for support of Saudi Club and Saudi students
2008 Honored at Chicks in Science, MSUB
2004 Included in “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers”
2004 Merit pay (Post-tenure review exceptional performance)
2003, 2011 Featured in Yellowstone Valley Woman Magazine
2003 Zonta International. Status of Women Award
2002 Faculty Excellence Award
2001 Merit pay (Post-tenure review exceptional performance)
1997 ASMSU-B Award for Outstanding Faculty
1998 Included in “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers”
1996 Included in “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers”
1995 Included in "American Achievers in Science and Technology". A package for K-12 science teachers.
l995 Mershon Research Excellence Award of the Montana Academy of Sciences
1995 Exhibited in “women in Science” Binghamton University 50th anniversary commemoration exhibition
1993 Faculty Achievement Award for Scholarly Research
1993 Merit Salary Bonus
1992 Portrayed as a “Role Model” in Northwest College & University Association for Science (NORCUS) publication “Northwest Women in science”. Women making a difference: a role model guidebook.
1992 Merit Salary Bonus
1991 Merit Salary Bonus
1990 Merit Salary Bonus
1989 Merit Pay
1980 Distinguished Professor Award for scholarly research, EMC Foundation
1976-2016 Press Releases, too many to list
1970 “Outstanding Graduate” award from the Indian Student Association
1963-67 University grants commission research fellowship for outstanding graduate student.
Khaleel, T.F. 2004 Karyomorphology and Genome Analysis of Six Species of Allium
(Alliaceae). Proc. of the 85th Annual meeting of the American Association for Advancement of
Science. Vol. 23
Khaleel, T.F. 2003 Cytotaxonomy, Karyomorphology and Genome Analysis of Six Species of
Ornithogalum (Hyacynthaceae). Proc. Of the 84th Annual meeting of the American Association
for Advancement of Science. Vol. 22
Khaleel, T.F., Dillman, R and Gretch D. 2003 Estradiol distribution during the development
and expression of reproductive structures in Populus tremuloides (Micx.). Sexual Plant
Reproduction. 15:6
Khaleel, T.F. 2002 Karyomorphology and genome analysis of four cultivars of Tulipa.
Proc. Of the 83rd Annual meeting of the American Association for Advancement of Science.
Vol. 21
Khaleel T.F., Hedman, Johnna, Madden Laura and Amber Osborne. 2002 Seasonal effects
Of water quality in the Yellowstone river basin on root growth and mitotic index in Allium cepa.
Proc.AAAS. 21
Khaleel, T.F. 2002 Morphology and Embryology of dioecious and monoecious Populus
tremuloides (Micx.). Intermountain Journal of Sciences, Vol 8: No. 2: 580-588
Khaleel, T. F. 2001 Genotoxic effects of hypo and hypergravity in Allium cepa. Gravitational
and Space Biology Bulletin.. 15: 48
Khaleel, T.F. Bernard Shannon and Melissa Ullman. 2000. A checklist of vascular plants for
Two Moon Park near Billings, Montana. Int. J. Sciences. Vol 6, No.4: 333-338
Khaleel, T.F. Bernard Shannon and Melissa Ullman. 2000. Noxious weeds found in Two
Moon Park near Billings, Montana. Int. J. Sciences. Vol. 6, No. 4: 368-369
Khaleel, T.F. 1999. Reproductive Biology of Populus tremuloides (Micx.). Proc. AAAS.
Khaleel, Susan Haven and Tim Gilg. 1991. Karyomorphology of Amaryllis hybrids.
Cytologia 56: 1-11.
Khaleel, T.F. and D. Siemsen. 1989. Cytoembryology of Amaryllis hybrids. Canadian
J.Bot.Vol. 67 No. 3.
Khaleel, T.F. and Murphy, D. 1988. Embryology of Lithospermum. Proc. MT Acad. Sci. 48.
Khaleel, T.F. and D. Siemsen. l986. Cytoembryology of Hippeastrum hybrids: Basuto, Lucky
strike, Dark strike and Apple Blossom. (Abst) Proc. Montana Acad. Sci. 46.
Khaleel, T.F. and Susan Havens. l986. Cytotaxonomy of Hippeastrum hybrids: Desert Dawn, Intokazi and Pink Stripe. (Abst) Proc. Montana Acad. Sci. Vol. 46.
*Khaleel, T.F. 1985. A review of endosperm and the taxonomic position of Boraginaceae. J. Pl.
Sci. Vol. 1, pp. 117-134.
Khaleel, T.F. and Mitchell, Becky. 1982. Cytotaxonomy and Embryology of Allium textile.
American J. Bot. 69(9): 950-956.
Khaleel, T.F. 1982. Embryology of Cordia sebestina. J. Pl. Syst. and Evol. 139: 303-311.
Boraiah, G. and Khaleel, T.F. 1982. On the genus Urquinea steinhill (Liliaceae). Indian
Forester, 108(4).
Sastry, K.S. Krishna, Boraiah, G., Govindu, H.D., and Khaleel, T.F. 1980. Weeds of Karnataka. UAS, Textbook Ser.
Boraiah, G. and Khaleel, T.F. 1979. Cytotaxonomy of Clematis and Naravelia. Bot. Notiser.
Khaleel, T.F. and Dreeszen, Arlene. 1979. Embryology of Zygadenus venenosus.
Montana Academy of Sciences.
Khaleel, T.F. and Becky Mitchell. 1979. Cytoembryology of Allium textile. MT. Acad. Sci.
Khaleel, T.F. 1978. Embryology of Ehretia acuminata. Proc. MT. Acad. Sci., pp. 35-53.
Khaleel, T.F. 1978. Embryology of Heliotropium. J. Pl. Sys. & Evol.129: 45-62.
Khaleel, T.F. and Boraiah, G. 1978. Flora of Nandi Hills. UAS Res. Ser.
Khaleel, T.F. 1978. Chromosome number in Lycoris. Taxon.
Khaleel, T.F. 1977. Embryology of Trichodesma. Bot. Notiser 130: 441-452.
Khaleel, T.F. 1975. Embryology of Cordia. Botanical Gazette. 136
Khaleel, T.F. and Boraiah, G. 1974. Cytotaxonomic studies in three species of Zephyranthes. Botaniska Notiser 127.
Khaleel, T.F. and Boraiah, G. 1974. Flora of Hebbal campus and Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra. UAS Res. Ser.(18)
Khaleel, T.F. 1974. Embryology of Cynoglossum denticulatum. Botaniska Notiser, 127.
Khaleel, T.F. and Boraiah, G. 1973. Cytoembryology of Thunbergia mysorensis. Proc.Nat. Academy of Sciences.
Khaleel, T.F. and Nalini. 1972. Embryology of Lantana aculeata var nivea Bailey. Current Science, 41
Boraiah, G. and Khaleel, T.F. 1972. Some aspects of vegetation at Nandi Hills. University of Agricultural Sciences Research Series.
Khaleel, T.F. and Boraiah, G. 1972. Cytotaxonomy of Urginea govindappae sp. Novo. Boraiah & Fathima. Bull. Bot. Sur. India, 12: 128-131.
Fathima, Tasneem. 1971. Studies on the development of pericarp and seed coat in Rotula aquatica Lour. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. B. 74.