Allen Independent School District
District Improvement and Planning CommitteeSchool Health Advisory Council
Minutes from November 18, 2004September 19, 2005
Attendees: Joey Allette, Julie Brewer, Jamey Carroll, Dawn Crain, Phil Dindak, Laura Dindak, Jan Dungan, Angela Edwards, Susan Elza, Linda Floyd, Kathy Freeman, Cherly Lee, Erin Needham, Rick Nevil, Ann Nickerson, Michelle Nietert, Kathryn Rapier, Shana Riggs, P. D. Thomas, Dorothy Thompson, Tammy Weyandt, Lenore Yurkovich, Maroba Zoeller.Michael Bell, Erin Bridges, Kelly Campman, Emilio Escanola, Renee Franks, Regina Gauch, Robert Goline, Angela Hernandez, Kris Johansen, Brenda Jones, Shelley Lessert, Emily Lutrick, Kevin Sides, Phyllis Spain, Laura Spearman, Cindy Stein, Sally Thompson, Jeff Thornberry, Julie Thrash, Steve West, Maroba Zoeller
Dr. ZoellerMaroba Zoeller called the meeting to order at 76:05 PM.
Dr. Jenny Preston, Superintendent, greeted the members and extended her appreciation for their participation on the committee. She emphasized the importance of the role of the District Improvement and Planning Committee and the reliance of the Board on the committee's advisory capacity. Dr. Preston briefly discussed the District Planning Process itself and the changes that were to be introduced later in the meeting to bring the timeline for district and campus planning into alignment with budget planning. The meeting was convened with introductions of council members that were present. Dr. Zoeller explained the purpose and duties of the council, namely to prepare a District Wellness Policy before the start of the 2006-2007 school year. She then provided an overview of Board Policy BDF (Legal) relating to those duties.
Copies of the School Nutrition Association Local Wellness Policy Recommendations were distributed. Dr. Zoeller reviewed this document, along with the sample local wellness policy and sample guidelines.
Council member Dorothy Thompson, Director of Student Nutrition for Allen ISD, noted that many of these items are already in place in the school district in compliance with the Texas Public School Nutrition Policy, and because of recent changes in purchasing, etc.
Dr. Zoeller reviewed current board policies on nutrition: EHAB (Legal), CO (Legal), and EHAA (Legal). She also provided an overview of Senate Bill 42 regarding health education in schools, and House Bill 984 regarding care of students with diabetes. Dr. Zoeller explained these bills are a result of the 79th Legislative Session and will be adopted.
The council timeline that was provided was reviewed.
Copies of the Executive Summary were distributed. Dr. Zoeller explained that this document contains district performance objectives, and will be presented to the Board of Trustees for their approval on Monday, November 29th. Committee members were invited to attend this meeting.
Dr. Zoeller presented and explained the handouts regarding the preliminary AYP report that was received earlier this week. She noted that the AEIS summary report will not be available until January 15, 2005. She pointed out that these are preliminary results and are subject to appeal. The results indicate that some LEP students who were exempted from TAKS testing were not included in the Pparticipation rate, even though they participated by taking an alternative or released tes. was not earlier reported, and Tthis will be reported in the appeal. Appeal deadline is December 17th, and the final ratings will be received in February.
A handout was presented regarding the District Planning Process. Steve West explained this handout illustrates the changes that are being made to the district planning process in order to realign the budgeting process to district and campus planning. This process will require an additional DIPC workshop meeting in February. Dr. Zoeller presented a draft of a revised DIPC meeting calendar with an earlier meeting date in January and the addition of a February workshop. She stated the campuses will present their formative reports on the current plan to the Board of Trustees in January. During the February DIPC workshop, this plan will be projected onto the 2005-06 school year. The 2003-04 AEIS report will be available at that time to assist in formulating the plan and measure progress.
Dr. Brad Lancaster reviewed the Calendar Committee’s process for the 2005-06 calendar. He stated the committee wanted to pursue an early start date of August 8, 2005. This date was advertised and a public hearing took place in which the committee presented a draft of the calendar. Dr. Lancaster reviewed the draft calendar with DIPC members, stating TAKS testing dates were taken into account. He further stated that DIPC approval was needed, and then Board approval, before the request for waiver is submitted to the State. A consensus approved to move forward with the request for waiver for an August 8th start date.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:557:15 PM.