Part 2-A

Restoration Implementation

Instream Habitat Work

Application due:Friday, February 9, 2018

Worksite Name and Number:

C.4Instream HabitatProjects of this type increase or improve the physical conditions within the stream environment (below the ordinary high water mark of the stream).

  • Click in the gray field to enter information.
  • Record all requests for miles to the nearest 0.01 miles; use meander for stream measurements.
  • Record all requests for acres to the nearest 0.1 acres.

C.4.aWhat is the total budgetfor instream habitat work?(=PCSRF+state/other non-federal cash match + in-kind contributions.)

C.4.bHow many miles of stream will be treated?

This is a meander measurement of the portion of stream treated by the project. Multiple treatments in the same stretch of stream would only be "counted" once, so that the total reflects actual stream length subjected to treatments regardless of how many different treatments were applied.

Work Type Metrics

Check the worktypes that will be completed at this worksite and provide the applicable metric(s).Delete work types that will not be completed by highlighting the entire work type making sure that the checkbox is not checked and delete.

C.4.cChannel reconfiguration and Connectivity: Will changes in channel morphology, sinuosity or connectivity to off-channel habitat, wetlands or floodplains be completed at this worksite?This includes instream pools added/created; meanders added; former channel bed restored; or, creation of off-channel habitat consisting of side channels, backwater areas, alcoves, oxbows, ponds, or side-pools.

C.4.c.2Select one or more of the following types of change to channel configuration and connectivity

☐Creation/connection to off-channel habitat

☐Creation of instream pools

☐Channel bed restored

☐Meanders added

☐Levee Removal/Floodplain reconnected

C.4.c.3How many miles of stream will be treated?

C.4.c.4How many miles of off-channel stream will be created?

C.4.c.5How many acres off-channel stream created?

C.4.c.6How many instream pools will be excavated?

C.4.c.7How many acres of floodplain will be reconnected?

C.4.dChannel structure placement: Will there be placement of large woody debris or rocks/boulders (including defectors, barbs, weirs) to collect and retain gravel for spawning habitat; deepen existing resting/jumping pools; create new pools above/below the structure; trap sediment; aerate the water, channel roughening; or promote deposition of organic debris?

C.4.d.2Select one or more of the following types of material to be used for channel structure:

☐Individual logs (unanchored);

☐Individual logs (anchored);

☐Logs fastened together (logjam);

☐Rocks/boulders (unanchored);

☐Rocks/boulders (fastened or anchored);

☐Stumps with roots attached (root wads);



☐Deflectors/barbs; or,

☐Other engineered structures.

C.4.d.3How many miles of stream will be treated?

C.4.d.5How many pools will be created by scour?

C.4.d.7How many structures will be placed in the channel?

C.4.eWill streambank stabilization be completed through this project? Includes stabilization of the streambank through re-sloping, placement of rocks, logs, or other material on streambank to prevent existing issue with erosion and sedimentation. Note:The streambank stabilizationwork type is typically applied for a worksite that will only be treated to control chronic erosion. If the stream stretch at this worksite involves channel reconfiguration (c.4.c), streambank treatment is part of that design, so this work type will not be reported.)

C.4.e.2Select one or more of the following types of material used for streambank stabilization.



☐Rock barbs;

☐Log barbs;


☐Gabions; or,


C.4.e.3How many miles of streambank will be treated? (Add length of streambank treated on each side of the stream when both sides are stabilized.)

C.4.fWill spawning gravel be placed in the stream?

C.4.f.2How many miles of stream will be treated?

C.4.f.3How many cubic yards of gravel will be placed?

C.4.gWill removal or control of aquatic non-native plants, invasive species or noxious weeds growing in the stream channel be completed?

C.4.g.2Genus and species of plantsto be removed/controlled:

C.4.g.3How many miles of stream will be treated?

C.4.hWill the introduction or management of beavers to add natural stream complexity be completed?

C.4.h.2How many beavers?

C.4.iWill control or removal of salmonid predators from the instream habitat be completed?

C.4.i.2Genus and species of predators controlled/removed?

C.4.i.3Describe methods that will be used for this work:

C.4.i.4How many predators will be removed/controlled?

C.4.i.5How many miles of stream will be treated for predators?

Instream HabitatPage 1 of 3PCSRF Application Part 2-A, Round20

Revised December 2017Due Friday, February 9, 2018