Assessment Task Title: Jesus, God with us then and now task
Student’s Name
Assessment Task
This task is designed to see what you have learned about Jesus and the world in which he lived.You are the head writer of “Palestine Today,” the leading newspaper in 1st Century Palestine (Jesus’ time). You must create a newspaper that includes the following articles and sections:
Sections highlighted yellow are compulsory and the other sections are optional extras
1. Interview a person from Ancient Palestine
This should be written in a QUESTION and ANSWER format.
You are aiming to show your understanding of the day to day life of a person in the time of Jesus. Your questions could revolve around their diet, house, occupation, language and taxes they pay etc. (or any other information you and your partner researched within your “Lifestyle and Culture” PowerPoint).
2. Advertisement for a holiday spot
This holiday spot must be within Palestine. You can choose one of the locations that you covered within your “Geography of Ancient Palestine” PowerPoint. Explain where this location is (using a map) and describe what the landscape is like, what the weather is like, why this is a great place to see and also mention how this place is related to Jesus.
3. Informative News Article on a miracle
You need to select ONE of Jesus’ miracles and explain what happened in great detail. (Who was there, what occurred, how the people reacted). You must also go on to explain how Jesus changed the person’s life by performing the miracle. What message can modern day people take from this miracle? Include a bible reference.
4. Quiz Section
This section will show that you understand the different types of Jews that existed in the time of Jesus. There are many ways that you could present this information:
1. You could present this information as a “Did you Know” section where you simply list facts
2. You could present this information in a crossword (with the answers provided beneath in small print)
3. You could present this information in a Quiz Question format (with the answers provided beneath in small print)
5. Hospital Report
This could include information about deaths and illnesses at the time of Jesus. You could explain what the common causes of death were and perhaps even discuss the burial rituals.
6. Job Section
Discuss the types of jobs that exist and what they involve.
7. “For Sale” Section
This could be a section in the newspaper where locals can sell items. Ensure you are only advertising items that would exist in Ancient Palestine (for instance you wouldn’t see any Playstations or Ipads in this newspaper). Use your text search worksheet to remind you of items that existed during this time. When you mention the price of the items, you might even use the currency that existed in Palestine during this time (refer to your “taxes” worksheet).
8. Parable Comic Strip
You could hand draw (or use a program like Comic Life) to produce a comic strip about one of Jesus’ parables. You will find a list of Jesus’ parables in Project Space. Ensure you somehow include a discussion about what Jesus’ hidden meaning of this parable is.
Criteria / < Very impressive / Meeting Expectations / Meeting Expectations / Working Towards Expectations >
Content / All parts of task completed to an excellent standard. Work shows clear understanding of all key concepts. / All parts of the task completed to a very good standard. Work shows understanding of all key concepts. / All parts of the task completed to a good standard. Work shows understanding of all key concepts. / Some parts of the task completed. Limited understanding of key concepts shown.
Marks / 20 / 15-19 / 10-14 / 0-9
Understanding of Scripture / A miracle and a parable have been explained in detail. With the miracle story, an excellent understanding of the impact to those of the past and present has been shown. With the parable, the hidden meaning has been explained in great detail. / Miracle story explained in detail. Very good understanding of the impact to those of the past and present shown. / Miracle story explained in detail. Understanding of the impact to those past and present shown. / Limited understanding of the story shown.
Marks / 20 / 15-19 / 10-14 / 0-9
Creativity and Presentation / The presentation of the newspaper has been completed to an excellent standard. It is incredibly pleasant to look at. / The presentation of the newspaper has been completed to a very good standard. / The presentation of the newspaper has been completed to a satisfactory standard. / Much further work is required to bring the newspaper’s presentation to a satisfactory standard.
Marks / 10 / 8-9 / 5-7 / 0-4
Total / Score: /50 / %