May 5th, 2014 Borough Council Meeting

The regular monthly meeting of the Stewartstown Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Bill Gemmill, Roy Burkins, Michael Ellinger, Kenton Kurtz, Gordon Wisnom, Polly Kreiss and Jerry Writer. Also in attendance were: Attorney Craig Sharnetzka, Stacy Myers and Mayor Smith. Dennis Sarpen was absent.


Mr. Ellinger made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 7, 2013 Council meeting. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried.

Ms. Kreiss made a motion to approve the general fund financial statements, including checks dated April 16, 2014 totaling $20,436.43, seconded by Mr. Writer and the motion was carried. Ms. Kreiss made a motion to approve the checks dated May 1, 2014 totaling $16,250.97 seconded by Mr. Burkins and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the sewer fund financial statement, including checks dated April 16, 2014 totaling $24,615.69 seconded by Mr. Writer and the motion was carried. Mr. Gemmill made a motion to approve the checks dated May 1, 2014 totaling $1,726.44 seconded by Ms. Kreiss and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the water fund financial statement, including checks dated April 16, 2014 totaling $30,679.58 seconded by Mr. Writer and the motion was carried. Mr. Burkins made a motion to approve the checks dated May 1, 2014 totaling $1,646.05 seconded by Mr.Kurtz and the motion passed unanimously.


Ravenscliff comments from the Engineer and YCPC were received. Once the Planning Commission reviews and makes a recommendation, Council can act.

A question was asked regarding survey stakes at the east corner of 11 W. PA Avenue. The inquirer was advised to contact the property owner or the Zoning Officer (Wade Porter).


Attorney Sharnetzka stated the Federal Highway Commission has set a deadline of June for plans to replace signage to be in compliance with the new Reflectivity requirements. Mr. Ellinger made a motion to approve Resolution 2014-02 to satisfy the regulatory and warning sign reflectivity requirements. Mr. Writer seconded and the motion was carried. This will satisfy the requirement for now.

The property at 73 Mill Street has been sold. Once settlement has commenced, the Borough should be paid for the liens.

Attorney Sharnetzka asked Council to review the York County Planning Commission and Planning Commission minutes regarding the Ravenscliff project.


Mr. Sarpen was not in attendance; there was no report.


Mayor Smith distributed a document with proposed Eureka Fire and Fire Police Events. He was requested the members be allowed to attend the events. Mr. Kurtz made a motion to allow the following events (May 10 – September 1) with guidance as to completion of sign in sheets, and notification to the Borough Office, Mayor and Council of any issues:

May 10 Felton Days Felton Station 43

May 25 Mac Madness Naylor’s Winery

May 26 Dallastown Parade D-Town Station 35

June 6 K-D Graduation KD High School

June 7-8 Basic F-P Training D-Town Station 35

Jun 7 5K Run Naylor’s Winery

June 29 YWCA Triathlon Jacobus Station 18

July 5 New Freedom Carnival New Freedom Station 58

July 2 New Freedom

Children’s Fireworks New Freedom Station 58

July 4 4th July Day & Fireworks Jacobus Park

July 5 New Freedom Parade New Freedom Station 58

Sept 1 Labor Day Festivities Jacobus Station 18

Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Smith reported that the Adams York County Tax Bureau had found undistributed money during an audit. Stewartstown will receive $2,252.62 for their portion of the distribution.


A letter was received from Mike Phelps, Hammonds Body Shop regarding ponding from heavy rain. It was decided that the Engineer would look at the issue but it may be a civil problem between neighbors.


Mr. Wisnom stated that copies of the 1st quarter building inspection report have been distributed.

There is a colored map for review on the Council table from the York County Planning Commission and their memo regarding the Local Bridge Inventory.

Mr. Wisnom reported that D&D Scarborough picked up the key to measure and to order the windows in the upstairs apartments. They will let us know when the new windows have arrived.

Council recessed into an Executive Session at 7:30 pm. Council reconvened at 7:45 pm.

There being no further business, Mr. Kurtz made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Kreiss and the Stewartstown Borough Council meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cindy McCartin

Minute Taker/Transcriber