Park: Project
April 6, 2019/ Page1 of 4
The Planning Review is an overview of potential outcomes for projects that are proposed for funding by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (OCPRC). The potential outcomes are related to existing plans, best practices, demographic and recreational trends, and other supporting documentation and data. The intent of the Planning Review is to inform the proposed project in a way that will improve outcomes and provide critical information to the Parks Commission regarding the project’s relevance to the goals and objectives of OCPRC.
Budget Center
Code and Name
The scope may be the same as an individual project or it may be a broader scope that will encompass multiple projects.
Current Conditions
Briefly state the conditions and needs
Were any alternatives explored and why was the current project selected? Will we be exploring alternatives for parts of a larger project in the future? This document can also be used as a tool to thoroughly explore and contrast alternatives.
Staff Recommendation
Are we recommending implementation of a project? Are we recommending further study before implementing the project – for example to re-evaluate after conducting and evaluating public engagement.
Project Outcomes
Successful completion of a project is anticipated to have outcomes in the following areas. This section will be utilized as a checklist for completion of items needed for a thorough planning analysis.
Organizational Fit
Alignment with Service Portfolio – How will the project align with theService Portfolio and the recommendations for provision of services outlined by its Service Inventory and Assessment? (Note: this is an OCPR program and may not be transferable to other agencies)
Statement or “Not applicable”
Implementation of agency and park plans – How will the project implement existing OCPRC plans, including5-Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan and individual park plans? There may be relevant special studies and reports that can be cited as well.
Alignment with standards and best practices – How will the project align with documented OCPRC facility standards and professional best practices, i.e. CAPRA accreditation standards?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Compliance with OCPRC and Oakland County policies – How does/will the project comply with the policies of OCPRC and Oakland County?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Compliance with regulations, agreements and restrictions – How does/will the project comply with regulations, agreements – i.e. grant agreements – and restrictions that are currently in place? Will new agreements or legal documents need to be created?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Response to recreational trends – How will the project respond to documented recreational trends?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Response to external context– How will the project be designed appropriate to its context, including site conditions and historical features
Statement or “Not applicable”
Attendance and participation – Will the project increase or decrease the number of people who visit the park/facility or participate in events and programs?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Maintenance, operational, programming and staffing needs – How will the project increase or decrease the need for maintenance, operations and programming? Will staffing needs increase or decrease?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Public awareness of OCPRC parks and services – Will the project create greater awareness of OCPRC and its parks and services? Does the project identify target markets and respond to market conditions?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Leveraging of resources – Does the project leverage resources – i.e. grant funds, volunteers, etc.
Statement or “Not applicable”
Access to Parks and Recreation
Compliance with ADA standards – Will the project comply with minimal ADA guidelines?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Universal Access– How will the project go beyond compliance to welcome people of all ages, abilities and skill levels to participate?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Equitability of access – Will the project remove barriers to recreation due to economic and social factors?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Four Season Access – Will the project increase the amount of time during the year that the facility is visited?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Environmental Stewardship
Environmental Regulations – How will the project comply with environmental regulations?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Coordination with regional conservation plans – How will the project coordinate with regional conservation plans?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Environmentally Sustainable Practices – Will the project incorporate environmentally sustainable practices?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Public Awareness of Natural Resources – Will the project increase or decrease public awareness of natural resources and create opportunities to participate in stewardship?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Community Involvement
Public Engagement – How will the project respond to public input? Will new public engagement be implemented as part of this project?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Community Plans – Will the project coordinate with community plans – i.e. local master plans and recreation plans?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Local Recreation Providers – Will the project coordinate with local recreation providers and not duplicate services provided locally?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Public Involvement – Will the project create new opportunities for public involvement – i.e. volunteering?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Budget Effects
Capital Improvement Budget– How will the project affect the CIP budget? In many cases, it is best to reference CIP scope and budget documents rather than repeat the information in the Planning Review.
Statement or “Not applicable”
Operating Budget – Revenue–Is the project expected to impact revenue? Is an expected outcome new recreational opportunities and increased visitors and subsequent increased revenue? Will the project close a revenue generating facility and result in decreased revenue?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Operating Budget – Expense – Is the project expected to impact operating costs? Will it result in reduced maintenance needs and costs? If a facility is expanding, do we expect to hire more staff to run and maintain the facility?
Statement or “Not applicable”
Cost Recovery – What is the current cost recovery (if known) and do we expect cost recovery to increase, decrease or stay the same? Note that if revenue increases more than expense – cost recovery will increase. This could also be expressed as whether the amount of subsidy will increase or decrease.
Statement or “Not applicable”
Provide references to any plans or reports cited in the planning review
Review/Edit Log
Date Created by Name
DateReviewed by Name or Committee
Date Edited by Name