Minutes of meeting held on Monday 18th May 2015
A meeting of Weston Parish Council was held on Monday 18th May in the Village Hall, Weston Hills commencing at 7.30pm.
Present:- Cllrs. Casson, Bellamy, Farnsworth, Jex and Pennington (all of whom signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office prior to the commencement of the meeting)
In attendance:- PCSO Bev Robinson and 3 other persons
15.90 Election of Chairman
Cllr. Casson was elected to serve as Chairman for the coming year.
15.91 Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
The Chairman signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office, his signature being witnessed by the Clerk.
15.92 Election of Vice Chair
Cllr. Pratt, having made it known that he is willing to serve again as Vice Chair should he be elected, was elected in absentia to serve as Vice Chairman for the coming year.
15.93 Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
It was resolved that Cllr. Pratt should sign his Declaration of Acceptance of Office outside of the meeting.
15.94 Apologies
Cllrs. R Pratt (family commitments), M Smith (family bereavement), It was resolved that Cllr. Smith be permitted to sign his Declaration of Acceptance of Office at the next meeting.
15.95 Consideration of persons willing to be co-opted
Mr Allsopp, Mr Bunder and Mr Halgarth had expressed their willingness to be co- opted to the 3 seats left vacant following the uncontested Parish Council election. It was duly resolved that they be co-opted and each signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office before joining the meeting as Cllrs.
15.96 Public Forum
There were no members of the public in attendance.
15.97 Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 13th April 2015
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th April, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
15.98 Matters arising not elsewhere on the agenda
The Clerk informed the meeting that the Community Wildlife Grant scheme focussed on projects that can demonstrate direct involvement by community volunteers and would not cover the renovation of the Church wall.
The litter pick had gone ahead as planned and, once again, an enormous amount of litter and fly-tipping had been collected. The Chairman thanked those that had taken part.
15.99 Consideration of membership of working parties and representatives on outside bodies
It was agreed that the membership of working groups and representatives on outside bodies should remain the same with the exception that Cllr. Bunder would represent the Parish Council on the Weston Village Hall Committee
Weston Village Hall – Cllr. Bunder
Weston Hills Village Hall – Cllrs. Casson and Halgarth
Weston Burial Ground Land – Cllrs. Allsopp, Bellamy, Casson and Pratt
Weston Playing Field – Cllrs. Allsopp and Bellamy
Weston Hills Playing Field – Cllr. Casson and Pratt
Weston Consolidated Charity – Cllrs. Bellamy, Jex and Mr H Halgarth
Allotments – Cllrs. Bellamy, Halgarth, Jex and Pratt
South Holland Voluntary Car Scheme – Cllr. Casson
Moulton Harrox Educational Trust – Cllr. Casson
Lincolnshire Carers Partnership – Mr E Ormond
16.00 Correspondence
(a) Mr A Short – confirmation of satisfactory completion of the internal audit of the 2014/2015 Annual Return. Noted.
(b) SHDC – Notice of Uncontested Election for Weston Village and Weston Hills wards. Noted.
(c) NALC – letter to new and returning Parish Cllrs. Noted.
(d) SHDC Planning Compliance – response to queries raised re site adj. 89 High Road, Weston. Noted.
(e) Post Office – notification of possible changes to opening hours/services offered at Weston Post Office
(f) Lincs Road Safety Partnership – confirmation of sites approved for deployment of SID (dealt with under agenda item).
(g) Community Lincs – details of training courses for people working in the community (dealt with under agenda item)
(h) Mr A Coates – notification of intention to quit Garden Allotment 10. Noted.
(i) Weston Village Hall – request for Parish Council support to ensure the existence of a viable committee.
(j) Mr Adcock – request to take up tenancy of GA1. Noted.
(k) Local Govt. Boundary Commission – information on how to take part in the Electoral Review of Lincolnshire. Noted.
(l) Dalton Warner Davis – notification of application to the Secretary of State to vary consent re Spalding Energy Expansion. Noted.
Clerks & Councils Direct – May
16.01 Speed Indicating Device / passive signs
a) confirmation of sites approved for deployment – the only site declined by LRSP is lamp SHDC1759 on Small Drove but they have suggested LCC4 as an alternative.
b) consideration of Risk Assessment for deployment – as Cllr. Pratt was not in attendance it was agreed to re-agenda this item for the next meeting.
c) confirmation of insurance cover – the Clerk confirmed that the SID has been added to the insurance policy and that any volunteers using the SID are covered.
16.02 Police matters
PCSO Robinson gave the previous months reported incident statistics as – 3 anti- social behaviour, 1 – RTC, 3 violence (2 of which were domestics) and 3 burglaries. There were no reports of criminal damage or theft.
A local volunteer had been deploying a SID on behalf of the police and found that there was a low percentage of vehicles speeding on Broadgate but results from Austendyke Road indicate a problem that requires attention. PCSO Robinson asked if Parish Council would provide her with the information downloaded from their SID so that an overview of the speed of traffic in the area could be built up.
16.03 Highways matters
It was confirmed that the pot hole reported at the last meeting has been filled and that the collapsing carriageway has been marked out.
The Clerk was asked to report problems with the road edges collapsing in places on Broadgate, Weston Hills and the A151 between Weston and Spalding.
16.04 Planning matters
Notification of application for consideration available via SHDC website:-
H22-0391-15 – extension to existing facility to provide farm office – Wool Hall Farm, Cross Gate, Weston. Cllrs. Bellamy, Halgarth and Pennington declared an interest in this application. No objections.
H22-0372-15 – erect 2 dwellings (outline application H22-0853-14) – 92 Broadgate, Weston
Notification of permission being granted received for:-
H22-0246-15 – brick out skin to existing airey house – 27 Delgate Avenue, Weston
16.05 Church matters
No matters were raised.
16.06 Weston and Weston Hills Playing Fields
The Clerk informed the meeting that Community Lincs were holding a series of seminars on various issues including one on Routine Play Area Inspection.
After consideration it was agreed that Cllr. Bellamy and the Clerk would attend the October course at a cost of £130 plus VAT.
16.07 Consideration of approval of the 2014/15 Annual Return and Statement of Governance
The Clerk informed the meeting that the Internal Audit had been completed and that Mr Short had confirmed that there were no issues arising. The notices of electors’ rights are currently being displayed as required. With the agreement of those present the Chairman and Clerk signed the Annual Return and Statement of Governance.
16.08 Financial Report to 30th April and payments to be made
The Financial Report to 30th April, having been circulated, was taken as read and its content noted.
The following payments were approved:-
SA Wilson – Clerk’s salary/exps £485.30
Inland Revenue – PAYE £109.20
AON Ltd. – annual insurance premium £813.48
16.09 Consideration of sums insured
The Clerk informed the meeting of the changes that the insurers have made to Parish Council insurance policies with the introduction of ‘banding’ for each category of assets based on population. This means that each individual item does not have to be listed separately as long as the total value of items required to be covered does not exceed the band.
16.10 Any other business
The Clerk reminded those present that the next Parish Council meeting would be 6th July.
Chairman ………………………………………………..