European Rivalries and the Western Fur Trade
*To fully understand these notes you will need to read pages 83-87 and page 94 of the textbook
European Rivalries and the Western Fur Trade
- Intro
- 1688-1763 Britain France at war for territory
- Euro and NA
- Events in both places were linked
- Fur trade = profit
- Profit = advantage
- The French-British Rivalry: Part One
- Early 1600s (17th cent.) Fr. dominate NA fur trade
- St. Lawrence is access point
- Fr. lost First Nations biz partners (Algonquin)
- Time to move inland
- Hudson’s bay company started by British (1670)
- Drop in Fr. fur trade
- “Shoot, we better move inland”
- Approaches to Biz partners (First Nations)
- Fr. start diplomatic negotiations with first nations
- British start aggressive military policy
- The Battle for the Bay
- 1683-17+ the Fr. attempt to destroy HBC (Hudson’s Bay Company) forts.
- War breaks out in Euro in 1688
- Fr. And Eng. both send raiding expeditions to N.A.
- 1697 – Fr. Send large fleet into HB (Hudson’s Bay)
- Ships get frozen in the ice
- Only the Pelican gets free
- Fog makes the Brit. Wonder how many Fr. ships there are
- The Pelican won the battle and captured York Factory
- 1713 – Treaty of Utrecht signed
- HB turned over to the British
- The Battle for the Bay Part II
- 1731 Nouvelle-France (New France or NF) sentLa Verendrye on an expedition to find the Pacific Ocean
- Hope to trade w/ Asia
- Hope to extend FT into the continent
- La Verendrye established fur trading posts
- 2 in MB:
- Fort Rouge (Winnipeg)
- Fort La Reine (Portage)
- Also Dauphin, Grand Rapids, and The Pas
- La Verendrye’s sons reached the rockies
- Also explore N and S Dakota
- Trade Pushes Inland Expansion
- Fr seek FN in their own land
- Brit make posts and wait for FN to come to them
- Fr. would intercept furs enroute
- Convenient for FN
- HBC is furious
- Moves inland
- The First Inland Forts
- 1743 first HBC inland posts
- Fr. fight back (our territory)
- 1754 - British travel inland to invite FN to trade
- Unsuccessful (“I don’t want to go that far”)
- Competition and Exploration
- 1755 Seven Years War in Euro
- Spills into NA
- 1759 – FN defeated
- HBC thinks the golden age of fur trade will begin
- …but colonists from S. came in to compete
- Wider markets now
- 1766 – Treaty of Paris – official end of 7 yrs war
- Market “free-for-all” on the fur trade